Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization focuses on analysis of enzyme reactor performance, departing from the simplest cases of ideal reactors – first considered individually as single units, and in combination encompassing multiple units at a subsequent stage, and gradually improving the quality of modelling through contributions by nonideal hydrodynamics and mass transfer, to ultimately reach the more involved interactions with separation (alternating or in situ) and (classical) control of operation. The book helps evolve knowledge acquisition steps, grasp on the underlying concepts, and extend the concepts to overall reactor operation.Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization considers three levels of description: (i) macroscopic, or ideal; (ii) microscopic, or nonideal in terms of hydrodynamics (including homogeneous, nontrivial flow patterns) and mass transfer (including multiphasic systems); and (iii) submicroscopic, or nonideal in terms of mixing. The quality of the approximation increases in this order following the complexity of the supported mathematical models, and the thoroughness of the experimental data.
Lignin-driven Advanced Materials: The State-of-the-Art takes a pioneering approach to comprehensively address the multifaceted challenges in lignin-driven materials production, and covers topics including the creation of value-added products such as carbon materials, nanoparticles, energy storage materials, bioplastics, and advanced techno-economic and life cycle assessments. The book bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical expertise by promoting collaboration between academia and industry, and sheding light on pragmatic aspects of lignin-based materials, incorporating the latest research and industrial advancements. The book addresses contentious questions, which serve as focal issues requiring resolution: (1) Lignin isolation techniques: In addition to traditional methods of lignin isolation, the book features several advanced strategies for extracting lignin from lignocellulosic materials that hold the potential to replace conventional methods in the industry. (2) Tools for lignin characterization: The book serves as a comprehensive resource describing in detail analytical tools for lignin characterization, and presenting solutions to provide more in-depth knowledge to readers in academia and industry. (3) Lignin-driven Advanced materials: The book's goal is to advance the creation of materials based on lignin, aiming to improve economic viability and sustainability in lignocellulosic biomass utilization. (4) Environmental and economic assessment: The book seeks to provide a basis for estimating and interpreting environmental and economic indicators, guiding sustainable decision-making in such operations. Lignin-driven Advanced Materials: The State-of-the-Art acts as a vital resource for readers seeking to explore the latest advancements in the realm of lignin-based materials.
Microbial Cell Factories in Food Waste Biorefinery offers comprehensive knowledge to explore the potential of food waste for various commercial as well as environmental services, including greener fuel production, production of biofertilizers to counter synthetic agro-chemicals, and generation of high-value bioproducts to strengthen waste-based biorefinery. The book provides information, fosters innovation in food waste bio-refineries, and gives insight into ongoing research, limitations, and future trends. It serves as reference material to understand, practice, and promote waste-based sustainable systems to safeguard the environment. The unique aspect of this book is the comprehensive knowledge about different aspects of food waste valorization using microorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, microalgae and its integration with other related technologies for additional economic benefits. The book assesses sustainability of microbial systems for the transformation of wastes, and provides a broad perspective on food-water-energy security and incorporates the latest developments, innovations, challenges, and guidance to implement waste biorefinery and to improve process energetics and economics.
Current Advances in Solid-State Fermentation: Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Second Edition delves into recent advancements in solid-state fermentation, offering a comprehensive overview of scientific, technological, and engineering progress in the bioprocessing field. Topics covered include bioreactor designs, fermentation processes, genetically modified microbes, process modeling and optimization, extraction techniques, media preparation, and more. The book explores the historical background, bioprocess systems, kinetics, bioreactor design, and applications of solid-state fermentation, emphasizing the importance of key principles for analysis, optimization, and design. Additionally, it addresses the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence-based modeling and intelligent control systems to meet industry demands and drive future advancements in solid-state fermentation. Serving as a valuable resource for researchers and students worldwide, the book provides a single point of reference for information on solid-state fermentation from laboratory to industrial applications.
Wastewater Treatment with Biochar: From Fundamental Research to Technical Developments and Applications provides an overview of challenges and opportunities for biochar as adsorbents to contribute to carbon neutrality. The book offers new perspectives on how to strengthen wastewater treatment through CE and resource recovery. It also explores how biochar can contribute to carbon neutrality in the framework of the CE. By identifying existing knowledge gap, the book uncovers new research directions for further development in closing the loops by implementing the circularity of the biochar. Wastewater Treatment with Biochar: From Fundamental Research to Technical Developments and Applications meets the need of societies, university students and policy makers on scientific/engineering approaches to deal with water pollution problems. The book disseminates knowledge on how to contribute to emerging understanding in the biochar with respect to the relationship between materials’ structure and adsorption performance that paves the ways for a new direction of water technology in the future for wastewater treatment.
