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Journals in Life sciences

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AACE Clinical Case Reports

  • ISSN: 2376-0605
AACE Clinical Case Reports provides clinically relevant research, including high-impact case reports, visual and video vignettes, and more, that serve as learning opportunities for practicing endocrinologists and the endocrine care community. It is the official open access journal of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology.
AACE Clinical Case Reports

APCBEE Procedia

  • ISSN: 2212-6708
Launched in December 2011, APCBEE Procedia is a journal product focusing exclusively on publishing high-quality proceedings from APCBEES Conferences or other events in the areas of Chemical, Biological, Agriculture, Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in APCBEE Procedia based on suitability of scope and are required to meet certain criteria, including the assurance that all papers are original, will be subject to peer review and will not be published elsewhere. The conferences should be relevant to an international audience, with a focused theme and cover timely topics. The journal is typically e-version but can provide hard copies subject to request from authors. 'APCBEE Procedia' enables fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect, which is then made freely available worldwide and accessible by millions of researchers. All papers published in APCBEE will be submitted for indexing to Scopus. For further information, or events that are using this journal product as a publication outlet, please feel free to contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Yang Dan at [email protected]. Ponni Brinda Rajan Publisher, Elsevier [email protected] Copyright information For authors publishing in Procedia [Title] accepted manuscript will be governed by CC BY-NC-ND. For further details see our copyright information.
APCBEE Procedia

Achievements in the Life Sciences

  • ISSN: 2078-1520
Achievements in the Life Sciences publishes articles within phenomenon studying under the name "Life". Articles considering "Life" from the point of view of biology, physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, philology and any other scientific directions are accepted to the publication. Achievements in the Life Sciences accept original papers and reviews. The Journal published papers in the interdisciplinary fields: -biochemistry -biogeology -biogeography -biophysics -biomedicine -biomaterial, etc The main condition for acceptance is achievement of message.
Achievements in the Life Sciences

Acta Histochemica

  • ISSN: 0065-1281
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.5
Research and Methods in Cell and Tissue Biology Acta Histochemica is a classic scientific journal established in 1954 currently focused on basic research and methodological innovations in cell and tissue biology. The aim of the journal is to promote the peer-reviewed publication of original articles and short communications reporting novel results and experimental approaches in the field, as well as comprehensive reviews, letters to the editor and meeting reports, serving as an open forum for the cell and histochemical research community. Manuscripts analysing the mechanisms of functional regulation of living systems at a cell/tissue level, in physiological or pathological conditions, or reporting new techniques and methodological approaches to quantify/visualize cellular activities are particularly welcomed.
Acta Histochemica

Acta Oecologica

  • ISSN: 1146-609X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles in ecology. We encourage studies in all areas of ecology, including ecosystem ecology, community ecology, population ecology, conservation ecology and evolutionary ecology. There is no bias with respect to taxon, biome or geographic area. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, but combinations are particularly sought. Priority is given to papers based on explicitly stated hypotheses. Acta Oecologica also accepts review papers. The forum section is reserved for short papers with critical discussion of current issues in ecology, as well as comments and viewpoints on previously published papers. Acta Oecologica does not publish book reviews, but comments on new books are welcome in the forum section. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Acta Oecologica

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B

  • ISSN: 2211-3835
  • 5 Year impact factor: 13.2
  • Impact factor: 14.5
The Journal of the Institute of Materia Medica, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Pharmaceutical AssociationPeer Review under the responsibility of Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) is a monthly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research articles, rapid communications and high quality reviews of recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacokinetics.APSB is a series of journal of Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, which was founded in 1953, indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, SciFinder Scholar, Biological Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Bibliography on Science and Technology, etc. It sponsored by Insititute of Materia Medica, Chineses Acedemy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B

Acta Tropica

  • ISSN: 0001-706X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Acta Tropica, is an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences and biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal health in the tropics and the subtropics. Its scope includes the biology of pathogens and vectors, host-parasite relationships, mechanisms of pathogenicity, clinical disease and treatment, and we welcome contributions in basic or applied research in disciplines such as epidemiology, disease ecology, diagnostics, interventions and control, mathematical modeling, public health and social sciences, climate change, parasite and vector taxonomy, host and parasite genomics, biochemistry and immunology and vaccine testing. Contributions may be in the form of original research papers, review articles, short communications, opinion articles, or letters to the Editors. Only manuscripts of high scientific significance and innovation will be considered for publication. Manuscripts of minimal international relevance, case reports, and control strategies at very early inconclusive laboratory stages of development will not be considered for publication. Important Guidelines for Acceptance Editors and the Editorial Board of Acta Tropica provide the following guidelines to help authors prepare manuscripts of high quality that can be considered for publication. Maximize your chances of acceptance by making sure your manuscript: Matches the scientific scope of the journal, Presents results that significantly advance science including innovative new approaches, Meets quality standards of presentation and literature citation, Demonstrates potential health or biomedical impact. The above points are critical for publication of original papers. Be aware Editors carefully evaluate initial manuscript submissions and only those meeting the above criteria will be forwarded to review. If reviewed favorably and the authors seriously address all concerns, than chances of acceptance are increased. Review papers, in addition, are expected to carefully synthesize the literarture and make recommendations to advance respective scientific fields. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services . Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Acta Tropica

