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Journals in Bacteriology

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  • ISSN: 1075-9964
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.5
Anaerobe is essential reading for those who wish to remain at the forefront of discoveries relating to life processes of strictly anaerobes. The journal is multi-disciplinary, and provides a unique forum for those investigating strictly anaerobic organisms that cause infections in humans and animals, as well as anaerobes that play roles in microbiomes or environmental processes. Anaerobe will consider manuscripts on anaerobic bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists as well as bacteriophages of anaerobes.Relevant topics fall into the broad categories of:Anaerobes in human and animal diseasesAnaerobes in the microbiomeAnaerobes in the environmentAnaerobes in industrial processes (including biofuels and waste management)Microbial ecology of anaerobesClinical microbiology involving anaerobesPathogenesis of anaerobic organisms (including their toxins)Molecular biology and genetics of anaerobesTaxonomy of anaerobesPhysiology of anaerobesPapers describing innovative methodologies, technologies and applications to investigate anaerobic microorganisms are also of interest. Manuscripts describing novel species of obligate anaerobes will be reviewed, if the description of the new species also includes information showing novel phenotypic characteristics, pathogenicity and/or unique metabolic activity within the microbiome from which it was isolated. Manuscripts describing novel anaerobic species that are only different from other related members of a genus based on genotype will not be reviewed.Manuscript types accepted (see Guide for Authors for more information):Original research articles Original research reports on one or more of the above listed categories. Up to 4000 words, not including a structured abstract, figures, tables and references.Short Communications Presentation of brief observations that do not warrant a full-length publication. Up to 1500 words not including abstract, figures, tables and references. Short communications should report complete datasets and not preliminary findings.Reviews and minireviews Reviews are typically 7,000 words in length including relevant tables and/or figures. Mini-reviews are typically restricted to 2,500 words in length.*New from March 1st 2023: Anaerobe no longer accepts unsolicited reviews and standalone mini-reviews. Proposals for reviews and mini-reviews within the topics mentioned above are welcome for consideration by the journal. Please provide a proposed title and detailed outline of the topic to be covered to an editor-in-chief by email.Case reports Presentation of a short report on a significant clinical observation, preceded by a minireview (up to 2500 words) of the literature describing the background of similar cases/infections, what is known about the associated microbe, and other clinically relevant information. *New from March 2023: Case Reports will only be considered in this new format.Commentaries Occasionally, Anaerobe will consider publication of commentaries on important new work in the field. Such commentaries will be invited by the editors-in-chief. Suggestions for commentaries may be emailed to an Editor-in-Chief. Unsolicited commentaries will not be considered.Please note:1. Anaerobe does not accept manuscripts on descriptive, sequence-based surveys of microbiomes, even if the environments of the sampled ecosystems select for anaerobic species. However, when studies such as these are accompanied by direct, mechanistic assays of strictly anaerobic components, they will be considered for publication. 2. Anaerobe will not consider manuscripts that deal only with descriptive accounts of the beneficial effects of potentially novel probiotic strains, unless such strains belong to strictly anaerobic species that have previously not been associated with probiotic features. Anaerobe will continue to consider manuscripts for publication that address determinations of the specific mechanism(s) of action of anaerobic probiotic strains.


  • ISSN: 1045-1056
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.5
Journal of the International Alliance for Biological StandardizationBiologicals provides a modern and multidisciplinary international forum for news, debate, and original research on all aspects of biologicals used in human and veterinary medicine. The journal publishes original papers, reviews, and letters relevant to the development, production, quality control, and standardization of biological derived from both novel and established biotechnologies. Special issues are produced to reflect topics of particular international interest and concern.Three types of papers are welcome: original research reports, short papers, and review articles. The journal will also publish comments and letters to the editor, book reviews, meeting reports and information on regulatory issues.Research Areas IncludeAreas relevant to biologicals for human and veterinary use such as:• Bacterial vaccines • Blood products • Cell biology • Cell culture technology • Cellular immunology • Cytokines and allied mediators • Diagnostics • Downstream processing • Gene transfer and expression • General bacterology • General virology, endogenous and adventitious viruses • Hormones • Immunochemistry • Molecular biology • Monoclonal antibodies • Parasitology • Prion and prion disease • Protein chemistry • Toxins • Toxoids • Viral vaccines

