Mycorrhizae, Microplastics and Money: Wastes as a Resource for Farming and Forestry to Deliver Reversal of Global Warming features the establishment and continuing evolution of a technology-based, global plan to deliver environmental sustainability that works because it is financially driven. This book will highlight on upcycling end-of-life materials using mycorrhizae and microplastic technology. This book contains technological approaches to upcycle wastes while not using mineral fertilizers but still delivering higher yields, raising the possibility of receiving carbon credits. Information will be included on safe upscaling of waste and financial and environmental sustainability, practical approaches to land management, and reverse franchising.
Indicators of Climate Change focuses on the root causes of global warming and climate change. The book will include detailed discussions on the indicators of climate change, highlighting the rapidity of the changes. The indicators discussed in this book will include the rise in the average atmospheric temperature, ocean heat, rising sea levels, melting ice sheets and glaciers, changes in plant adaption, changes in insect adaption, and weather pattern changes. The book highlights fossil fuels, the root cause of climate change, and the urgency of the problem.
Waste to Resources: Environmental Sustainability, Safety, and Health features practical solutions to address environmental challenges. With a focus on converting waste into valuable resources, this book will explore the pivotal roles of businesses and society in fostering innovation for sustainable waste management. Divided into four sections, this book covers waste-to-value added product conversion using biotechnology and emphasizes environmental sustainability through a cradle-to-cradle approach. By providing comprehensive knowledge, understanding, and practical solutions, this book will promote research initiatives for a sustainable future while aligning with the attainment of sustainable development goals.
Urban Energy Transition: Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions, Third Edition is the definitive scientific and practice-based reference on energy transformations in the global urban system. This fully revised compendium provides a structured approach to the four integral areas of finance, governance, technology, and design related to current progress and innovation in urban energy transition. Dedicated to essential strategies for abundant and ubiquitous energy for all, global statistics of decoupling of economic growth from carbon emissions, the role of cities in the global transition to renewable energy, and principles, models, and tools of policy and planning for renewable energy-based communities are covered.This book will be extremely relevant and of interest to the global community, energy and sustainability practitioners and researchers, scholars, teachers and students in sustainability and urban energy managers.
Blue Economy: Oceans as the Economic Frontier in Industry 4.0 examines the emerging concepts related to blue economy and climate change, along with their effects on oceans. The book provides a detailed review of the current literature and includes unique case studies analyzed by experts in the field, thus offering graduate students and researchers a thorough guide with practical applications.
The fourth volume of Hydrosystem Restoration Handbook covers the essentials of Groundwater Artificial Recharge with Unconventional Water (GARU). After introducing the reader to Groundwater Artificial Recharge with Conventional Water (GARC), the editors conclude with the application of various methods necessary to prevent contamination of the groundwater and offer key solutions to sustain best water practice in the current climate change.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Removal of Emerging Contaminants: Sustainable Approach for Environmental Clean-up and Circular Economy focuses on the exploitation of various Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to treat emerging contaminants and the restoration of contaminated sites. The book addresses critical environmental issues and challenges faced by society to meet such challenges. It highlights artificial intelligence and machine learning tools in the removal of environmental contaminants, such as industrial effluents, air, and to overcome limitations of conventional methods, predict water quality parameters and decrease the chances of error.Advanced tools, updated information, and future directions for researchers and scientists working in the bioremediation of emerging contaminants, bioenergy and reutilization of waste biomass in the production of value-added products for environmental safety are also thoroughly discussed.
Soil Microorganisms for Plant Growth Promotion and Soil Health provides readers with an overview of plant growth-promoting microorganisms and their molecular mechanisms to improve plant growth and soil health. Students and researchers in soil science will gain a comprehensive understanding of soil microbiota diversity and functions, along with insights into the mechanisms by which plant growth, including molecular processes involved in nutrient acquisitions and defense mechanisms work. In addition, the book provides a noteworthy emphasis on fungi.A soil beneficial microbe cannot only be the living cells, but also their components, such as molecules or enzymes produced by this beneficial microbiota. Molecules like microbial phytohormones can be excellent promoters or regulators of plant growth, as well as proteins and other compounds like volatiles, which might elicit a systemic resistance response against pathogenic threats. Therefore, plant growth promoters living in soil, associated with plant roots, could act through direct beneficial interactions with the plant, by stimulating or regulating growth responses to environmental conditions, or indirectly by inhibiting the growth of potential microbial pathogens and herbivore pests.
Hydrosystem Restoration Handbook, Groundwater Artificial Recharge with Conventional Water (GARC) introduces innovative groundwater recharge techniques. Through the introduction of powerful case studies, the book offers key strategies to researchers and graduate students for managing CARC and monitoring groundwater levels.
Climate Change Impacts on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Net Zero Emissions and Sustainability identifies and assesses climate change impacts on the nexus of food, energy, and waste. It also strives to examine how to contribute to net zero emissions through the water-energy-food nexus.This book elaborates the roles of water, energy, and food nexus in the 4th Industrial Revolution for environmental protection using resource recovery while presenting an in-depth exploration system to reducing carbon emissions to maximize the overall welfare of socio-economic systems and achieve sustainability by addressing sustainable development goals. Climate Change Impacts on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Net Zero Emissions and Sustainability provides a comprehensive understanding of possible issues relevant to climate change impacts, the water-energy-food nexus, and net zero emissions.