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Journals in Decision sciences

Our decision sciences titles care essential reading for students and professionals, and cover key topics in decision support systems, and global logistics, among other areas of research and practice

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Analytic Methods in Accident Research

  • ISSN: 2213-6657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.3
  • Impact factor: 12.5
Analytic Methods in Accident Research publishes manuscripts that deal with the development and/or application of innovative statistical and econometric methods to the study of vehicle crashes and other transportation and non-transportation-related accidents. The intent of the journal is to demonstrate how such innovative methodological approaches can be used to provide new insights and quantification of the factors that affect the frequency and severity of accidents - thus providing new guidance for the implementation of appropriate countermeasures. While the focus of the journal is on the underlying analytic approach, acceptable application areas include all elements of transportation safety (road, pedestrian, air, rail, and water safety), construction safety, and any area of study where the unintended consequences of human behavior, machine failures or system failures result in property damage and/or bodily injury.
Analytic Methods in Accident Research


  • ISSN: 0005-1098
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 4.8
A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlAutomatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today a broad set of areas and topics, and is thriving not only within itself but also in terms of its impact on other fields, such as communications, computers, biology, energy and economics. Since its inception in 1963, Automatica has kept abreast with the evolution of the field over the years, and has emerged as a leading publication driving the trends in the field.After being founded in 1963, Automatica became a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1969. It features a characteristic blend of theoretical and applied papers of archival, lasting value, reporting cutting edge research results by authors across the globe. It features articles in distinct categories, including regular, brief and survey papers, technical communiqués, correspondence items, as well as reviews on published books of interest to the readership. It occasionally publishes special issues on emerging new topics or established mature topics of interest to a broad audience.Automatica solicits original high-quality contributions in all the categories listed above, and in all areas of systems and control interpreted in a broad sense and evolving constantly. They may be submitted directly to a subject editor or to the Editor-in-Chief if not sure about the subject area. Editorial procedures in place assure careful, fair, and prompt handling of all submitted articles. Accepted papers appear in the journal in the shortest time feasible given production time constraints.Additional information about Automatica, including a list of recently accepted papers and a cumulative table of contents (1963-present), can be found at the website Papers should be submitted using the on-line review management system Pampus

Computers & Industrial Engineering

  • ISSN: 0360-8352
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 6.7
Industrial engineering is one of the earliest fields to utilize computers in research, education, and practice. Over the years, computers and electronic communication have become an integral part of industrial engineering. Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE) is aimed at an audience of researchers, educators and practitioners of industrial engineering and associated fields.It publishes original contributions on the development of new computerized methodologies for solving industrial engineering problems, as well as the applications of those methodologies to problems of interest in the broad industrial engineering and associated communities. The journal encourages submissions that expand the frontiers of the fundamental theories and concepts underlying industrial engineering techniques.CAIE also serves as a venue for articles evaluating the state-of-the-art of computer applications in various industrial engineering and related topics, and research in the utilization of computers in industrial engineering education. Papers reporting on applications of industrial engineering techniques to real life problems are welcome, as long as they satisfy the criteria of originality in the choice of the problem and the tools utilized to solve it, generality of the approach for applicability to other problems, and significance of the results produced.A major aim of the journal is to foster international exchange of ideas and experiences among scholars and practitioners with shared interests all over the world.For more information, please visit the Journal's Editorial Office page.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Computers & Industrial Engineering

