Stress Corrosion Cracking: Theory and Practice, Second Edition provides a cutting-edge overview of the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) field as well as numerous case studies in over ten different industries (such as refineries and biomaterials) to aid corrosion researchers and engineers in their work. This updated edition has been revised to include new insights on SCC prevention technologies, electrochemical aspects of SCC, hydrogen permeation and related techniques, and SCC in a variety of materials and settings, including high strength steels, ceramics and glasses, biomaterials, and more. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of hydrogen in metal deformation behavior.This new edition provides a cutting-edge overview of the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) field as well as numerous case studies in over ten different industries (such as refineries and biomaterials) to aid corrosion researchers and engineers in their work. It includes new insights on SCC prevention technologies, electrochemical aspects of SCC, hydrogen permeation and related techniques, and SCC in a variety of materials and settings, including high strength steels, ceramics and glasses, biomaterials, and more.
Pharmaceutical Engineering: A Primer for Advanced Process Development provides a comprehensive, engineering-focused description of pharmaceutical dosage form process development and manufacturing. This volume introduces the most commonly used manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical dosage forms and addresses critical formulation and process parameters that influence drug product process performance and product quality.This is supplemented with detailed descriptions of engineering models as well as tools that can be used to support their development and verification (such as process analytical technology (PAT)) as well as the appropriate utilization of process and equipment knowledge. Typical scale-up challenges inspired by real industrial examples will be presented as well as a review of the latest correlations, theories and models that can form the basis for science-based scale-ups and transfers.
Understanding Animal Intelligence: Practical Behavior Theory for Biology, Psychology, and Cognitive Science synthesizes theories and practice to comprehend animal cognition. Using the framework of reinforcement learning, the book brings together current knowledge of animal intelligence, focusing on decision-making, memory retrieval, associate learning, training, and more. It assesses evolutionary and environmental factors that influence cognition and behavior. It demonstrates how learning can be reconciled with genetic predispositions orienting behavior toward adaptive outcomes. This book explores motivational states and how these fulfill different goals at different times, such as seeking food and water.This book summarizes and analyzes the framework of animal intelligence, focusing on decision-making, memory retrieval, associate learning, training, and more. It assesses both evolutionary and environmental factors that can influence an animal’s cognition and subsequent behavior. It demonstrates how learning can be reconciled with genetic predispositions that orient behavior toward adaptive outcomes. This book also provides a new understanding of motivational states and how these are used to fulfill different goals at different times, such as seeking food and water.Understanding Animal Intelligence: Practical Behavior Theory for Biology, Psychology, and Cognitive Science is an important reference and course reading in animal behavior, animal physiology, and ethology.
Lightweight Composites: Mechanics, Processing, Properties, and Applications provides practical information for all types of lightweight composites, including cutting-edge processing techniques and applications. It highlights the utilization of porosity in design and development of material systems in a unique and innovative way with strength and moduli property maps included throughout. The synthesis, mechanics, characterization, and testing of these materials are each covered at length, with particular attention paid to advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing. Sandwich composites, lightweight nanocomposites, functionally-graded foams, syntactic foams, metal matrix composites, Al and Mg-based composites, and more are covered. Weight critical structural applications in aerospace, automobile, marine, electronics, sports, and biomedicine are also discussed,
Foundations of Cloud Computing provides readers with a guidebook to navigating the field of Cloud Computing, including the guiding principles, key concepts, history, terminology, state-of-the-art in research, and a roadmap to where the field intersects and interacts with related fields of research and development. In this age of total connectivity, researchers need to be able to communicate and collaborate with a wide range of colleagues across multiple disciplines. This book helps researchers from all fields understand what Cloud Computing is, how it works, and how to speak the language of collaboration with developers and researchers who specialize in the field. With a complete and in-depth foundation in the key concepts of the field, and a roadmap to where and how Cloud Computing intersects across the domains of scientific research and application development, this book gives readers everything they need to navigate and apply this important, ubiquitous technology.
