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Acta Tropica

  • Volume 12Issue 12

  • ISSN: 0001-706X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.1

Acta Tropica is an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences, medical and veterinary entomology, and biomedical research with particula… Read more

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Acta Tropica is an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences, medical and veterinary entomology, and biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal health.

Its scope includes the biology of pathogens and vectors, host-parasite relationships, mechanisms of pathogenicity, clinical disease and chemotherapy. We welcome contributions in basic or applied research in disciplines such as epidemiology, disease ecology, diagnostics, interventions and control, drug and insecticide resistance, mathematical modelling, public health and social sciences, climate change, parasite and vector taxonomy, biology, ecology and behaviour, host and parasite genomics, biochemistry, immunology, and vaccine testing.

Contributions may be in the form of original research papers, review articles, short communications, opinion articles, or letters to the Editors.

Only manuscripts of high scientific significance and innovation will be considered for publication.

Criteria for rejection without review:

• Out of scope.

• Manuscripts of minimal international relevance, including regional reports and studies of local interest.

• Case reports.

• Parasite and vector control strategies at very early inconclusive laboratory stages of development. For vector control studies, field validation is required.

• Field studies not replicated at least over two years.

• Studies dealing with natural products (e.g., plant extracts) not characterized from a chemical point of view.

• Ethical issues, including plagiarism, submission of the manuscript to multiple journals, and lack of ethical approval where needed.

Important Guidelines for Acceptance

Editors and the Editorial Board of Acta Tropica provide the following guidelines to help authors prepare manuscripts of high quality that can be considered for publication.

Maximize your chances of acceptance by making sure your manuscript:

• Matches the scientific scope of the journal,

• Follows the instructions specified in Acta Tropica guide for authors,

• Presents results that significantly advance science including innovative new approaches,

• Meets quality standards of presentation and literature citation,

• Demonstrates potential health or biomedical impact.

The above points are critical for the publication of original papers. Be aware Editors carefully evaluate initial manuscript submissions and only those meeting the above criteria will be forwarded to review. If reviewed favourably and the authors seriously address all concerns, then chances of acceptance are increased.

Review and Opinion articles may be invited by the Editors in Chief or submitted by authors responding to a recognized need. Reviews are expected to carefully synthesize and discuss the literature and make recommendations to advance respective scientific fields. Reviews and Opinions submitted by authors without research experience on the topic covered by the manuscript will not be considered. Systematic reviews adhering to PRISMA guidelines and meta-analyses are welcome. For any inquiry about Reviews and Opinions please contact our Special Content Editor, Prof. John Beier.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .

Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center