Environmental Psychology and Human Well-Being: Effects of Built and Natural Settings, Second Edition provides an understanding on how mental and physical well-being is affected by physical environments, along with insights on how the design of environments might be improved to support better health outcomes. The book's uniqueness emphasizes the impact of particular kinds of environments on humans (e.g., cities, therapeutic landscapes, schools), and thus considers the environment as the driver of behavior rather than starting with human attitudes and values. In addition, the content reviews the history, discusses theoretical constructs, research and design, and provides up-to-date research survey findings.New content on the effects of the pandemic on work and educational settings (including remote options) as well as a new chapter on shelters in response to natural disasters is included.
Incorporating relevant theory and research from psychology (social, cognitive, clinical, developmental, and personality), mass communication, and media studies, Psychological Processes in Social Media examines both the positive and negative psychological impacts of social media use. This book covers a broad range of topics such as research methods, social influence, the viral spread of information, the use of social media in political movements, prosocial behavior, trolling and cyberbullying, and friendship and romantic relationships. Emphasizing the integration of theory and application throughout, this book offers an illuminating look at the psychological implications and processes around the use of social media.
Globalization creates economic prosperity for citizens around the world. It changes people’s deep-rooted attitudes, values, and behavioral patterns. Editor Thomas Li-Ping Tang is the first to scientifically capture the meaning of money and coin the contemporary love of money construct. Ardent monetary aspirations involve affective, behavioral, and cognitive subconstructs. Monetary Wisdom: Monetary Aspirations Impact Decision-Making bridges the gaps between behavioral economics, business ethics, decision-making, and the psychology of money. It compiles research from world-renowned experts in 37 countries across 6 continents. This book presents an excellent collection of innovative and multicultural views. Monetary Wisdom investigates how individuals apply monetary aspirations as a lens, frame critical concerns at the proximal and omnibus contexts, and maximize expected utility and ultimate serenity at the individual, organizational, and global levels. The books’ practical implications help readers apply and enjoy these discoveries’ benefits.
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychology Treatment Modules: Personalized Care in Behavior and Emotion provides clinicians with modularized treatment strategies for commonly occurring child and youth mental health disorders. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book translates basic science into clinical practice, reviewing predictors, mediators and moderators of change, and an overview of evidence for best practices in treating disorders. The second section guides clinicians on how to implement treatment strategies. Chapters instruct what therapy is, how to introduce it to clients, step-by-step implementation, worksheets for use in practice, homework to send home with clients, and more.
Creativity: Research, Development, and Practice, Third Edition, summarizes the research on the development, expression, and enhancement of creativity. It draws from the full range of disciplines studying creativity, including psychology, business, education, economics, philosophy, neuroscience, and more. This volume includes exploration of research on the nature/nurture debate, what influences creativity, how creativity is related to personality, how social context may affect creativity, mental health, and its relation to creativity, gender differences, and how creativity is related to and differs from, invention, innovation, imagination, and adaptability. The third edition has been thoroughly updated, with a new chapter on psychometrics and substantial updates on the biology and neuroscience of creativity, politics, and creative cognition. It includes quotations, graphics, boxed controversial issues, and biographical examples from unambiguously creative individuals.
Creativity and Morality summarizes and integrates research on creativity used to achieve bad or immoral ends. The book includes the use of deception, novel ideas to commit wrongdoings across contexts, including in organizations, the classroom and terrorism. Morality is discussed from an individual perspective and relative to broader sociocultural norms that allow people to believe actions are justified. Chapters explore this research from an interdisciplinary perspective, including from psychology, philosophy, media studies, aesthetics and ethics.
**Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Occupational and Environmental Medicine**This third edition of Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace is a fully updated and expanded version of the highly successful second edition. Written for the widespread aviation community including students, engineers, scientists, pilots, managers, government personnel, etc., this edition continues to offer a comprehensive overview, including pilot performance, human factors in aircraft design, and vehicles and systems. With new editors, this edition adds chapters on aviator attention and perception, accident investigations, automated systems in civil transport airplanes, and aerospace. Multicontributed by leading professionals in the field, this book is the ultimate resource for anyone in the aviation and aerospace industries.
Athlete Mental Health and Performance Optimization: The Optimum Performance Program for Sports (TOPPS)introduces TOPPS, which provides structured protocols to assist with recruitment, engagement, screening, assessment and performance optimization. The book presents step-by-step instructional guidelines, real-world case examples, screening and assessment questionnaires, scoring instructions, intervention handouts and worksheets that complement intervention. TOPPS has demonstrated significantly improved relationships with teammates and coaches, decreased substance use and psychiatric symptoms, and decreased factors interfering with sport performance. These results have been sustained in follow-up and has been shown to have improved outcomes regardless of mental health diagnostic severity. The Book's first three chapters introduce performance optimization orientation, theories and evidence supporting TOPPS, general assessment and intervention approaches, psychometrically-validated measures and strategies used to address culture, methods of establishing a culture of optimization and requisite infrastructure within the respective system, and therapeutic style, techniques and implementation strategies. Remaining chapters show how to implement TOPPS.
Few students sitting in their introductory statistics class learn that they are being taught the product of a misguided effort to combine two methods into one. Few students learn that some think the method they are being taught should be banned. Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests: A Practitioner’s Handbook follows one of the two methods that were combined: the approach championed by Ronald Fisher. Fisher’s method is simple, intuitive, and immune to criticism. Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests is also a user-friendly handbook meant for practitioners. Rather than overwhelming the reader with endless mathematical operations that are rarely performed by hand, the author of Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests emphasizes concepts and reasoning. In Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests, the author explains what is accomplished by testing null hypotheses—and what is not. The author explains the misconceptions that concern null hypothesis testing. He explains why confidence intervals show the results of null hypothesis tests, performed backwards. Most importantly, the author explains the Big Secret. Many—some say all—null hypotheses must be false. But authorities tell us we should test false null hypotheses anyway to determine the direction of a difference that we know must be there (a topic unrelated to so-called one-tailed tests). In Wise Use of Null Hypothesis Tests, the author explains how to control how often we get the direction wrong (it is not half of alpha) and commit a Type III (or Type S) error.
Introduction to Clinical Aspects of the Autonomic Nervous System: Sixth edition, Volume Two is an all-encompassing reference to the autonomic nervous system's function, dysfunction and pathology. This updated volume describes the role of the autonomic nervous system in circadian rhythms, sleep and wakefulness, aging, exercise, and its role in pain perception. Additional chapters focus on disorders causing autonomic dysfunction, including spinal cord injuries, autonomic neuropathies, trophic disorders, progressive autonomic failure, autonomic adaptations in space and hypoxia, and autonomic testing in the laboratory. This book will help readers become well-equipped to care for patients with autonomic disorders and guide research endeavors.