Actualités Pharmaceutiques

  • ISSN: 0515-3700
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.1
  • Impact factor: 0.1
La revue de l'équipe officinaleEn partenariat avec la Societe francophone des sciences pharmaceutiques officinales (SFSPO) Professionnels de santé de proximité, le pharmacien d'officine et le préparateur en pharmacie sont des acteurs clés du système de santé. Les missions du pharmacien d'officine ne cessent de s'élargir : dispensation et respect du bon usage du médicament ; promotion de l'observance ; conseil ; suivi pharmaceutique ; soins de premier recours ; actions de santé publique, de prévention et de dépistage ; veille sanitaire ; coopération avec les autres professionnels de santé ; éducation thérapeutique du patient mais aussi, dorénavant, entretiens pharmaceutiques ; bilan partagé de médication ; vaccination antigrippale… Pour mener à bien ces missions, il est secondé par le préparateur en pharmacie qui, sous sa responsabilité, prépare les prescriptions médicales, délivre les médicaments et produits de santé, conseille la patientèle, réalise certaines préparations et gère les stocks de médicaments. C'est à l'équipe officinale qu'Actualités pharmaceutiques s'adresse en proposant un mensuel et un supplément trimestriel. Le mensuel Actualités pharmaceutiques Un outil de développement professionnel continu : Un Dossier consacré à une pathologie, une problématique professionnelle ou de santé publique, une classe médicamenteuse… ; Un Zoom présentant une démarche de recherche, une initiative, un compte rendu de congrès… ; Un QCM permettant d'évaluer les connaissances acquises à la lecture du numéro. Un support à l'exercice quotidien : l'essentiel de l'Actualité de la profession, de la santé publique et les nouveaux médicaments ; des Questions de comptoir et une Analyse de prescription ; la rubrique Pratique : Thérapeutique, Conseil, Suivi officinal, Pharmacovigilance, Prévention, Bucco-dentaire, Vétérinaire, Vaccination… les Fiches synthétiques : Diabète, Aromathérapie, Anglais à l'officine, Juridique… Le Carnet du préparateur en pharmacie Un outil trimestriel de formation dédié spécifiquement aux préparateurs en pharmacie qui complète l'offre mensuelle : des actualités professionnelles ; un dossier thématique ; des rubriques conseil, thérapeutique, cas de comptoir ; des fiches outils à l'officine, préparation magistrale, réglementation, communication.
Actualités Pharmaceutiques

Addiction Neuroscience

  • ISSN: 2772-3925
Addiction Neuroscience focuses on neuroscience research to understand brain mechanisms underlying addiction behaviors. It aims to advance understanding of the actions of drugs of abuse and of addictive processes, including eating disorders. Papers are accepted in both animal and clinical experimentation. The content includes behavioral, molecular, genetic, biochemical, electrophysiological, neuroimaging, neuropharmacologic and general neurobiologic approaches to these questions. Thus, we aim to integrate new knowledge into addictive processes across a broad spectrum of neuroscience.
Addiction Neuroscience

Advanced Agrochem

  • ISSN: 2773-2371
Advanced Agrochem is devoted to a wide range of sub-fields in agricultural chemistry. Articles of an interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. The journal publishes timely and in-depth reviews, insightful perspectives, highlights, high-quality original research results and communications. Topics covered by Advanced Agrochem include, but are not limited to: Agrochemicals Agricultural analytic chemistry and food safety Agriculture biochemistry Chemical biology Agriculture biotransformation Agriculture biotechnology Pesticide science and plant protection High-value transformation and use of agricultural outputs The journal also encourages submissions on the application of emerging science and biotechnology in agriculture, including nanotechnology, gene editing, chemical probes, proteomics, fluorescent labelling, mass spectrometry and in vivo imaging.
Advanced Agrochem