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Journals in Toxicology general

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Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research

  • ISSN: 1383-5742
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6.4
The subject areas of Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research (MRR) encompass the entire spectrum of the science of mutation research and its applications, with particular emphasis on the relationship between mutation and disease. Thus, this section will cover:Advances in human genome research (including evolving technologies for mutation detection and functional genomics) with applications in clinical genetics, gene therapy and health risk assessment for environmental agents of concernGenetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis (including the factors that modulate the genetic activity of environmental agents) will continue to be prominent topics in this section.MRR supports and follows the general direction proposed by all major societies in the field part of the International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Societies (IAEMGS):Asociacion Latinoamericana de Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis y Teratogenesis Ambiental (ALAMCTA)Brazilian Association of Mutagenesis and Environmental Genomics (MutaGen-Brasil)Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society (CEMS)European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS)Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMS India)Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS)The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society (JEMS)Korean Environmental Mutagen Society (KEMS)Molecular and Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA)Pan-African Environmental Mutagen Society (PAEMS)Philippines Environmental Mutagen Society (PEMS)Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS)Other Mutation Research sections: DNA Repair Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (MR) Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (MRGTEM)
Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research


  • ISSN: 0161-813X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Affiliated with the International Neurotoxicology AssociationNeuroToxicology specializes in publishing peer-reviewed original research papers describing the effects of toxic substances on the nervous system across the lifespan as determined in humans and/or experimental models (in vivo, in vitro, in silico). The Journal welcomes papers dealing with the neurotoxic effects of occupationally and environmentally relevant exposures to agents (chemical, physical, biological, pharmacological or naturally occurring), singly or in mixtures, including complex mixtures, such as air pollution. Papers describing neurotoxic outcomes associated with natural disasters, industrial accidents, and terrorist attacks are also welcome.Experimental (animal, in vitro, in silico) papers focused on the neurotoxic effects of undefined commercial formulas (i.e., pesticide formulations) will be considered only if the authors report the chemical composition of the formulation and/or determine whether neurotoxic effects are due to the active chemical ingredient(s), carrier, or combination. For human studies, the components of formulations or other mixtures should be identified, but if not available, the source of exposure (i.e. commercial formulation, air pollution, wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural or industrial disasters) should be described as fully as possible.NeuroToxicology welcomes papers describing interventions for mitigating or reversing neurotoxic outcomes, but will accept papers reporting on neuroprotective or neurorestorative properties of formulations, botanical extracts, or other natural products only if full chemical identification and purification information of the active molecule(s) is provided. NeuroToxicology does not accept case reports.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Neurotoxicology and Teratology

  • ISSN: 0892-0362
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Affiliated with the The Developmental Neurotoxicology Society, formerly known as The Neurobehavioral Teratology Society.Neurotoxicology and Teratology provides a forum for publishing new information regarding the effects of chemical and physical agents on the developing, adult, or aging nervous system. In this context, the fields of neurotoxicology and teratology include studies of agent-induced alterations of nervous system function, with a focus on behavioral outcomes and their underlying physiological, neurochemical, molecular, and immunological mechanisms. The Journal publishes original, peer-reviewed Research Reports of experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies that address the neurotoxicity and/or functional teratology of pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, nanomaterials, organometals, industrial compounds, mixtures, drugs of abuse, pharmaceuticals, animal and plant toxins, atmospheric reaction products, and physical agents such as radiation and noise. These reports include traditional mammalian neurotoxicology experiments, human studies, studies using non-mammalian animal models, and mechanistic studies in vivo or in vitro. Special Issues, Reviews, Commentaries, and Symposium Papers provide timely updates on areas that have reached a critical point of synthesis, on aspects of a scientific field undergoing rapid change, or on areas that present special methodological or interpretive problems. Theoretical Articles address concepts and potential mechanisms underlying interactions of agents of interest with the nervous system. Short Communications concisely describe a new method, technique, apparatus, or experimental result.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology


  • ISSN: 0899-9007
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional SciencesFounded by Michael M. Meguid in the early 1980's, Nutrition presents advances in nutrition research and science, informs its readers on new and advancing technologies and data in clinical nutrition practice, encourages the application of outcomes research and meta-analyses to problems in patient-related nutrition; and seeks to help clarify and set the research, policy and practice agenda for nutrition science to enhance human well-being in the years ahead. Papers on nutrition-related plant or animal sciences are unlikely to be considered as they are outside the main focus of the Journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Nutrition Research

