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Journals in Environmental sciences

111-116 of 116 results in All results

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

  • ISSN: 0169-5347
  • 5 Year impact factor: 18.2
  • Impact factor: 16.7
Trends in Ecology & Evolution (TREE) contains polished, concise and readable reviews, opinions and letters in all areas of ecology and evolutionary science. It serves as an invaluable source of information for researchers, lecturers, teachers, field workers and students. Trends in Ecology & Evolution keeps these scientists informed of new developments and ideas across the full range of ecology and evolutionary biology - from the pure to the applied, and from molecular to global. Now, more than ever before, is it necessary for life scientists to be aware of research from a wide range of disciplines, especially in the face of the gathering momentum of global environmental change and destruction. More than any other journal, Trends in Ecology & Evolution is the major forum for coverage of all the important issues concerning organisms and their environments.Articles for Trends in Ecology & Evolution are a mix of those commissioned by the Editor and ideas from the authors. Prospective authors should submit a Proposal as outlined at by email to the Editor, Andrea Stephens ([email protected]). The submission of completed manuscripts without prior consultation with the Editor is strongly discouraged. Authors should note that all major articles in TREE are peer-reviewed and publication cannot be guaranteed.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Trends in Ecology & Evolution -
Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

  • ISSN: 1618-8667
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is a refereed, international journal aimed at presenting high-quality research with urban and peri-urban woody and non-woody vegetation and its use, planning, design, establishment and management as its main topics. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening concentrates on all tree-dominated (as joint together in urban forests) as well as other green resources in and around urban areas, such as woodlands, public and private urban parks and gardens, urban nature areas, street tree and square plantations, botanical gardens and cemeteries, building envelop greening, etc.The journal welcomes basic and applied research papers, as well as review papers and short communications. Contributions should focus on one or more of the following aspects:Form, functions, and ecosystem services of urban forests and other vegetation, including aspects of urban environmental science and urban ecology.Policy-making, planning and design related to urban forests and other vegetation.Selection and establishment of tree resources and other vegetation for urban environments.Management of urban forests and other vegetation.The ecosystem services urban vegetation provides.Original contributions of a high academic standard are invited from a wide range of disciplines and fields, including forestry, biology, horticulture, arboriculture, landscape ecology, pathology, soil science, hydrology, landscape architecture, landscape planning, urban planning and design, environmental/ecological economics, environmental sociology, environmental psychology, public health, and education.Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary research as developed under the approaches of, for example, urban forestry, arboriculture, urban greening, urban ecology, urban health, urban agriculture, urban horticulture, urban silviculture, and community forestry.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

Waste Management

  • ISSN: 0956-053X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.9
  • Impact factor: 7.1
International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and TechnologyWaste Management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment, and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. The journal addresses various types of solid wastes including municipal (e.g., residential, institutional, and commercial), agricultural, and special (e.g., hazardous household, hazardous and non-hazardous industrial, construction and demolition, sewage sludge, healthcare and medical) wastes. Mining, metallurgical and radioactive wastes are not in the scope of the journal.The journal welcomes both fundamental and applied research that can be related to problems of interest to solid waste researchers, practitioners and/or policy makers. Well documented case studies will be considered but they must describe results that can be applied beyond the specific location of the case study. Manuscripts that focus on the use of a waste material in a new product are often more suitable for a journal that focuses on the material properties of the product. In considering whether a manuscript is suitable for publication in Waste Management, consider whether the information is of potential use to solid waste researchers, practitioners and/or policymakers.The following are some of the major areas in which papers are solicited:Generation and characterizationMinimizationRecycling and reuseStorage, collection, transport, and transferTreatment (mechanical, biological, chemical, thermal, other)Landfill disposalEnvironmental assessments (including LCA and S-LCA)Economic analysis (including LCC)Policy and regulationsPlanningNew and emerging issues and technologiesWaste Management will not be accepting proposals for new Special Issues (SI) anymore. The new Special Issue topics and contents will be arranged and announced by the editorial team of WM. Interested authors are welcome to contribute articles.
Waste Management

Water Research

  • ISSN: 0043-1354
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.2
  • Impact factor: 11.4
In association with the International Water Association Water Research has an open access companion journal Water Research X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review. Water Research publishes refereed, original research papers on all aspects of the science and technology of the anthropogenic water cycle, water quality, and its management worldwide. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes:Treatment processes for water and wastewaters (municipal, agricultural, industrial, and on-site treatment), including resource recovery and residuals management; Urban hydrology including sewer systems, stormwater management, and green infrastructure;Drinking water treatment and distribution;Potable and non-potable water reuse;Sanitation, public health, and risk assessment;Anaerobic digestion, solid and hazardous waste management, including source characterization and the effects and control of leachates and gaseous emissions;Contaminants (chemical, microbial, anthropogenic particles such as nanoparticles or microplastics) and related water quality sensing, monitoring, fate, and assessment;Anthropogenic impacts on inland, tidal, coastal and urban waters, focusing on surface and ground waters, and point and non-point sources of pollution;Environmental restoration, linked to surface water, groundwater and groundwater remediation;Analysis of the interfaces between sediments and water, and between water and atmosphere, focusing specifically on anthropogenic impacts;Mathematical modelling, systems analysis, machine learning, and beneficial use of big data related to the anthropogenic water cycle; Socio-economic, policy, and regulations studies.Water Research is an interdisciplinary journal with an applied edge. This means that papers that go into too many details of one of the supporting disciplines (such as chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, material sciences, etc.) without making a good link with water research in general may be rejected up-front. More information on types of manuscripts that are not suitable for Water Research are discussed in an editorial available at Biologists, chemical engineers, chemists, civil engineers, environmental engineers, limnologists, and microbiologists.Note that Water Research/Water Research X do not do pre-submission evaluations. Please carefully review the journal scope and previous issues of the journals to assess the fit of your manuscript. The handling editor will then evaluate suitability of your full manuscript.Elsevier and IWA have also jointly launched two specialist titles which authors are welcome to submit to:The open access Water Resources and Industry focuses on the role that industry plays in the exploitation, management and treatment of water resources.Water Resources and Economics addresses the financial and economic dimensions associated with water resources use and governance.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, including a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Water Research

Zoologischer Anzeiger

  • ISSN: 0044-5231
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.3
  • Impact factor: 1.2
Zoologischer Anzeiger (A Journal of Comparative Zoology) is devoted to comparative zoology with a special emphasis on morphology, systematics, biogeography, and evolutionary biology targeting all metazoans, both modern and extinct. The journal also considers taxonomic submissions addressing a broader systematic and/or evolutionary context. The overall aim of the journal is to contribute to our understanding of the organismic world from an evolutionary perspective.
Zoologischer Anzeiger


  • ISSN: 0944-2006
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution. The journal invites papers that take a comparative or experimental approach to behavior and neurobiology, functional morphology, evolution and development, ecological physiology, and cell biology. Due to the increasing realization that animals exist only within a partnership with symbionts, Zoology encourages submissions of papers focused on the analysis of holobionts or metaorganisms as associations of the macroscopic host in synergistic interdependence with numerous microbial and eukaryotic species.