Anaerobe is essential reading for those who wish to remain at the forefront of discoveries relating to life processes of strictly anaerobes. The journal is multi-disciplinary, and provides a unique forum for those investigating strictly anaerobic organisms that cause infections in humans and animals, as well as anaerobes that play roles in microbiomes or environmental processes. Anaerobe will consider manuscripts on anaerobic bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists as well as bacteriophages of anaerobes.Relevant topics fall into the broad categories of:Anaerobes in human and animal diseasesAnaerobes in the microbiomeAnaerobes in the environmentAnaerobes in industrial processes (including biofuels and waste management)Microbial ecology of anaerobesClinical microbiology involving anaerobesPathogenesis of anaerobic organisms (including their toxins)Molecular biology and genetics of anaerobesTaxonomy of anaerobesPhysiology of anaerobesPapers describing innovative methodologies, technologies and applications to investigate anaerobic microorganisms are also of interest. Manuscripts describing novel species of obligate anaerobes will be reviewed, if the description of the new species also includes information showing novel phenotypic characteristics, pathogenicity and/or unique metabolic activity within the microbiome from which it was isolated. Manuscripts describing novel anaerobic species that are only different from other related members of a genus based on genotype will not be reviewed.Manuscript types accepted (see Guide for Authors for more information):Original research articles Original research reports on one or more of the above listed categories. Up to 4000 words, not including a structured abstract, figures, tables and references.Short Communications Presentation of brief observations that do not warrant a full-length publication. Up to 1500 words not including abstract, figures, tables and references. Short communications should report complete datasets and not preliminary findings.Reviews and minireviews Reviews are typically 7,000 words in length including relevant tables and/or figures. Mini-reviews are typically restricted to 2,500 words in length.*New from March 1st 2023: Anaerobe no longer accepts unsolicited reviews and standalone mini-reviews. Proposals for reviews and mini-reviews within the topics mentioned above are welcome for consideration by the journal. Please provide a proposed title and detailed outline of the topic to be covered to an editor-in-chief by email.Case reports Presentation of a short report on a significant clinical observation, preceded by a minireview (up to 2500 words) of the literature describing the background of similar cases/infections, what is known about the associated microbe, and other clinically relevant information. *New from March 2023: Case Reports will only be considered in this new format.Commentaries Occasionally, Anaerobe will consider publication of commentaries on important new work in the field. Such commentaries will be invited by the editors-in-chief. Suggestions for commentaries may be emailed to an Editor-in-Chief. Unsolicited commentaries will not be considered.Please note:1. Anaerobe does not accept manuscripts on descriptive, sequence-based surveys of microbiomes, even if the environments of the sampled ecosystems select for anaerobic species. However, when studies such as these are accompanied by direct, mechanistic assays of strictly anaerobic components, they will be considered for publication. 2. Anaerobe will not consider manuscripts that deal only with descriptive accounts of the beneficial effects of potentially novel probiotic strains, unless such strains belong to strictly anaerobic species that have previously not been associated with probiotic features. Anaerobe will continue to consider manuscripts for publication that address determinations of the specific mechanism(s) of action of anaerobic probiotic strains.
Clinical Microbiology Newsletter is published bi-monthly to to provide consistent educational features and to keep pace with advances in the fast-moving field of Clinical Microbiology.Clinical Microbiology Newsletter aims to provide articles to enable you to streamline procedures and improve results. It publishes reviews on infectious disease pathogens, reports on changes that affect your work, including articles on new diagnostic techniques, regulatory and guideline changes, and challenging diagnostic dogmas, clinical cases focused on diagnostic approaches for both common and uncommon pathogens.The journal publishes three types of articles:Mini-reviews Case presentationsMicrobe SnapshotsThese articles cover topics including:Minireviews on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases,Practical articles on common and contemporary laboratory techniques,Indispensable updates on important clinical problems that impact the clinical laboratory,Editorials and opinions on controversial issues in laboratory medicine,Case-based articles focused on diagnostic approaches for infectious pathogens,Snapshots highlighting specific infectious pathogens,Helpful tips on improving the laboratory workplace.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) is a monthly publication in English of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and publishes peer-reviewed papers that present basic and applied research relevant to therapy and diagnostics in the fields of microbiology, infectious diseases, virology, parasitology, immunology and epidemiology as related to these fields.