  • ISSN: 0271-5317
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.4
An International Publication for Nutrition to Advance Food and Life Science ResearchThe mission of Nutrition Research is to serve as the premier journal for the global communication of nutrition sciences research. Our primary goal is to publish research across the broad field of nutrition sciences that advances human health and promotes clinical applications through a comprehensive understanding of dietary patterns, foods, nutrients, and bioactive food components. This understanding includes exploring diet-related interactions with environmental exposures, human behavior, genetics, and underlying health status.Nutrition Research aims to contribute to the advancement of fundamental knowledge and facilitate research translation in support of public health. We achieve this by publishing nutrition sciences research that establishes mechanisms and demonstrates the efficacy or detriment of dietary exposures and interventions. We welcome studies conducted in humans, populations, and cellular and animal models, particularly those related to biomolecular nutrition, precision nutrition, (multi)omic workflows, nutrition interventions, randomized controlled trials, and novel methodological approaches and techniques that advance the nutrition sciences field. Furthermore, Nutrition Research is committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice in the field through the dedicated efforts of its globally diverse editorial board. We also actively encourage the submission of research from all geographic regions and topics addressing health inequities and improvements in the health of vulnerable and/or underrepresented populations.Nutrition Research publishes peer-reviewed research and articles related to all aspects of nutrition sciences that are relevant to the health of humans and populations. We welcome the following types of submissions:Original research articles presenting hypothesis-driven studies performed in humans, or in animal models or cellular systems with physiological relevance to humans.Narrative and systematic reviews and meta-analyses focusing on fundamental and applied nutrition.Research methodology and study design of human clinical trials.Short communications.Editorials and opinions on emerging or controversial nutrition and dietary issues.Since 2010 Nutrition Research has sponsored the David Kritchevsky Graduate Student Award with support provided by Elsevier. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding articles published in Nutrition Research by graduate and professional students. Annually, two awards of $1000 (USD) each are presented to these early-career scientists.Additional Information & Inquiries: Richard S. Bruno, PhD, RD ([email protected]) is the Editor-in-Chief of Nutrition Research and is responsible for decisions on all manuscript submissions with the assistance and recommendation of Associate Editors who coordinate peer-review in collaboration with Editorial Board Members or outside expert scientists. A Social Media Specialist also assists with the promotion of journal content, including over Twitter @NutrtnResrch, and a Managing Editor helps to coordinate the manuscript submission process.Authors are encouraged to read and follow the Guide for Authors. Contact the Nutrition Research Editorial Office for any assistance, including manuscript preparation, the peer review process, or for pre-submission inquiries to determine appropriateness of manuscript topics. Please contact Joanna Hodges, PhD (Managing Editor; [email protected]).
Nutrition Research

Reproductive Toxicology

  • ISSN: 0890-6238
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Reproductive Toxicology is affiliated with the European Teratology SocietyDrawing from a large number of disciplines, Reproductive Toxicology publishes timely, original research on the influence of chemical and physical agents on reproduction. Written by and for obstetricians, pediatricians, embryologists, teratologists, geneticists, toxicologists, andrologists, and others interested in detecting potential reproductive hazards, the journal is a forum for communication among researchers and practitioners. Articles focus on the application of in vitro, animal and clinical research to the practice of clinical medicine.All aspects of reproduction are within the scope of Reproductive Toxicology, including the formation and maturation of male and female gametes, sexual function, the events surrounding the fusion of gametes and the development of the fertilized ovum, nourishment and transport of the conceptus within the genital tract, implantation, embryogenesis, intrauterine growth, placentation and placental function, parturition, lactation and neonatal survival.Adverse reproductive effects in males will be considered as significant as adverse effects occurring in females. To provide a balanced presentation of approaches, equal emphasis will be given to clinical and animal or in vitro work.Typical end points that will be studied by contributors include:InfertilitySexual dysfunctionSpontaneous abortionMalformationsAbnormal histogenesisStillbirthIntrauterine growth retardationPrematurityBehavioral abnormalitiesPerinatal mortality
Reproductive Toxicology

Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

  • ISSN: 1551-7411
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Widely recognized journal of the International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) in comportment with the Granada Statements, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed content in health services research specifically as it relates to some aspects of the medication use process. The medication use process includes (but is not limited to) the prescribing, preparation, dispensing, administration, adherence to, evaluation, monitoring, and outcomes associated with legend or with over-the-counter medications, incorporating the concept of clinical pharmacy which optimize utilization of medicines to achieve person-centered and public health goals. The medication use process includes attitudes, perspectives, knowledge, and behaviors of any actor in this process, including prescribers, pharmacists, pharmacy personnel, other health practitioners, patients, and caregivers.In twelve issues per year, RSAP features original scientific reports, comprehensive review articles, proposed models, and provocative commentaries in the social and administrative pharmaceutical sciences.Topics of interest outcomes evaluation of drug products programs, or services pharmacoepidemiology medication adherencedisease managementmedication use policydrug marketingevaluation of educational paradigms that could impact practice and/or patient behaviorother topics related to public health in the context of pharmacy or medication use.RSAP proffers new models to guide existing research, make methodological arguments, or describe the results of rigorous theory-building research. Practice and education research are considered, with preference given to papers evaluating theoretical constructs and to those that might shape policy.The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors - ICPJE The ICPJE shares commonalities and goals to improve the medication use process and the outcomes emanating from this endeavor. The ICPJE refers to ‘pharmacy’ as the medication use process. However, research articles, reviews, and commentaries, can refer to any actor involved, as well as any evaluation (e.g. pharmaceoepidemiological) of the drug products themselves or systems employed, to optimize the use process. Each journal of the ICPJE has an established niche and is optimally suited for certain types of manuscripts.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