Aquatic Resource Biorefineries: Harnessing Aquatic Resources for Sustainable Production takes a pioneering approach by comprehensively addressing the multifaceted challenges within the field of aquatic biorefinery. The book bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical expertise by promoting collaboration between academia and the fermentation industry, and shedding light on the pragmatic aspects of aquatic biorefineries, encompassing the latest research and industrial advancements. The book addresses contentious questions: (1) Optimal Resource Utilization: The central issue of the book is maximizing the utilization of aquatic resources, including crustacean waste, seaweed, wastewater, and algae, to produce valuable products. It provides practical strategies and insights for enhancing resource efficiency and minimizing waste in biorefinery processes. (2) Chitin and Chitosan Extraction Efficiency: The book explores and aims to improve the efficiency of chitin and chitosan extraction methods, addressing issues related to extraction yield, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact. It presents solutions to optimize these processes for enhanced sustainability and commercial viability. (3) Biohydrogen Production and Viability: The book delves into the production and applications of bioplastics, particularly polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), from aquatic feedstocks, offering insights into the potential for replacing conventional plastics with sustainable alternatives and address issues of scalability and cost-effectiveness. (5) Fermentation Process Optimization: The book provides a comprehensive understanding of fermentation processes, including strain development and process design, for improved efficiency and product yields. (6) Environmental Impact Assessment: The book provides a basis for estimating and interpreting environmental indicators and, in turn, guiding sustainable decision-making in biorefinery operations. (7) Market Size and Commercialization Potential: The book explores the current and anticipated market size for products derived from aquatic resources, such as chitosan, carotenoids, and bioplastics. Aquatic Resource Biorefineries serves as a bridge between theory and practice, enabling readers to harness aquatic resources for sustainable biofuel production and stay updated with the ever-evolving field of biorefinery platforms.
Pulp and Paper Industry: Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment provides detailed discussion on the characteristics, environmental hazards, and human health effects of pulp and paper wastewater. The book discusses their different treatment methods and related challenges. These techniques start from physical methods such as sedimentation and froth flotation, followed by physiochemical treatments including activated carbon filtration, chemical precipitation, as well as biological techniques like aerobic and anaerobic processes. The book also covers application of advanced and novel wastewater treatment techniques in pulp and paper industries, such as ozonation, photocatalysis, advanced oxidation process, electrolysis, microbial fuel cells, etc., as well as challenges of industries, economic assessments, and future perspectives of pulp and paper wastewaters treatments.
Biotechnology Engineering: A Practical Approach on Bioprocess Development from Lab to Industrial Scale comprehensively provides consolidated content related to biotechnology engineering that supports R&D to manufacture commercial products on an industrial scale to meet the market's requirements. The book's structured chapters, practical approach, and real-world case studies effectively fulfil knowledge and information needs in the bioprocessing and biotechnology field. The chapters cover a broad diversity of topics ranging from the basics of bioprocessing, scalable solutions, bioprocess optimization, collaboration opportunities with experts, and crucial information on regulatory compliance. As such the book bridges the gap between theory and real-world applications in the bioprocessing field. Biotechnology Engineering: A Practical Approach on Bioprocess Development from Lab to Industrial Scale serves as a desktop reference for academics, scientist, engineers and professionals working on bioprocess development, discussing bioprocess development with calculations and case studies, and highlighting modern bioreactors and software tools adopted in the bioprocess industry.
Thermally Coupled Distillation Columns: Sustainable and Bio-applications offers a comprehensive examination of thermal couplings' role in enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in distillation processes. The book provides a detailed theoretical overview, covering foundations, energy problems in distillation, and practical implementations, providing insights into optimizing distillation columns. It also explores the motivation, physical implications, and operational benefits of thermal couplings alongside diverse case studies that demonstrate their efficacy across industries. Additionally, the book discusses innovations such as artificial intelligence applications and Industry 4.0 strategies for process optimization.It concludes with an exploration of challenges, opportunities, and future directions in improving complex divided wall column arrangements. This book will serve as an excellent resource for professionals in chemical engineering, environmental science, and sustainability, offering actionable strategies to drive efficiency and sustainability in distillation processes, contributing to broader sustainability objectives in the industrial sector.
Boosting the Transition to Circular Economy in the Water Sector: Insights from EU Demonstration Case Studies, Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering provides a holistic overview of the current status of recent progress in resource recovery from wastewater treatment, including fundamental aspects and development of processes, as well as the needs of further research and industrialization. The book gives special emphasis and discussion on green technologies for resource recovery from wastewater and bottlenecks with regard to their applications. From a future green bioprocess standpoint, biogas production and waste minimization, opportunities, future perspectives, and research needs are also discussed.The book presents insights gained recent EU projects reporting solutions, technologies, tools and strategies to overcome the existing barriers hampering the circular economy transition process. The book combines practical and theoretical knowledge of circular economy of water sector thus being useful for both researchers, professionals and actors making local decisions.