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease provides up to date and extensive articles on clinical microbiology.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease aims to publish latest developments in clinical microbiology and the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. It publishes articles on studies in bacteriology, immunology, immunoserology.Submissions on new procedures, unusual cases, controversial issues, and important new literature. are particularly welcomed.The journal publishes topics including:Informed commentaries on new antibioticsRapid and cost-effective methods in the laboratoryInstructive case studies with emphasis on complex circumstancesInsightful editorials on important current issuesBook reviews that keep you up-to-date on recently published literatureLaboratory and clinical management of microbial diseasesEpidemiology and pathogenesis of infectionsAutomation in the diagnostic microbiology laboratoryAntibiotic susceptibility testing
An official journal of the Indian Association of Medical MicrobiologistsIndian Journal of Medical Microbiology (IJMM) provides comprehensive coverage of medical microbiology, as well as infectious diseases. We welcome wide ranging contributions; from basic research at laboratory to clinical trials, including bacteriology, mycobacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology, infection prevention and control, and infectious diseases.We publish articles under the following subject categories:Antimicrobial susceptibility and antimicrobial stewardship: surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibility in bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites of importance in humans, animals, and the environment that are frequently interconnected; mechanisms of action, resistance and interactions. The role of antimicrobial stewardship programs in hospitals and its effectiveness.Clinical microbiology: understanding pathogenesis, virulence factors of the diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, mycobacteria, parasites and fungi in humans, clinical presentation, newer methods and tools for diagnosis of disease and therapeutic options; community health with respect to infection burden and prevention, disease epidemiology and climate change.Emerging infectious diseases: understanding the epidemiology of new and emerging infections or old infections having a resurgence in humans including zoonosis; their pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment.Medical mycology and mycobacteriology: pathogenesis, diagnosis, drug susceptibility, therapy, clinical immunology, autoimmune diseases, and immune responses to infections, vaccine development, epidemiology, public health and outbreak investigation of diseases in humans.Hospital infection: various hospital associated infections -their analysis, control, prevention and lessons learnt, newer methodologies to track HAI's, hospital outbreaks.Molecular studies: application of phenotypic, genotypic and molecular techniques in the study of virulence, AMR genes, epidemiology, outbreak investigations and public health.Microbiome and microbial ecology in health: the normal microbiome and dysbiosis; structure of microbial ecosystems and communities; microbial ecology, with an emphasis on how microorganisms interact with their environment, their host and each other and their impact on general health and treatment of disease. the normal microbiome and dysbiosis and its association with disease conditions; and microbial ecosystems and communities.Immunology: Clinical immunology, autoimmune diseases, and immune responses to infectionsVaccinology and therapeutics: research in identifying vaccine targets, novel drug discovery and therapeutics.IJMM publishes article types such as original research, review articles, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, clinical trials, correspondence, case reports and a new section - infectious disease grand rounds.High quality scientific content related to infections from dental and veterinary sciences (like zoonotic illnesses) can also be submitted.
Journal of Clinical Virology is an international journal and is the Official journal of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology and The European Society for Clinical Virology.Journal of Clinical Virology aims to publish papers and reviews on the clinical aspects of human virology. It publishes articles on diagnostical methods and virus-induced clinical conditions. The manuscripts should be clinically practical and relevant.Submissions on new technologies for viral diagnosis and monitoring are particularly welcomed.The journal publishes on topics that include:• new diagnostic technologies • nucleic acid amplification and serologic testing • targeted and metagenomic next-generation sequencing • emerging pandemic viral threats • respiratory viruses • transplant viruses • chronic viral infections • cancer-associated viruses • gastrointestinal viruses • central nervous system viruses • one health (excludes animal health)Journal of Clinical Virology does not accept submissions on single cases or case series. Please submit manuscripts of this type to IDcases. Journal of Clinical Virology also does not accept submissions on fundamental virology. Please submit manuscripts of this type to Virology.
