Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numerics, Fifth Edition continues its market-leading tradition of concisely presenting and developing the linear theory of elasticity, moving from solution methodologies, formulations, and strategies into applications of contemporary interest, such as fracture mechanics, anisotropic and composite materials, micromechanics, nonhomogeneous graded materials, and computational methods.Developed for a one- or two-semester graduate elasticity course, this new edition has been revised with new worked examples, exercises, and new or expanded coverage in recent areas of interest. Using MATLAB® software, numerical activities in the text are integrated with analytical problem solutions, and new symbolic software has now been introduced.
Micromanufacturing Engineering and Technology, Third Edition covers the major themes in micromanufacturing and the latest developments from industry and academia. Theory and manufacturing processes are addressed, as well as a wide range of practical aspects of micro-manufacturing engineering and utilization, such as design, modeling, materials, tools and equipment issues, automation and manufacturing systems. This fully updated edition features new material on micro-machining, Focused-Ion-Beam machining, laser-machining, micro-forming, micro-EDM, micro-ECM, Deep X-Ray Lithography, hot-embossing, micro-injection moulding, micro-sintering, inkjet technology, 3D printing and additive micro-manufacturing, and much more.Edited by one of the few world-experts in this relatively new, but rapidly-expanding area and presenting chapters written by a 50-strong team of leading industry specialists, academics and researchers, this book is an invaluable source of information for engineers, R&D researchers and academics.
Micromechanics of Composites: Multipole Expansion Approach, Second Edition outlines substantial recent progress in the development of the multipole expansion method and focuses on its application to actual micromechanical problems. The book covers micromechanics topics such as conductivity and elasticity of particulate and fibrous composites, including those with imperfect and partially debonded interfaces, nanocomposites, cracked solids, and more. Complete analytical solutions and accurate numerical data are presented in a unified manner for the multiple inhomogeneity models of finite, semi-, and infinite heterogeneous solids. This new edition has been updated to include the theories and techniques of the multipole expansion method. Two entirely new chapters covering the conductivity and elasticity of composites with ellipsoidal inhomogeneities and anisotropic constituents have been added. A special emphasis is made on the heterogeneous solids with imperfect interfaces, including the nanoporous and nanocomposite materials.
Microforming Technology: Theory, Simulation and Practice addresses all aspects of micromanufacturing technology, presenting detailed technical information and the latest research developments. The book covers fundamentals, theory, simulation models, equipment and tools design, practical micromanufacturing procedures, and micromanufacturing-related supporting systems, such as laser heating system, hydraulic system and quality evaluation systems. Newly developed technology, including micro wedge rolling, micro flexible rolling and micro hydromechanical deep drawing, as well as traditional methods, such as micro deep drawing, micro bending and micro ultrathin strip rolling, are discussed. This will be a highly valuable resource for those involved in the use, study and design of micro products and micromanufacturing technologies, including engineers, scientists, academics and graduate students.
The Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies, Second Edition, is a comprehensive guide to MEMS materials, technologies, and manufacturing that examines the state-of-the-art with a particular emphasis on silicon as the most important starting material used in MEMS. The book explains the fundamentals, properties (mechanical, electrostatic, optical, etc.), materials selection, preparation, manufacturing, processing, system integration, measurement, and materials characterization techniques, sensors, and multi-scale modeling methods of MEMS structures, silicon crystals, and wafers, also covering micromachining technologies in MEMS and encapsulation of MEMS components. Furthermore, it provides vital packaging technologies and process knowledge for silicon direct bonding, anodic bonding, glass frit bonding, and related techniques, shows how to protect devices from the environment, and provides tactics to decrease package size for a dramatic reduction in costs.
Micromanufacturing Engineering and Technology, Second Edition, covers the major topics of micro-manufacturing. The book not only covers theory and manufacturing processes, but it uniquely focuses on a broader range of practical aspects of micro-manufacturing engineering and utilization by also covering materials, tools and equipment, manufacturing system issues, control aspects and case studies. By explaining material selection, design considerations and economic aspects, the book empowers engineers in choosing among competing technologies. With a focus on low-cost and high-volume micro-manufacturing processes, the updated title covers technologies such as micro-mechanical-cutting, laser-machining, micro-forming, micro-EDM, micro-ECM, hot-embossing, micro-injection molding, laser micro-sintering, thin film fabrication, inkjet technology, micro-joining, multiple processes machines, and more. Edited by one of the few world-experts in this relatively new, but rapidly-expanding area and presenting chapters written by a 40-strong team of leading industry specialists, this book is an invaluable source of information for engineers, R&D researchers and academics.
This proceedings volume contains papers from researchers in Japan, the United States and England who have made fundamental contributions to the micromechanics of granular materials. The purpose of the seminar was to facilitate an exchange of ideas between scientists working with statistical and continuum theories, computer simulations and experiments on both static and dynamic behaviour. In describing the solid like behaviour of granular materials, many new ideas on the constitutive relations are introduced in this volume. As an application of the analysis, the mechanism of liquefaction is discussed. Computer simulations have become a vital tool in establishing the micromechanical approaches which otherwise would not be experimentally tested. In numerical simulations and theoretical analyses of rapid granular flow, various modifications on the nature of materials and boundaries are given. Possible applications of the techniques of the stereology and analysis based on geometrical statistics are also included. The papers collected in this volume signify that the promotion of a good understanding of the mechanics of granular materials has been and will continue to be valued in a variety of technical disciplines.
The 45 papers presented in this volume all share the common goal of constructing continuum models based on the micro behaviours of granular materials. Computer simulations continue to provide observations to aid modelling, while new experimental works begin to show promise for increased understanding in this area. Theoretical studies have extended into transitions between the rapid and quasi-static regimes and the fluid and solid mixture flows. Exciting new topics discussed in this volume include: concepts of a measure for randomness in quasi-static granular materials, which is analogous to the granular temperature in a rapid flow; scaling effects in granular media and their implications in both physical and computer simulations; instability; and boundary effects on heterogeneous behavior in simple flow configurations, which are posing new challenges for mathematical modelling. The volume will prove indispensable reading for researchers interested in the current developments in the fundamental aspects of mechanics of granular materials.
A comprehensive overview is given in this book towards a fundamental understanding of the micromechanics of the overall response and failure modes of advanced materials, such as ceramics and ceramic and other composites. These advanced materials have become the focus of systematic and extensive research in recent times. The book consists of two parts. The first part reviews solids with microdefects such as cavities, cracks, and inclusions, as well as elastic composites. To render the book self-contained, the second part focuses on the fundamentals of continuum mechanics, particularly linear elasticity which forms the basis for the development of small deformation micromechanics.In Part 1, a fundamental and general framework for quantitative, rigorous analysis of the overall response and failure modes of microstructurally heterogeneous solids is systematically developed. These expressions apply to broad classes of materials with inhomogeneities and defects. While for the most part, the general framework is set within linear elasticity, the results directly translate to heterogeneous solids with rate-dependent or rate-independent inelastic constituents. This application is specifically referred to in various chapters. The general exact correlations obtained between the overall properties and the microstructure are then used together with simple models, to develop techniques for direct quantitative evaluation of the overall response which is generally described in terms of instantaneous overall moduli or compliance. The correlations among the corresponding results for a variety of problems are examined in great detail. The bounds as well as the specific results, include new observations and original developments, as well as an in-depth account of the state of the art.Part 2 focuses on Elasticity. The section on variational methods includes some new elements which should prove useful for application to advanced modeling, as well as solutions of composites and related heterogeneous bodies. A brief modern version of elements in vector and tensor algebra is provided which is particularly tailored to provide a background for the rest of this book.The data contained in this volume as Part 1 includes new results on many basic issues in micromechanics, which will be helpful to graduate students and researchers involved with rigorous physically-based modeling of overall properties of heterogeneous solids.
Micromechanics of Composites: Multipole Expansion Approach is the first book to introduce micromechanics researchers to a more efficient and accurate alternative to computational micromechanics, which requires heavy computational effort and the need to extract meaningful data from a multitude of numbers produced by finite element software code. In this book Dr. Kushch demonstrates the development of the multipole expansion method, including recent new results in the theory of special functions and rigorous convergence proof of the obtained series solutions. The complete analytical solutions and accurate numerical data contained in the book have been obtained in a unified manner for a number of the multiple inclusion models of finite, semi- and infinite heterogeneous solids. Contemporary topics of micromechanics covered in the book include composites with imperfect and partially debonded interface, nanocomposites, cracked solids, statistics of the local fields, and brittle strength of disordered composites.