Computers & Operations Research

  • ISSN: 0305-0548
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.1
Now incorporating Surveys in Operations Research & Management ScienceOperations research and computers interact in many scientific fields of vital importance to our society. These include, among others, transportation, economics, investment strategy, inventory control, logistics, safety, reliability, urban planning, and ecology. Computers & Operations Research (COR) provides an international forum for the application of computers and operations research techniques to problems in these and related fields.The common element in all the scientific areas that this Journal addresses is the need for some optimization methodology for determining viable solutions to problems, using computers and the techniques of operations research. However, it is not only the methodology which is of interest: the applications are of equal importance. The two are mutually supportive, since understanding the application helps one greatly to comprehend the optimization methods used, and vice versa.This Journal will therefore concern itself with these scientific fields of application, and will be accordingly broad in scope of subject matter. The form, content and language of the articles will take cognizance of this breadth of applications and of the consequent fact that many readers may not be expert in the scientific field to which the computer and operations research techniques are applied by the author.All full-length research papers must contain original research results, and demonstrate constructive algorithmic complexity and extensive numerical experiments. Numerical illustrations (examples) are not sufficient: the numerical experiments must have a scientific value of their own, particularly with comparisons to other approaches. In addition, the research performed should represent novel and significant work relative to the relevant literature. The use of real-world data is also valued.(Meta)heuristics (other than well-established algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms or ant colony optimization) must be described in metaphor-free language. This is a way to ensure that they are immediately comparable to existing algorithms. Moreover, this facilitates highlighting the algorithmic contributions to the literature.Computers & Operations Research now incorporates Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science. COR will therefore also publish state-of-the-art surveys and best practice guides in analytics, operations research, and management science, in a special Surveys section. These reviews of leading research in the field enable educators, researchers and students to obtain an overview of subjects of current interest, as well as important recent developments in established areas. Submissions can focus on theory or applications of OR/MS, and can be of several types, including but not limited to: (i) Results that are considered standards by experts in the community but which have not been documented in textbooks; (ii) Standard results which have been, in some way, streamlined such as, for example, new proof techniques leading to more elegant derivations of known results; (iii) New developments in methodology, or new application areas ('hot topics'). A review should be critical with respect to the existing knowledge and should focus on the computational and algorithmic aspects/developments. For more information on writing a contribution for the Surveys section of COR, please refer to What Makes a Good Survey?Computers & Operations Research also publishes focused issues on topics of interest related to its editorial mission. Such issues typically contain between six and twelve articles. They are put together within an eighteen-month period under the responsibility of one or several guest editors. Prospective guest editors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief.Computers & Operations Research does not endorse works investigating neither warfare optimization problems nor applications involving activities that might cause serious injuries or even death, regardless of the setting (offensive or defensive).It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted manuscripts are written using proper English, that possible grammatical or spelling errors are eliminated and that the text conforms to correct scientific English. Submissions which do not satisfy these criteria may be rejected without being sent to reviewers.
Computers & Operations Research

Computers in Industry

  • ISSN: 0166-3615
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.3
  • Impact factor: 8.2
An International, Application Oriented Research JournalThe aim of Computers in Industry is to publish original, high-quality, application-oriented research papers that:• Show new trends in and options for the use of Information and Communication Technology in industry; • Link or integrate different technology fields in the broad area of computer applications for industry; • Link or integrate different application areas of ICT in industry.General topics covered include the following areas:• The unique application of ICT in business processes such as design, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, production management and supply chain management. This is the main thrust of the journal. It includes research in integration of business process support, such as in enterprise modelling, ERP, EDM. • The industrial use of ICT in knowledge intensive fields such as quality control, logistics, engineering data management, and product documentation will certainly be considered. • Demonstration of enabling capabilities of new or existing technologies such as hard real time systems, knowledge engineering, applied fuzzy logic, collaborative work systems, and intelligence agents are also welcomed. • Papers solely focusing on ICT or manufacturing processes may be considered out of scope.A continuous quality policy, based on strict peer reviewing shall ensure that published articles are:- Technologically outstanding and front-end - Application-oriented with a generalised message - Representative for research at an international levelBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Computers in Industry

Decision Support Systems

  • ISSN: 0167-9236
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 6.7
and Electronic CommerceThe common thread of articles published in Decision Support Systems is their relevance to theoretical and technical issues in the support of enhanced decision making. The areas addressed may include foundations, functionality, interfaces, implementation, impacts, and evaluation of decision support systems (DSSs). Manuscripts may draw from diverse methods and methodologies, including those from decision theory, economics, econometrics, statistics, computer supported cooperative work, data base management, linguistics, management science, mathematical modeling, operations management, cognitive science, psychology, user interface management, and others. However, a manuscript focused on direct contributions to any of these related areas should be submitted to an outlet appropriate to the specific area.Examples of research topics that would be appropriate for Decision Support Systems include the following:1. DSS Foundations e.g. principles, concepts, and theories of enhanced decision making; formal languages and research methods enabling improvements in decision making. It is important that theory validation be carefully addressed.2. DSS Functionality e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing thefunctional aspects of enhanced decision making; solver, model, and/or data management in DSSs; rule formulation and management in DSSs; DSS development and use in computer supported cooperative work, negotiation, research and product.3. DSS Interfaces e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for designing and developing DSS interfaces; development, management, and presentation of knowledge in a DSS; coordination of a DSS's interface with its functionality.4. DSS Implementation - experiences in DSS development and utilization; DSS management and updating; DSS instruction/training. A critical consideration must be how specific experiences provide more general implications.5. DSS Evaluation and Impact e.g. evaluation metrics and processes; DSS impact on decision makers, organizational processes and performance.
Decision Support Systems