Microbial Pathogenesis publishes original contributions and reviews about the molecular and cellular mechanisms of infectious diseases. It covers microbiology, host-pathogen interaction and immunology related to infectious agents, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. It also accepts papers in the field of clinical microbiology, with the exception of case reports.Research Areas Include:PathogenesisVirulence factorsHost susceptibility or resistanceImmune mechanismsIdentification, cloning and sequencing of relevant genesGenetic studiesViruses, prokaryotic organisms and protozoaMicrobiotaSystems biology related to infectious diseasesTargets for vaccine design (pre-clinical studies)The journal aims for rapid publication of articles of high quality and significance in an international forum. Please note that reviews are only accepted upon editorial invitation.Short Communications have the following limits. The manuscript should ideally contain no more than 4-6 Figures/Tables and 4000 words, including the title page, all sections of the manuscript (including the references), and Figure/Table legends. The abstract should be limited to 200 words.Microbial Pathogenesis does not accept submissions that primarily consist of (a) bioinformatics or computational analysis of public genomic or transcriptomic databases, or (b) the testing and evaluation of previously uncharacterized natural product-based drug candidates. The journal does not publish purely bioinformatic or computational studies without substantial experimental validation. Please be aware that experimental validation is a mandatory requirement for all submissions.
New Microbes and New Infections (NMNI) is a journal which publishes cutting-edge papers on all aspects of emerging microbes and infections as well as papers on "old microbes" with a new presentation such as drug resistant malaria, antimicrobial resistant bacteria, re-emerging infections or organisms in new hosts or vectors.NMNI publishes articles on new microbes that are evolving from existing organisms and infections in new populations or appearing in new geographic area. It publishes high quality systematic reviews, narrative reviews, cutting-edge original research and rapid analyses of traditional and emerging infections as well as editorials, short correspondence pieces and special issues that can be rapidly reviewed and published.Submissions on preparedness of healthcare infrastructures, governments or international organisations to detect, characterize and mitigate emerging microbial threats are welcome.The journal publishes topics including:• Travel acquired infections • Infection outbreaks • Predictions/examples showing the expansion of a microbe to a new ecological niche or an expanded geographic area due to climate change. • One Health. Emerging infections and their links/origins to the animal world. • Manipulation of microbes in the lab and considers organisms of bioterror. • Antimicrobials • Preventive approaches and therapies to combat novel microbes or changing infections
The Lancet is an independent, international general medical journal founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley. Since its first weekly issue (October 5, 1823), the journal has strived to make science widely available so that medicine can serve, and transform society, and positively impact the lives of people.The Lancet is committed to applying scientific knowledge to improve health and advance human progress. In our weekly issues, and Online First content, we publish some of the best science from the best scientists worldwide, providing an unparalleled global reach and impact on health.
The official journal of The Japanese Society for Vaccinology.Vaccine is unique in publishing the highest quality science across all disciplines relevant to the field of vaccinology - all original article submissions across basic and clinical research, vaccine manufacturing, history, public policy, behavioral science and ethics, social sciences, safety, and many other related areas are welcomed. The submission categories as given in the Guide for Authors indicate where we receive the most papers. Papers outside these major areas are also welcome and authors are encouraged to contact us with specific questions. We also invite authors to submit relevant basic science and clinical reviews, methodological articles, opinion and commentary pieces, visual pieces, and letters. Authors are required to consult the Guide for Authors as the submission guidelines are dynamic and therefore subject to change.Vaccine has an open access companion journal titled Vaccine: X.The Editors retain the right to desk reject submissions without peer review when it is clear that the Guide for Authors and the submission categories have not been consulted .