Quantum Communication and Cryptography introduces readers to the theory of quantum cryptography, with a focus will on quantum key distribution (QKD) and more advanced quantum cryptographic protocols beyond QKD. It contains a brief introduction to the field of modern cryptography that is needed to fully appreciate and understand how quantum cryptographic systems are proven secure, and how they can be safely used in combination with current day classical systems. Readers are then introduced to quantum key distribution (QKD) - perhaps the most celebrated, and currently the most practical, of quantum cryptographic techniques.Basic protocols are described, and security proofs are given, providing readers with the knowledge needed to understand how QKD protocols are proven secure using modern, state- of-the-art definitions of security. Following this, more advanced QKD protocols are discussed, along with alternative quantum and classical methods to improve QKD performance. Finally, alternative quantum cryptographic protocols are covered, along with a discussion on some of the practical considerations of quantum secure communication technology. Throughout, protocols are described in a clear and consistent manner that still provides comprehensive, theoretical proofs and methods.
Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization focuses on analysis of enzyme reactor performance, departing from the simplest cases of ideal reactors – first considered individually as single units, and in combination encompassing multiple units at a subsequent stage, and gradually improving the quality of modelling through contributions by nonideal hydrodynamics and mass transfer, to ultimately reach the more involved interactions with separation (alternating or in situ) and (classical) control of operation. The book helps evolve knowledge acquisition steps, grasp on the underlying concepts, and extend the concepts to overall reactor operation.Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization considers three levels of description: (i) macroscopic, or ideal; (ii) microscopic, or nonideal in terms of hydrodynamics (including homogeneous, nontrivial flow patterns) and mass transfer (including multiphasic systems); and (iii) submicroscopic, or nonideal in terms of mixing. The quality of the approximation increases in this order following the complexity of the supported mathematical models, and the thoroughness of the experimental data.
In response to the urgent need for achieving carbon neutrality in the construction industry, with Biochar-Based Cement and Concrete for Sustainable Construction, an international group of experts has set out to provide a timely, comprehensive overview of biochar. Although the method is relatively new, extensive research has been conducted in recent years to systematically gather information proving biochar as an ideal medium for carbon sequestration when used as an engineered additive in cementitious materials, but also to strengthen concrete in all key dimensions via enhancements to hydration and integration into the hardened matrix.The volume pragmatically stands out as an invaluable resource which offers up-to-date guidance on eco-efficient construction materials’ manufacturing and practical application examples backed by considerations regarding their environmental soundness. At the same time, it stimulates research into future developments with relevance to interdisciplinary audiences both in academia and industry.
Dynamic Modelling of Time-to-Event Processes covers an alternative dynamic modelling approach for studying time-to-event processes. This innovative approach covers some key elements, including the Development of continuous-time state of dynamic time-to-event processes, an Introduction of an idea of discrete-time dynamic intervention processes, Treating a time-to-event process operating/functioning under multiple time-scales formulation of continuous and discrete-time interconnected dynamic system as hybrid dynamic time-to-event process, Utilizing Euler-type discretized schemes, developing theoretical dynamic algorithms, and more.Additional elements of this process include an Introduction of conceptual and computational state and parameter estimation procedures, Developing multistage a robust mean square suboptimal criterion for state and parameter estimation, and Extending the idea conceptual computational simulation process and applying real datasets.
The Analytical Chemistry of Cannabis, Second Edition provides analytical chemistry methods that address the latest issues surrounding cannabis-based products. Since the first edition was published in 2015, the cannabis industry and their portfolio of recreational and medicinal products has continued to grow and evolve rapidly. The plethora of marketed strains of cannabis and cannabinoid-containing products, combined with the lack of industry standards and labelling requirements, adds to the general perception of poor-quality control and limited product oversight.The methods described in this leading-edge volume help to support the manufacturing, labelling, and distribution of safe and consistent products with known chemical content and demonstrated performance characteristics. The book treats analytical chemistry within the context of the diverse issues surrounding medicinal and recreational cannabis in a manner designed to foster understanding and rational perspective in non-scientist stakeholders as well as scientists who are concerned with bringing a necessary degree of order to a field now characterized by confusion and contradiction. The second edition will provide an update to the basic information regarding chemistry and pharmacology of cannabis and cannabinoids and will further illustrate how analytical chemistry and scientific methods can address, inform, and eventually resolve the variety of challenges faced by industry, consumers, regulators, and researchers are currently experiencing.The Analytical Chemistry of Cannabis, Second Edition is written for a broad spectrum of analytical chemists, pharmacologists, medical doctors, clinical trials specialists, public health officials, international food and drug monitoring agencies, forensics specialists, law enforcement officers. It will also be invaluable to advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in pharmacy, pharmacology, experimental therapeutics, analytical chemistry, and forensics.