  • ISSN: 0955-2863
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Devoted to advancements in nutritional sciences, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry presents experimental nutrition and clinical nutrition research as it interfaces with biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, and toxicology. The scope of the journal includes the broad area of in vivo and in vitro studies of mechanistic aspects of nutritional sciences. Preferred manuscripts include studies, which focus on nutrients and/or bioactive compounds with nutritional value derived from diets/whole foods as it relates to: biochemistry, molecular biology, toxicology, immunology or physiology and human health and diseases.Rigorous reviews by an international editorial board of distinguished scientists ensure publication of the most current and key research being conducted in nutrition at the cellular, animal and human level. In addition to its monthly features of critical reviews and research articles, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry also periodically publishes emerging issues, experimental methods, and other types of articles such as but not limited to policy statements.Contact InformationReto Asmis, Ph.D, Editor-in-Chief The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Professor, Internal Medicine, Section on Molecular Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC 27157 E-mail address: [email protected]
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry


  • ISSN: 0300-483X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Affiliated with the German Toxicology SocietyToxicology as a multidisciplinary, data-rich field has witnessed the availability of a cutting-edge technologies to investigate mechanisms underlying adverse consequences of exposures to xenobiotic chemicals, particularly as it relates to human health. Toxicology fully embraces these advancements by serving as a hub for exchange of information regarding state-of-the-art developments in the broad field of contemporary toxicology. Journal scope emphasis is on human-relevant and mechanistic research at all levels of biological organization, ranging from the molecular scale to the organismal level. The publication priority for Toxicology is on original high-quality research and review papers on any topic relevant to toxicology, in particular related to hazard identification, all that are subject to rigorous peer-review. The Toxicology target audience includes undergraduates to full professionals in academic, industrial and regulatory settings in any part of the world.Notes from the EditorsIn order to support interpretation of published findings to human health, the journal requires inclusion of specific statements within the ABSTRACT and METHODS sections of each submitted article:ABSTRACT:The experimental system (e.g., in vivo species, cell culture, etc.) including the exposure dose or concentration and duration that produces an effect, if an effect is observed, must be described in the ABSTRACT to the manuscript.MATERIALS AND METHODS:The relevance of the experimental system and exposure dose or concentration and duration in terms of potential human exposures must be described in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Justification of the exposure cannot be based solely on previous publications, but rather the comparison must be to either estimated, anticipated, or measured human exposures.The authors must identify the chemicals by CAS number, their source and purity; the method of randomization for group sampling, the number of experimental sample replicates in each treatment group, and provide a proper description of the statistical analysis of data that was employed.Journal Policy:TOXICOLOGY does not publish results from exposures to uncharacterized chemical mixtures or extracts from natural products. All exposures must be fully characterized analytically. Justification for this policy is that it is near impossible for other investigators to replicate findings of a study wherein the chemical composition of the exposure is not completely characterized.TOXICOLOGY does not publish purely descriptive safety studies or studies describing the therapeutic efficacy of cytotoxic agents without strong emphasis on end-points relating to a proposed mechanism of toxicity.

Toxicology Letters

  • ISSN: 0378-4274
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Official Journal of EUROTOXAffiliated with Austrian Society of ToxicologyAn international journal for the rapid publication of novel reports on a range of aspects of toxicology, especially mechanisms of toxicity.Toxicology Letters serves as a multidisciplinary forum for research in toxicology. The prime aim is the rapid publication of research studies that are both novel and advance our understanding of a particular area. In addition to hypothesis-driven studies on mechanisms of mammalian toxicity, Toxicology Letters welcomes seminal work in the following areas:In silico toxicologyToxicokineticsPhysiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelingSystems toxicologyPredictive toxicology3R research in toxicologyNew approach methodology (NAMs)Adverse outcome pathways (AOPs)Integrated testing strategiesSystematic and narrative reviews and mini-reviews in various areas of toxicology will be published. Clinical, occupational and safety evaluation, hazard and risk assessment, regulatory toxicology, impact on man, animal and environment studies of sufficient novelty to warrant rapid publication will be considered. Toxicology Letters also publishes editorials, commentaries and contemporary issues in toxicology.The following types of work are not within the scopes of Toxicology Letters:Ecotoxicology studiesCase studiesChemoprevention studiesPharmacological investigationsAuthors are advised to follow the ARRIVE guidelines (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments; and the OECD guidance document on Good In Vitro Method Practices (GIVIMP; In vitro or in vivo investigations conducted at concentrations or doses of no relevance to human or animal exposure will not be considered. Routes of exposure other than those relevant to human or animal exposure need to be justified. Assessment of dose-response should be an integral component of any toxicological research report. Unless adequately justified, studies conducted at a single dose level may not be considered. Test materials must be chemically defined and characterized. Investigations of chemically undefined plant extracts or uncharacterized nanoparticles will not be considered.
Toxicology Letters

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