Discrete Applied Mathematics

  • ISSN: 0166-218X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1
  • Impact factor: 1
The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational SciencesThe aim of Discrete Applied Mathematics is to bring together research papers in different areas of algorithmic and applicable discrete mathematics as well as applications of combinatorial mathematics to informatics and various areas of science and technology. Contributions presented to the journal can be research papers, short notes, surveys, and possibly research problems. The "Communications" section will be devoted to the fastest possible publication of recent research results that are checked and recommended for publication by a member of the Editorial Board. The journal will also publish a limited number of book announcements as well as proceedings of conferences. These proceedings will be fully refereed and adhere to the normal standards of the journal.Potential authors are advised to view the journal and the open calls-for-papers of special issues before submitting their manuscripts. Only high-quality, original work that is within the scope of the journal or the targeted special issue will be considered.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Discrete Applied Mathematics

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

  • ISSN: 0952-1976
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.4
  • Impact factor: 7.5
The International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time AutomationA journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a major role in the fourth industrial revolution and we are seeing a lot of evolution in various machine learning methodologies. AI techniques are widely used by the practicing engineer to solve a whole range of hitherto intractable problems. This journal provides an international forum for rapid publication of work describing the practical application of AI methods in all branches of engineering. Submitted papers should report some novel aspects of AI used for a real world engineering application and also validated using some public data sets for easy replicability of the research results.Papers which do not respect the 4 following conditions will be desk-rejected without being sent to reviewers:Papers on new metaphor-based metaheuristics are very rarely accepted by EAAI (see details on this in the guide online).The abstract should clearly specify which is the contribution in AI and which is the application in engineering.The use of undefined acronyms in the title and in the abstract is forbidden.The papers must be formatted in single-column format.Focal points of the journal include, but are not limited to innovative applications of:Internet–of–things and cyber-physical systemsIntelligent transportation systems & smart vehiclesBig data analytics, understanding complex networksNeural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systemsDeep learning and real world applicationsSelf-organizing, emerging or bio-inspired systemGlobal optimization, Meta-heuristics and their applications: Evolutionary Algorithms, swarm intelligence, nature and biologically inspired meta-heuristics, etc.Architectures, algorithms and techniques for distributed AI systems, including multi-agent based control and holonic controlDecision-support systemsAspects of reasoning: abductive, case-based, model-based, non-monotonic, incomplete, progressive and approximate reasoningApplications of chaos theory and fractalsReal-time intelligent automation, and their associated supporting methodologies and techniques, including control theory and industrial informaticsKnowledge processing, knowledge elicitation and acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge compaction, knowledge bases, expert systemsPerception, e.g. image processing, pattern recognition, vision systems, tactile systems, speech recognition and synthesisAspects of software engineering, e.g. intelligent programming environments, verification and validation of AI-based software, software and hardware architectures for the real-time use of AI techniques, safety and reliabilityIntelligent fault detection, fault analysis, diagnostics and monitoringIndustrial experiences in the application of the above techniques, e.g. case studies or benchmarking exercisesRoboticsEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence publishes:Survey papers/tutorialsContributed papers — detailed expositions of new research or applicationsCase studies or software reviews — evaluative and descriptive reviews of existing available AI software systems, discussing the experience gained and lessons learnt from using or developing AI systems for engineering applicationsIFAC EAAI Forum — problems arising from engineering practice, needing to be solved by somebody; solutions to problems discussed in this forum or elsewhere; critiques of a position or claim found in the literatureThe Editors of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence wish to inform authors that this journal will not publish papers that propose "novel" metaphor-based metaheuristics, unless the authors: present their method using the normal, standard optimization terminology;show that the new method brings useful and novel concepts to the field;motivate the use of the metaphor on a sound, scientific basis;present a fair comparison with other state-of-the-art methods using state-of-the-art practices for benchmarking algorithms.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their home page at http://www.ifac-control.orgSoftware publicationWe invite you to convert your open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

