Handbook of Mineral Spectroscopy, Volume 1: X-ray Photoelectron Spectra presents a database of X-ray Photoelectron spectra showing both survey (with chemical analysis) and high-resolution spectra of more than 200 rock-forming and major ore minerals. XPS of minerals is a very powerful technique for analyzing not only the chemical composition of minerals – including, for other techniques, difficult elements such as F and Cl, but also the local environment of atoms in a crystal structure. The book includes a section on silicates and on non-silicates, and is further subdivided according to the normal mineral classes.
Applied Geochemistry: Advances in Mineral Exploration Techniques is a book targeting all levels of exploration geologists, geology students and geoscientists working in the mining industry. This reference book covers mineral exploration techniques from multiple dimensions, including the application of statistics – both principal component analysis and factor analysis - to multifractal modeling. The book explains these approaches step-by-step and gives their limitations. In addition to techniques and applications in mineral exploration, Applied Geochemistry describes mineral deposits and the theories underpinning their formation through worldwide case studies.
Reading the Soil Archives: Unraveling the Geoecological Code of Palaeosols and Sediment Cores, Volume 19, provides details of new techniques for understanding geological history in the form of quantitative pollen analyses, soil micromorphology, OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dating, phytolith analysis and biomarker analysis. The book presents the genesis of a cultural landscape, based on multi-proxy analysis of paleosoils and integration of geomorphological, pedological and archaeological research results, which can be a model for geoecological landscape studies. Beginning with analytical methods for interpreting soil archives, the book examines methods for reconstructing the landscape genesis. The book presents strengths and weaknesses of applications, especially in relation to the data from case studies in the Netherlands. The final chapter of the book addresses landscape evolution in different cultural periods. This book offers an integrated approach to geoecological knowledge that is valuable to students and professionals in quaternary science, physical geography, soil science, archaeology, historical geography, and land planning and restructuring.
Fluid Inclusion Effect in the Flotation of Sulfide Minerals gives a detailed introduction to how fluid inclusions affect the flotation of sulfide minerals. The book introduces the various fluids found in geology, detailing the properties of fluid inclusions and how to identify and analyze their composition. It gives the common chemical compositions of fluid inclusions, investigates the release of fluid inclusions in sulfide materials and some gangues, and presents the concentrations and solution chemistry of the released ions. Finally, the book considers the absorption mechanism and the interaction of some typical metal ions from fluid inclusions on the surface of sulfide minerals.
Silicate Glasses and Melts, Second Edition describes the structure-property-composition relationships for silicate glasses and melts from a geological and industrial perspective. Updated sections include (i) characterization of silicate melt and COHN fluid structure (with and without dissolved silicate components) with pressure, temperature, and redox conditions and responses of structural variables to chemical composition, (ii) determination of solubility and solution mechanisms of COHN volatiles in silicate melts and minerals and of solubility and solution mechanisms of silicate components in COHN fluids, and (iii) effects of very high pressure on structure and properties of melts and glasses. This new book is an essential resource for researchers in a number of fields, including geology, geophysics, geoscience, volcanology, material science, glass science, petrology and mineralogy.
Surface and Interface Chemistry of Clay Minerals, Volume 9, delivers a fundamental understanding of the surface and interface chemistry of clay minerals, thus serving as a valuable resource for researchers active in the fields of materials chemistry and sustainable chemistry. Clay minerals, with surfaces ranging from hydrophilic, to hydrophobic, are widely studied and used as adsorbents. Adsorption can occur at the edges and surfaces of clay mineral layers and particles, and in the interlayer region. This diversity in properties and the possibility to tune the surface properties of clay minerals to match the properties of adsorbed molecules is the basis for study. This book requires a fundamental understanding of the surface and interface chemistry of clay minerals, and of the interaction between adsorbate and adsorbent. It is an essential resource for clay scientists, geologists, chemists, physicists, material scientists, researchers, and students.
Mineral Exploration: Principles and Applications, Second Edition, presents an interdisciplinary approach on the full scope of mineral exploration. Everything from grass root discovery, objective base sequential exploration, mining, beneficiation, extraction, economic evaluation, policies and acts, rules and regulations, sustainability, and environmental impacts is covered. Each topic is presented using theoretical approaches that are followed by specific applications that can be used in the field. This new edition features updated references, changes to rules and regulations, and new sections on oil and gas exploration and classification, air-core drilling, and smelting and refining techniques.This book is a key resource for both academics and professionals, offering both practical and applied knowledge in mineral exploration.
The Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in Northwest China: Tectonics, Petrology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics is the first book to introduce the Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province. Based on more than twenty years of study, this book systematically presents time-spatial, geochemical and geodynamic features, along with the metallogenesis and magma evolution of the Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province. Furthermore, it provides a new geodynamic model for Large Igneous Provinces. It is intended for researchers and graduate students in tectonics, igneous petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, earth evolution and planetary geology in addition to mining industry professionals.
Volcanic and Igneous Plumbing Systems: Understanding Magma Transport, Storage, and Evolution in the Earth's Crust synthesizes research from various geoscience disciplines to examine volcanic and igneous plumbing systems (VIPS) in-depth. VIPS comprise a network of magma transport and storage features in the Earth’s crust. These features include dykes, sills and larger magma bodies that form the pathway and supply system of magma beneath active volcanoes. Combining basic principles with world-class research and informative illustrations, this unique reference presents a holistic view of each topic covered, including magma transport, magma chambers, tectonics and volcanism. Addressing a variety of approaches to these topics, this book offers researchers and academics in the Earth Science fields, such as geophysics, volcanology and igneous petrology the information they need to apply the information to their own disciplines.
Magmas under Pressure: Advances in High-Pressure Experiments on Structure and Properties of Melts summarizes recent advances in experimental technologies for studying magmas at high pressures. In the past decade, new developments in high-pressure experiments, particularly with synchrotron X-ray techniques, have advanced the study of magmas under pressure. These new experiments have revealed significant changes of structure and physical properties of magmas under pressure, which significantly improves our understanding of the behavior of magmas in the earth’s interior. This book is an important reference, not only in the earth and planetary sciences, but also in other scientific fields, such as physics, chemistry, material sciences, engineering and in industrial applications, such as glass formation and metallurgical processing.