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Journals in Social sciences and humanities

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Accident Analysis & Prevention

  • ISSN: 0001-4575
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 5.7
Affiliated with the Association for the Advancement of Automotive MedicineAccident Analysis & Prevention provides wide coverage of the general areas relating to accidental injury and damage, including the pre-injury and immediate post-injury phases. Published papers deal with medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, theoretical or empirical aspects of transportation accidents, as well as with accidents at other sites. Selected topics within the scope of the Journal may include: studies of human, environmental and vehicular factors influencing the occurrence, type and severity of accidents and injury; the design, implementation and evaluation of countermeasures; biomechanics of impact and human tolerance limits to injury; modelling and statistical analysis of accident data; policy, planning and decision-making in safety.
Accident Analysis & Prevention

Accounting Forum

  • ISSN: 0155-9982
Accounting Forum has stopped being published by Elsevier from January 2019.All content published until the end of 2018 remains accessible on ScienceDirect: new Accounting Forum homepage can be accessed via
Accounting Forum

Accounting Theory and Practice

  • ISSN: 2949-9453
The Journal of The Forum For Indian Accounting Research (FFIAR)Accounting Theory and Practice (AT&P) publishes original research in all areas of accounting such as financial accounting, management accounting and control, auditing, taxation. Papers with an accounting or disclosure-related component from related fields such as information economics, capital markets, corporate finance, corporate governance, law, contracting, public policy, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility are also welcome. The primary focus of the journal is on issues related to India and other emerging markets, but it is not restricted to this focus and is open to articles from other settings. It welcomes all methods such as analytical, empirical, historical, content analysis, computational, lab and field experimental, survey, and qualitative field and case study, based on disciplines such as economics, statistics, psychology, and sociology.Consistent with the principles of Responsible Research in Business and Management ( the journal aims to serve society through rigorous research on topics of interest to academics as well as practitioners and policy-makers. We believe that this is best done by engaging with phenomena in the Indian and emerging markets contexts. We therefore especially invite research on topics and contexts salient to India and other emerging markets, and their environment. Theories developed or applied in the papers sent for publication should be placed within the context they are investigating.In academic research, rigour comes from engaging with the literature deeply, marshalling the evidence carefully to show that it favours one explanation over other competing ones, and interpreting results cautiously. In contrast to journalistic articles and consulting reports, academic research has a cumulative impact because each piece builds on previous pieces to form a coherent whole. Therefore it is necessary for each paper to explain how it adds to the literature beyond the previous papers. It should not just say that it contributes beyond previous research on those topics; it should also say what a reader would have believed based on the previous literature, and how should the new evidence change that reader's beliefs.In addition to papers that use traditional methods, we welcome interesting descriptive studies which explain the academic implications of the phenomena being described.AT&P encourages data and code sharing through repositories such as the Open Science Framework (OSF), and will recognize publications that are accompanied by data and source code through OSF Badges ( of submissionsMost papers published will be original research articles, including field and case studies.The journal will also publish perspective papers that describe institutional details, direct attention to under-researched or new phenomena, or survey the literature to identify future research opportunities. Authors planning to submit perspective articles are encouraged to check with the editors first about the suitability of the topic. Perspective papers will be peer reviewed.Papers are published online with worldwide open access.
Accounting Theory and Practice

Accounting, Organizations and Society

  • ISSN: 0361-3682
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.5
  • Impact factor: 3.6
An International Journal Devoted to the Behavioural, Organizational & Social Aspects of AccountingAccounting, Organizations & Society is a leading international interdisciplinary journal concerned with the relationships among accounting and human behaviour, organizational and institutional structures and processes, and the wider socio-political environment of the enterprise. It aims to challenge and extend our understanding of the roles of accounting and related emergent and calculative practices in the construction of economic and societal actors, and their modes of economic organizing, including ways in which such practices influence and are influenced by the development of market and other infrastructures.We aim to publish high quality work which draws upon diverse methodologies and theoretical developments from across the social sciences, and which illuminates the development, processes and effects of accounting within its organizational, political, historical and social contexts. AOS particularly wishes to attract innovative work which analyses accounting phenomena to advance theory development in, for example, the psychological, social psychological, organizational, sociological and human sciences.The journal's unique focus covers, but is not limited to, such topics as:• The roles of accounting in organizations and society;• The contribution of accounting practices to the emergence, maintenance and transformation of organizational and societal institutions;• The roles of accounting in the development of new organizational and institutional forms, both public and private;• The relationships between accounting, auditing, accountability, ethics and social justice;• Behavioural studies of accounting practices and the providers, verifiers, and users of accounting information, including cognitive aspects of accounting, judgment and decision-making processes, and the behavioural aspects of planning, control and valuation processes;• Organizational process studies of the design, implementation and use of accounting, information and management control systems;• Accounting for human actors, and the impact of accounting technologies upon human subjectivities and evaluations;• The roles of accounting in shaping the design, operation and delivery of public service providers, not-for-profit entities, government bodies, as well as local, national and transnational governmental organizations;• Social, organizational, political, and psychological studies of the standard-setting process, and the effects of accounting regulations and rules;• The roles and practices of audit, auditors and accounting firms in the construction and understanding of organizational and societal valuations;• Accounting for sustainability and the environment, including studies of environmental and social reporting;• Historical studies of the emergence, transformation and impact of accounting calculations, practices, and representations, including the development and the changing roles of accounting theories, techniques, individual and teams of practitioners and their firms, professional associations, and regulators.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Accounting, Organizations and Society