European Journal of Operational Research

  • ISSN: 0377-2217
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6
Published in collaboration with the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO)The European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) publishes high quality, original papers that contribute to the methodology of operational research (OR) and to the practice of decision making. EJOR contains the following types of papers:• Invited Reviews, explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over the recent years • Innovative Applications of OR, describing novel ways to solve real problems • Theory and Methodology Papers, presenting original research results contributing to the methodology of OR and to its theoretical foundations, • Short Communications, if they correct important errors found in papers previously published in EJORThe Theory and Methodology Papers are classified into one of the seven headings:• Continuous Optimization • Discrete Optimization • Production, Manufacturing and Logistics • Stochastics and Statistics • Decision Support • Computational Intelligence and Information Management • Interfaces with Other DisciplinesBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
European Journal of Operational Research

Fuzzy Sets and Systems

  • ISSN: 0165-0114
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.2
An International Journal in Information Science and Engineering Official Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)Since its launching in 1978, the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has been devoted to the international advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy sets and systems. The theory of fuzzy sets now encompasses a well organized corpus of basic notions including (and not restricted to) aggregation operations, a generalized theory of relations, specific measures of information content, a calculus of fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy sets are also the cornerstone of a non-additive uncertainty theory, namely possibility theory, and of a versatile tool for both linguistic and numerical modeling: fuzzy rule-based systems. Numerous works now combine fuzzy concepts with other scientific disciplines as well as modern technologies.In mathematics fuzzy sets have triggered new research topics in connection with category theory, topology, algebra, analysis. Fuzzy sets are also part of a recent trend in the study of generalized measures and integrals, and are combined with statistical methods. Furthermore, fuzzy sets have strong logical underpinnings in the tradition of many-valued logics.Fuzzy set-based techniques are also an important ingredient in the development of information technologies. In the field of information processing fuzzy sets are important in clustering, data analysis and data fusion, pattern recognition and computer vision. Fuzzy rule-based modeling has been combined with other techniques such as neural nets and evolutionary computing and applied to systems and control engineering, with applications to robotics, complex process control and supervision. In thefield of information systems, fuzzy sets play a role in the development of intelligent and flexible manBmachine interfaces and the storage of imprecise linguistic information. In Artificial Intelligence various forms of knowledge representation and automated reasoning frameworks benefit from fuzzy set-based techniques, for instance in interpolative reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning, diagnosis, logic programming, constraint-directed reasoning, etc. Fuzzy expert systems have been devised for fault diagnosis,and also in medical science. In decision and organization sciences, fuzzy sets has had a great impact in preference modeling and multicriteria evaluation, and has helped bringing optimization techniques closer to the users needs. Applications can be found in many areas such as management, production research, and finance. Moreover concepts and methods of fuzzy set theory have attracted scientists in many other disciplines pertaining to human-oriented studies such as cognitive psychology and some aspects of social sciences.The scope of the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has expanded so as to account for all facets of the field while emphasizing its specificity as bridging the gap between the flexibility of human representations and the precision and clarity of mathematical or computerized representations, be they numerical or symbolic.The journal welcomes original and significant contributions in the area of Fuzzy Sets whether on empirical or mathematical foundations, or their applications to any domain of information technology, and more generally to any field of investigation where fuzzy sets are relevant. Applied papers demonstrating the usefulness of fuzzy methodology in practical problems are particularly welcome. Fuzzy Sets and Systems publishes high-quality research articles, surveys as well as case studies. Separate sections are Recent Literature, and the Bulletin, which offers research reports, book reviews and conference announcements and various news items. Invited review articles on topics of general interest are included and special issues are published regularly.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems