Grid-Integration of Power Converters and AC/DC Microgrids: Modeling, Simulation, and Validation is a guidebook to the effective design, simulation, and control of converters for microgrid systems in the dynamic environment of energy transition. Building steadily from essential concepts to advanced applications, this book leads readers through three key components. First, Part I introduces a critical modeling program, the Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP). Part II breaks down the essential strategies for converter modeling and control, and Part III combines these theoretical and practical aspects into a range of real-world scenarios.Taking a holistic approach that will appeal to any level of experience, this book empowers readers to grasp fundamental concepts, utilize modern modeling software, and apply skills to build the energy networks of the future.
Multiphase Power Electronic Converters: Modulation, Control, and Applications is a comprehensive guide to multiphase power converters, which have become the standard for improving efficiency, power density, and overall system performance in a variety of applications, including, e-mobility, ship propulsion, mining, defense, and renewable energy systems. The book begins by introducing the different types and topologies of multiphase convertors, before delving into the central ideas, design principles, control strategies, and key and emerging applications, with detailed chapters supported by real-world examples and analysis.This will be valuable for engineers, researchers, and graduate students who want to understand and utilize the potential of multiphase power converters, addressing key challenges and enabling the reader to design and implement more efficient, reliable, and sustainable power electronic systems for various applications.
Distribution System Modeling with Distributed Energy Resources: Local Energy Markets, Aggregators, Grid Services, and Flexibility utilizes a wide range of modeling approaches to support DER integration into the energy grid. The book opens by introducing basic principles and challenges of modern energy systems and the role of DERs in resolving issues, as well as regulatory considerations and frameworks across a variety of distributions. It goes on to demonstrate and evaluate mathematical modeling and optimizing methods, including robust and adaptive robust methods, the two-stage stochastic method, and bi-level optimization approaches.This theory is then applied to a range of test-cases which use the DER aggregator as either price-maker or price-taker, apply Karush-Kahn-Tucker condition, dual theory approaches, and bilateral contacts, TSO-DSO cooperation, and decision-making tools. With a practical, holistic approach, this book supports graduate students, researchers, and industry engineers in energy systems modeling to design sustainable power grids for the future.
Hosting Capacity Aspects in Distribution Networks Towards Sustainable Energy Systems is a comprehensive guidebook that delves into the critical aspects of power systems. It emphasizes the essential developments necessary to support the transition towards sustainable energy sources. The book begins by laying down the fundamental principles of hosting capacity in energy systems, highlighting modern challenges in the shift to renewable and distributed energy sources. It underscores the pivotal role hosting capacity plays in the planning and operation of successful systems, offering readers a solid foundation on which to build their understanding.Subsequent chapters are dedicated to providing detailed explanations on various practical hosting capacity calculation methods and enhancement techniques. The book also introduces available tools and software solutions to address hosting capacity issues. By compiling the latest insights and advancements in this crucial yet under-explored area, this book serves as an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and engineers. It aids in planning hosting capacity aspects for the successful integration of renewable and sustainable energy systems.
The Sustainable Power Grid provides a breakdown of the different challenges faced by power grid modernization and presents practical approaches to tackle them. The technologies, case studies, and applications are presented from the perspective of engineering consultants who participate in major grid-related disasters and perform detailed forensic investigations that support the evolution of sustainable power quality.Chapters discuss key issues surrounding extreme weather, power quality, new technologies, and power converters. This book also outlines a quantitative risk-based framework for asset health assessment of overhead lines, along with engineering and environmental considerations. Concluding with a deep dive into energy storage, topics consist of energy storage system protection, condition monitoring, and emerging technologies.Completely practical in nature, this is a valuable resource for engineers in the electrical power industry and offers students and researchers applied content in the latest power grid technologies.
Fundamentals of Smart Grid Systems offers an expansive introduction to the operationalization, integration, and management of smart grids—the distributed, renewable, responsive, and highly efficient power grid on the verge of radically transforming our energy system. The book reviews the design of smart grid systems, their associated technologies, and operations, helping users develop a modern foundational understanding of smart grid systems and many of their advanced implementations, where sophisticated technologies are employed. The work serves as a guidebook and primer for early career researchers, with a rich integration of current science, modern applications, and future implementations.
Emerging Transactive Energy Technology for the Future Modern Energy Networks looks at the importance of transactive energy technology in modern multi-carrier energy networks, exploring modeling and optimization and analyzing the necessity of transactive energy technology for future modern energy networks. Along with energy technology, the book covers applications of transactive energy technology, strategies in optimal operation of the hybrid energy networks, reliable and sustainable development of the modern energy networks, and design, integration and operation of a full level of renewable energy resources. This reference is intended for energy, power, mechanical and environmental engineers, researchers and postgraduate students who work in various types of energy systems.
Electric Motor Drives and Its Applications with Simulation Practices provides comprehensive coverage of the concepts of electric motor drives and their applications, along with their simulation using MATLAB and other software tools. The book helps engineers and students improve their software skills by learning to simulate various electric drives and applications and assists with new ideas in the simulation of electrical, electronics and instrumentations systems. Covering power electronic converter fed drives and simulation model building using all possible software as well as the operation and relevant applications discussed, the book provides a number of examples and step-by-step procedures for successful implementation. Intended for engineers, students and research scholars in industry who are working in the field of power electronics and drives, this book provides a brief introduction to simulation software under different environments.
Advances in Smart Grid Power System: Network, Control and Security discusses real world problems, solutions, and best practices in related fields. The book includes executable plans for smart grid systems, their network communications, tactics on protecting information, and response plans for cyber incidents. Moreover, it enables researchers and energy professionals to understand the future of energy delivery systems and security. Covering fundamental theory, mathematical formulations, practical implementations, and experimental testing procedures, this book gives readers invaluable insights into the field of power systems, their quality and reliability, their impact, and their importance in cybersecurity.
Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications, Fifth Edition is intended primarily for non-specialist users or students of electric motors and drives, but many researchers and specialist industrialists have also acknowledged its value in providing a clear understanding of the fundamentals. It bridges the gap between specialist textbooks (too analytical for the average user) and handbooks (full of detail but with little insight) providing an understanding of how each motor and drive system works. The fifth edition has been completely revised, updated and expanded. All of the most important types of motor and drive are covered, including d.c., induction, synchronous (including synchronous reluctance and salient Permanent Magnet), switched reluctance, and stepping. There has been significant innovation in this area since the fourth edition, particularly in the automotive, aircraft and industrial sectors, with novel motor topologies emerging, including hybrid designs that combine permanent magnet and reluctance effects. We now include a physical basis for understanding and quantifying torque production in these machines, and this leads to simple pictures that illuminate the control conditions required to optimise torque. The key converter topologies have been brought together, and the treatment of inverter switching strategies expanded. A new chapter is devoted to the treatment of Field Oriented control, reflecting its increasing importance for all a.c. motor drives. A unique physically-based approach is adopted which builds naturally on the understanding of motor behaviour developed earlier in the book: the largely non-mathematical treatment dispels much of the mystique surrounding what is often regarded as a difficult topic.