Acta Poética

  • ISSN: 0185-3082
Acta Poetica es una revista semestral, arbitrada y de acceso abierto (open-acces), que publica artículos, notas, entrevistas y reseñas originales y traducidas, escritas principalmente en español y otras lenguas. Nuestra publicación pertenece al Centro de Poética del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.El propósito de Acta Poetica es ofrecer una plataforma intelectual para los estudiosos de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y, con ello, aportar reflexiones sustantivas al estudio de la literatura, la crítica literaria y la teoría crítica, sobre aspectos de la literatura y otras expresiones culturales. Nuestra revista está dirigida a estudiosos de la literatura y otras disciplinas relacionadas con arte, cultura y sociedad.El contenido de Acta Poetica refleja la diversidad de las líneas de investigación del Centro de Poética, en el marco inter y multidisciplinario de la teoría crítica: mito, semántica, semiótica, deconstrucción, artes visuales, retórica, poética, teoría de la recepción, hermenéutica, crítica literaria, literatura comparada, estudios culturales, misticismo, filología, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el discurso, historia de la literatura, cine, fotografía, arquitectura, artes escénicas, música y su relación con otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia, la sociología y la teoría política.
Acta Poética

Acta Psychologica

  • ISSN: 0001-6918
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Acta Psychologica is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to publish articles relevant to all fields of psychology. Our papers serve as solid building blocks for a research field while still being accessible for readers outside this field.The journal invites submissions from across all of Psychology. We have dedicated section editors from fields across psychology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to Clinical and Health Psychology, Cognition, Individual Differences, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Language Psychology, Lifespan Development, Psychology and Technology, Educational Psychology and Social Psychology. We aim to continuously add fields where the need arises. We welcome research & replication studies, review articles, meta-analyses, and registered reports.Proposals for special issues should be sent to our special issue editor, who can be reached at [email protected] (please note Special Issue Proposal in the message title). The journal embraces all aspects of open science and, to that end, researchers are encouraged to preregister their studies and/or share their data.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Acta Psychologica

Acta Sociológica

  • ISSN: 0186-6028
Acta Sociológica is a journal of sociological analysis and research conducted at the Center for Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Political and Social Science at UNAM.
Acta Sociológica

Acta de Investigación Psicológica

  • ISSN: 2007-4719
La revista tiene como propósito central divulgar contribuciones originales de investigación empírica firmemente anclada en teoría y metodología rigurosa. Se alienta además la inclusión de artículos que reflejen la naturaleza inter y transdisciplinaria de la Psicología, funcionando como un espacio de comunicación e intercambio de conocimiento especializado.
Acta de Investigación Psicológica

Addictive Behaviors

  • ISSN: 0306-4603
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.8
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Addictive Behaviors is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality human research on addictive behaviors and disorders since 1975. The journal accepts submissions of full-length papers and short communications on substance-related addictions such as the abuse of alcohol, drugs and nicotine, and behavioral addictions involving gambling and technology. We primarily publish behavioral and psychosocial research, but our articles span the fields of psychology, sociology, psychiatry, epidemiology, social policy, medicine, pharmacology and neuroscience. While theoretical orientations are diverse, the emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. However, innovative and empirically oriented case studies that might encourage new lines of inquiry are accepted as well. Studies that clearly contribute to current knowledge of etiology, prevention, social policy or treatment are given priority. Scholarly commentaries on topical issues, systematic reviews, and mini reviews are encouraged. We especially welcome multimedia papers that incorporate video or audio components to better display methodology or findings.Studies can also be submitted to Addictive Behaviors' companion title, the open access journal Addictive Behaviors Reports, which has a particular interest in 'non-traditional', innovative and empirically-oriented research such as negative/null data papers, replication studies, case reports on novel treatments, and cross-cultural research.
Addictive Behaviors