Clinical Microbiology and Infection

  • ISSN: 1198-743X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.3
  • Impact factor: 10.9
Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) is a monthly publication in English of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and publishes peer-reviewed papers that present basic and applied research relevant to therapy and diagnostics in the fields of microbiology, infectious diseases, virology, parasitology, immunology and epidemiology as related to these fields.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease

  • ISSN: 0732-8893
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease provides up to date and extensive articles on clinical microbiology.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease aims to publish latest developments in clinical microbiology and the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. It publishes articles on studies in bacteriology, immunology, immunoserology.Submissions on new procedures, unusual cases, controversial issues, and important new literature. are particularly welcomed.The journal publishes topics including:Informed commentaries on new antibioticsRapid and cost-effective methods in the laboratoryInstructive case studies with emphasis on complex circumstancesInsightful editorials on important current issuesBook reviews that keep you up-to-date on recently published literatureLaboratory and clinical management of microbial diseasesEpidemiology and pathogenesis of infectionsAutomation in the diagnostic microbiology laboratoryAntibiotic susceptibility testing
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease

Journal of Microbiological Methods

  • ISSN: 0167-7012
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.7
The Journal of Microbiological Methods publishes scholarly and original articles, notes and review articles. These articles must include novel and/or state-of-the-art methods, or significant improvements to existing methods. Novel and innovative applications of current methods that are validated and useful will also be published. JMM strives for scholarship, innovation and excellence. This demands scientific rigour, the best available methods and technologies, correctly replicated experiments/tests, the inclusion of proper controls, calibrations, and the correct statistical analysis. The presentation of the data must support the interpretation of the method/approach.All aspects of microbiology are covered, except virology. These include agricultural microbiology, applied and environmental microbiology, bioassays, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biochemical microbiology, clinical microbiology, diagnostics, food monitoring and quality control microbiology, microbial genetics and genomics, geomicrobiology, microbiome methods regardless of habitat, high through-put sequencing methods and analysis, microbial pathogenesis and host responses, metabolomics, metagenomics, metaproteomics, microbial ecology and diversity, microbial physiology, microbial ultra-structure, microscopic and imaging methods, molecular microbiology, mycology, novel mathematical microbiology and modelling, parasitology, plant-microbe interactions, protein markers/profiles, proteomics, pyrosequencing, public health microbiology, radioisotopes applied to microbiology, robotics applied to microbiological methods,rumen microbiology, microbiological methods for space missions and extreme environments, sampling methods and samplers, soil and sediment microbiology, transcriptomics, veterinary microbiology, sero-diagnostics and typing/identification.The editors, editorial board members and scholarly reviewers are active scientists with an immense amount of collective experience that is used during the review and revision stages of articles. We encourage the submission of proposals for scholarly reviews and specials issues on emerging microbiological methods that are central to advancing microbiological knowledge. We look forward to receiving your proposals and articles.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Microbiological Methods

Systematic and Applied Microbiology

  • ISSN: 0723-2020
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Systematic and Applied Microbiology deals with various aspects of microbial diversity and systematics of prokaryotes. It focuses on Bacteria and Archaea; eukaryotic microorganisms will only be considered in rare cases. The journal perceives a broad understanding of microbial diversity and encourages the submission of manuscripts from the following branches of microbiology:Systematics: Theoretical and practical issues dealing with classification and taxonomy, i.e. • New descriptions or revisions of prokaryotic taxa, including in particular descriptions of not-yet cultured taxa in the category Candidatus, • innovative methods for the determination of taxonomical and genealogical relationships • evaluation of intra-taxon diversity through multidisciplinary approaches • identification methods.Applied Microbiology: polyphasic studies combining multiple methods yielding in-depth data on the diversity and function of particular clades of Bacteria and Archaea in all aspects of agricultural, food, and industrial microbiology, including water and wastewater treatment. Also these studies must have a focus on prokaryotic systematics.Comparative biochemistry and genomics: studies concerning biochemical/metabolic and genomic diversity of cultured as well as yet-uncultured Bacteria and Archaea.Ecology: polyphasic descriptions of the microbial diversity and community composition of natural and man-made ecosystems; studies quantifying the size, dynamics, and function of prokaryotic populations; innovative research on the interaction of Bacteria and Archaea with each other and their biotic and abiotic environments. The description of candidate taxa is highly encouraged but should be based on high quality metagenomic information, as well as the in situ identification of the target bacterial or archaeal populations.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology