The field of distributed learning is constantly evolving. Online technology provides instructors with the flexibility to offer meaningful instruction to students who are at a distance or in some cases right on campus, but still unable to be physically present in the classroom. This dynamic environment challenges librarians to monitor, learn, adapt, collaborate, and use new technological advances in order to make the best use of techniques to engage students and improve learning outcomes and success rates. Distributed Learning provides evidence based information on a variety of issues, surrounding online teaching and learning from the perspective of librarians.
Managing Academic Libraries: Principles and Practice is aimed at professionals within the Library and Information Services (LIS) who are interested in learning more about the management of academic libraries. Written against a backdrop made up of the changes that digital technology has brought to academic libraries, this book uncovers how the library has changed its meaning from a physical to virtual icon and its effect on culture. The book aims to provide managers and students of LIS at all levels with the necessary management principles and practices needed to respond proactively to diverse audiences, while also keeping a focus on the purposes of higher education. In addition, readers will find an examination of various aspects of library management and reviews on key management techniques that can be used for successful interpretation and implementation of academic library mission statements.
Successful Fundraising for the Academic Library: Philanthropy in Higher Education covers fundraising, a task that is often grouped into a combination role that may include, for example, the university museum or performance venue, thus diluting the opportunity for successful fundraising. Because the traditional model for higher education fundraising entails the cultivation of alumni from specific departments and colleges, the library is traditionally left out, often becoming a low-performing development area with smaller appropriations for fundraising positions. Most higher education development professionals consider the library fundraising position a stepping stone into another position with higher pay and more potential for professional advancement down the road rather than as a focus for their career. However, for universities that invest in development professionals who know how to leverage the mission of libraries to the larger alumni and friend community, the results include innovative and successful approaches to messaging that resonates with donors. This book provides information that applies to all fundraising professionals and academic leaders looking to strengthen their programs with philanthropic support, even those beyond university libraries.
The Measurement of Health and Health Status: Concepts, Methods and Applications from a Multidisciplinary Perspective presents a unifying perspective on how to select the best measurement framework for any situation. Serving as a one-stop shop that unifies material currently available in various locations, this book illuminates the intuition behind each method, explaining how each method has special purposes, what developments are occurring, and how new combinations among methods might be relevant to specific situations. It especially emphasizes the measurement of health and health states (quality-of-life), giving significant attention to newly developed methods. The book introduces technically complex, new methods for both introductory and technically-proficient readers.
International Encyclopedia of Public Health, Second Edition, Seven Volume Set is an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the major issues, challenges, methods, and approaches of global public health. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this new edition combines complementary scientific fields of inquiry, linking biomedical research with the social and life sciences to address the three major themes of public health research, disease, health processes, and disciplines. This book helps readers solve real-world problems in global and local health through a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach. Covering all dimensions of the field, from the details of specific diseases, to the organization of social insurance agencies, the articles included cover the fundamental research areas of health promotion, economics, and epidemiology, as well as specific diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and reproductive health. Additional articles on the history of public health, global issues, research priorities, and health and human rights make this work an indispensable resource for students, health researchers, and practitioners alike.
Bridges, Pathways and Transitions: International Innovations in Widening Participation shows that widening participation initiatives and policies have had a profound impact on improving access to higher education to historically marginalized groups of students from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. The research presented provides a source of inspiration to students who are navigating disadvantage to succeed in higher education against the odds. There are stories of success in difficult circumstances, revealing the resilience and determination of individuals and collectives to fight for a place in higher education to improve chances for securing social mobility for next generations. The book also reveals that more work and policy interventions are needed to further equalize the playing field between social groups. Governments need to address the entrenched structural inequalities, particularly the effects of poverty, that prevent more academically able disadvantaged students from participating in higher education on the basis of the circumstances of their birth. Across the globe, social reproduction is far more likely than social mobility because of policies and practices that continue to protect the privilege of those in the middle and top of social structures. With the gap between rich and poor widening at a rate previously unseen, we need radical policies to equalize the playing field in fundamental ways.
Building a Practical Information Security Program provides users with a strategic view on how to build an information security program that aligns with business objectives. The information provided enables both executive management and IT managers not only to validate existing security programs, but also to build new business-driven security programs. In addition, the subject matter supports aspiring security engineers to forge a career path to successfully manage a security program, thereby adding value and reducing risk to the business. Readers learn how to translate technical challenges into business requirements, understand when to "go big or go home," explore in-depth defense strategies, and review tactics on when to absorb risks. This book explains how to properly plan and implement an infosec program based on business strategy and results.
Evaluating Demand-Driven Acquisitions examines recent research in demand-driven acquisitions in an effort to develop an evaluation framework specific to demand-driven programs. The chapters in this volume focus on the criteria and methods that are used to evaluate the results of demand-driven programs in research. Case studies and pilot programs from all types of libraries—including interlibrary loan to purchase programs, catalog integrated strategies, and evidence-based collection development—help illuminate the current best practices and benchmarks for demand-driven evaluation. This book helps librarians and practitioners evaluate their existing demand-driven programs and make adjustments that could decrease costs or expand existing strategies. It is also suitable for librarians with new or emerging demand-driven programs to use as a framework for developing ongoing assessment programs or evaluating pilot programs.
Handbook of System Safety and Security: Cyber Risk and Risk Management, Cyber Security, Adversary Modeling, Threat Analysis, Business of Safety, Functional Safety, Software Systems, and Cyber Physical Systems presents an update on the world's increasing adoption of computer-enabled products and the essential services they provide to our daily lives. The tailoring of these products and services to our personal preferences is expected and made possible by intelligence that is enabled by communication between them. Ensuring that the systems of these connected products operate safely, without creating hazards to us and those around us, is the focus of this book, which presents the central topics of current research and practice in systems safety and security as it relates to applications within transportation, energy, and the medical sciences. Each chapter is authored by one of the leading contributors to the current research and development on the topic. The perspective of this book is unique, as it takes the two topics, systems safety and systems security, as inextricably intertwined. Each is driven by concern about the hazards associated with a system’s performance.
Social media has provided endless opportunities for marketers, fuelling their desire to learn more about their consumers through this dynamic online environment. Yet many organisations are finding it difficult to create effective marketing strategies, making decisions that are based on research that is highly focused on the nature and boundaries of social media. The changing behaviour of consumers, variety of platforms and changing culture indicates that much of the research around this topic is still highly fragmented. Social Media in the Marketing Context: A State of the Art Analysis and Future Directions provides a comprehensive overview of the current literature surrounding social media and the marketing discipline, highlighting future development opportunities in both knowledge and practice.