During the last years, there is an increase of field knowledge on a number of comorbidities and extra-articular manifestations (EAMs) associated with inflammatory arthritis. Many adults suffering from inflammatory arthritis also have other chronic conditions, so early detection is key to a patient’s quality of life and survivability outcomes. Comorbidities and Extra-articular Manifestations in Inflammatory Arthritis, the 18th volume in Elsevier’s Handbook for Systemic Autoimmune Diseases series, provides a comprehensive review of the latest research on various comorbidities and EAMs associated with inflammatory arthritis.The book chapters review comorbidities and extra-articular manifestations in early and late disease stages, mechanisms involved in comorbidities development, as well as the impact of new treatment strategies specific to inflammatory arthritis and cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, metabolic bone, infection, neoplasia, respiratory, gastrointestinal, kidney, mental health disease, and neurological disease. This book serves as an ideal reference for researchers and clinicians focused on inflammatory arthritis and related diseases.
The immune system is complex, multi-layered and has evolved throughout the development of invertebrate and vertebrate species to be able to sense the difference between "self" and foreign pathogens. A functioning immune system provides protection against bacterial, viral and parasitic infections; on the other hand, dysregulation of the immune system can result in a wide range of clinically important diseases including autoimmunity, allergies and inflammatory disorders. Understanding of the immune system has led to the development of a broad range of therapeutic interventions of fundamental importance to improve human health.Encyclopedia of Immunobiology, Second Edition, Five Volume Set covers the full range of Immunology, presenting topics in a logical, ordered way, and making extensive use of "hot links" to refer the reader to related content. The new edition is more than a simple updating of content from the original title. Fields such as immunotherapy, immunity to viral infection, vaccine development, inflammatory responses and the role of high throughput analyses are greatly expanded to reflect current and future trends in Immunology. This new edition plays a major role in bringing these concepts to the fore in a logical and coherent way, with the goal of integrating this information into the big picture.
Vaccinology and Immunizations is a thorough resource on the immune system, the history of vaccines, vaccine preparation, the process of vaccine approval, and the prevention and eradication of diseases. It also includes chapters on vaccine safety and errors, and complete information on pediatric and adult immunizations. There is also discussion on elderly immunology and immunization for people who are seeking to travel abroad, as well as timely information about COVID-19.Its focus on the innate and adaptive defense systems of the body will ensure understanding of human immunity and how immunizations are effective. There is a variety of available titles related to vaccinology and immunizations, but many are now outdated. Vaccinology and Immunizations provides a new, updated resource that is widely needed, and will be welcomed by students of undergraduate, graduate and master level in vaccinology or immunology, and would also be of interest to nurses, researchers, and pharmacists.
Glycobiology of the Immune System and Disease explores the integration of state-of-the-art glycobiology and immunology to raise awareness of the multifaceted roles of glycans and lectins in the immune system. Glycobiology is a rapidly growing field in biology, with relevance to biomedicine, biotechnology and basic research. Considering the central role that glycans play in immune interactions, glycoproteins and carbohydrates are becoming the targets of next-generation therapeutics, vaccines and diagnostics. Programmed remodeling of host glycans can modulate infection, autoimmunity, and cancer, while microbial glycoconjugates can serve as canonical innate receptor agonists that induce B cell and T cell activation.This important reference investigates microbial and mammalian glycans and their protein-binding partners (lectins) and shows the role they play in all innate and adaptive immune responses. With its comprehensive overview of the field, this is an important resource for academicians, graduate and post graduate students as well as professors and faculty in the field of research in glycobiology and immunology.
The Vaccine Book: New Insights, Approaches and Technologies, Third Edition provides comprehensive information on the current and future world of vaccines. It reveals the scientific opportunities and potential impact of vaccines, including economic and ethical challenges, problems encountered when producing vaccines, how clinical vaccine trials are designed, and how to introduce vaccines into widespread use. Although vaccines are now available for many diseases, there are still challenges ahead for major diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. Edited by a new, highly experienced team of editors, the 3rd edition provides new approaches, design, and vaccine platform tools to develop vaccines quicker.This new edition is fully updated and designed for students, researchers, public health offcials, and all others interested in increasing their understanding of vaccines.
Role of Medicinal Plants in Autoimmune Diseases: Concepts, Perspectives, and Utilization provides comprehensive knowledge of autoimmune diseases and the role of various medicinal plant products in their treatment. The book discusses the immune system as a group of complex biological structures and processes in an organism which gives protection against a wide range of pathogenic organisms while simultaneously distinguishing these pathogens from the organism’s own healthy cells and tissues, thus maintaining homeostasis in the body.It has been an age-old practice to use extracts and other parts of various plants in treating many diseases. Several plants contain various pharmacologically active substances which can be used to treat different diseases. Among these medicinal plants, many have shown good immunomodulatory properties and could act as natural immunosuppressant agents in treating autoimmune disorders.
Cytokine Response Against Major Human Viral Infections provides in-depth coverage of the immunological response against human viral infections and the role and impact of cytokines on disease pathogenesis and host immune response.Cytokines, as a part of innate immunity, initiate the development of antiviral and TH 1-type immune responses. Cytokines also affect the adaptive immune response and disease manifestation. In five sections, this book gives a comprehensive introduction to the clinical manifestations of viral and infectious diseases; details the role of cytokines in DNA virus infections, RNA virus infections, and reverse transcribing virus infections; and gives insights into the recent advances and strategies in diagnostic tools and therapeutic and prophylactic measures.Cytokine Response Against Major Human Viral Infections is valuable resource for both researchers in immunology and virology, as well as for those in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, engaged in the study of cytokines and their immunological response against human viral infections.
A New Era in Alzheimer's Research: Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment is focused on the research and perspectives in Alzheimer's disease (AD), offering an update on the challenging aspects of neurodegenerative disorders. Each chapter of this book contains unique and valuable scientific information on the latest progress of research in neurodevelopmental diseases. Even after years of research, Alzheimer's disease is still far from being cured; this book addresses the most current issues within the many dimensions relevant to the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and prevention under one cover, making it useful for researchers, students, and clinicians, as well as those in pharmaceuticals.
Macrophages Biology and Tissue Inflammation in Health and Disease outlines the important role of macrophages—keys cells in the innate immune system—as regulators and orchestrators of inflammation and repair in health and disease. It contains chapters by leading authors on the basic and translational aspects of macrophage biology, covering how to maintained tissue homeostatis and how to deal with internal and external biological threats.
Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate details of vaccine design, development across various platforms, and the path to commercialization. This book provides an introductory overview of vaccines, covering various types, developmental methodologies, delivery systems, adjuvants, immunization, and measurement of vaccine efficacy. It also showcases examples of vaccine research efforts targeting infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. The book concludes by exploring cutting-edge advances in proteogenomics, immunopeptidomics, and future vaccine technologies.The primary objective of this book is to inform a broad scientific audience about the fundamental concepts underlying vaccine and immunology. Further, it serves as an invaluable reference for understanding the critical steps in the journey from discovery to regulatory processes for human clinical trials, addressing common misconceptions and presenting factual information about vaccinations. Advanced Vaccination Technologies for Infectious and Chronic Diseases is a requisite reference for occupational health professionals whose roles involve supervision of immunization programs such as those working within the National Health Service, some sectors of higher education, or the pharmaceutical industry. It also caters to those researchers engaged in vaccine development and all who want to learn the processes involved from laboratory research to final product.