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Books in Geochemistry and petrology

111-120 of 163 results in All results

Surface and Ground Water, Weathering, and Soils

  • 1st Edition
  • November 21, 2005
  • J.I. Drever
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 4 7 1 9 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 4 7 5 9 - 6
Volume 5 has several objectives. The first is to present an overview of the composition of surface and ground waters on the continents and the mechanisms that control the compositions. The second is to present summaries of the tools and methodologies used in modern studies of the geochemistry of surface and ground waters. The third is to present information on the role of weathering and soil formation in geochemical cycles: weathering affects the chemistry of the atmosphere through uptake of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and paleosols (preserved soils in the rock record) provide information on the composition of the atmosphere in the geological past. Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003).

Underground Injection Science and Technology

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 52
  • October 28, 2005
  • C-F. Tsang + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 7 9 0 - 1
Chapters by a distinguished group of international authors on various aspects of Underground Injection Science and Technology are organized into seven sections addressing specific topics of interest. In the first section the chapters focus on the history of deep underground injection as well regulatory issues, future trends and risk analysis. The next section contains ten chapters dealing with well testing and hydrologic modeling. Section 3, consisting of five chapters, addresses various aspects of the chemical processes affecting the fate of the waste in the subsurface environment. Consideration is given here to reactions between the waste and the geologic medium, and reactions that take place within the waste stream itself.The remaining four sections deal with experience relating to injection of, respectively, liquid wastes, liquid radioactive wastes in Russia, slurried solids, and compressed carbon dioxide. Chapters in Section 4, cover a diverse range of other issues concerning the injection of liquid wastes including two that deal with induced seismicity. In Section 5, Russian scientists have contributed several chapters revealing their knowledge and experience of the deep injection disposal of high-level radioactive liquid processing waste. Section 6 consists of five chapters that cover the technology surrounding the injection disposal of waste slurries. Among the materials considered are drilling wastes, bone meal, and biosolids. Finally, four chapters in Section 7 deal with questions relating to carbon dioxide sequestration in deep sedimentary aquifers. This subject is particularly topical as nations grapple with the problem of controlling the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 52
  • October 13, 2005
  • L. Buryakovsky + 3 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 2 0 5 3 - 1
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 6 1 2 1 - 2
This book discusses the progress that is being made through innovations in instrumental measurements of geologic and geochemical systems and their study using modern mathematical modeling. It covers the systems approach to understanding sedimentary rocks and their role in evolution and containment of subsurface fluids. Fundamental aspects of petroleum geology and geochemistry, generation, migration, accumulation, evaluation and production of hydrocarbons are discussed with worldwide examples. Various physical and chemical properties of subsurface waters, crude oils and natural gases are described which is especially important to production engineering. Among various properties of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons the most important are wettability affecting production characteristics and ultimate recovery: relative permeability affecting reservoir fluid flow to the production wells; density differences between immiscible fluids which affects gravity drainage; viscosity of subsurface fluids affecting the relative mobility of each fluid; and fluid chemistry, which affects the absorption, ultimate recovery and monetary value of produced hydrocarbons. Discussion of the formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons includes (1) the changes in the chemical composition of hydrocarbons that originate from the debris of living plants and organisms to form crude oil and natural gas; (2) the origin of hydrocarbons in different areas of a single reservoir; (3) the conditions, which determine the distribution of water, oil and gas in the reservoir; (4) the migration of subsurface fluids until they eventually accumulate in isolated traps; (5) discussion of the traps as a function of sedimentary geology and tectonics. This is based on the systems approach to the specific geologic and geochemical systems using analytical and statistical principles and examples of modern mathematical modeling of static and dynamic systems.

Advances in High-Pressure Techniques for Geophysical Applications

  • 1st Edition
  • August 9, 2005
  • J. Chen + 4 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 1 9 7 9 - 5
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 7 6 6 - 6
High-pressure mineral physics is a field that is strongly driven by the development of new technology. Fifty years ago, when experimentally achievable pressures were limited to just 25 GPa, little was know about the mineralogy of the Earth's lower mantle. Silicate perovskite, the likely dominant mineral of the deep Earth, was identified only when the high-pressure techniques broke the pressure barrier of 25 GPa in 1970s. However, as the maximum achievable pressure reached beyond one Megabar (100 GPa) and even to the pressure of Earth’s core on minute samples, new discoveries increasingly were fostered by the development of new analytical techniques and improvements in sensitivity and precision of existing techniques. The book consists of six sections which group the papers according to their main topics: a) Elastic and Anelastic Properties; b) Rheology; c) Melt and Glass Properties; d) Structural and Magnetic Properties; e) Diffraction and Spectroscopy; f) Pressure Calibration and Generation. As many papers cover multiple topics, readers may find papers of interest in different sections. All papers are prepared with emphasis on technical details suitable for a technical reference. Many on-line software resources are also listed in as detailed a manner as possible. However, the URL of the software sites may be subject to change without notice.

Onshore-Offshore Relationships on the North Atlantic Margin

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 12
  • June 7, 2005
  • B.T.G. WandÃ¥s + 3 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 3 8 0 1 - 3
This book includes a selection of oral and poster presentations from "Onshore-Offshore Relationships on the Nordic Margin Conference" held in Trondheim in 2002. The conference was jointly arranged by the Norwegian Geological Society (NGF) and the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF), and attempted, through different thematic sessions, to bridge the gap often noted between industry and academic research.The first part of the conference included presentations under the theme "Basement control on offshore structuring" with representative articles from that segment included in this book and covering topics that range from analysis of vertical movements of basement substrates to the deep structural architecture of the Norwegian Sea to the development of the Jan Mayen microcontinent. These papers set the scene for the second segment of the conference, "Linking uplift and erosion with subsidence and deposition", that in the present book include articles related to the Triassic to Present-day infill history in the Norwegian and northern North Seas. The last segment of the conference addressed "New challenges" with respect to natural features of the deep-water areas that necessitate particular consideration and innovation on the part of research and industry to mitigate risk and maximize returns from field development. In this book, the articles addressing this theme present analyses of the enormous submarine slides that took place during the Holocene in the Norwegian Sea, and are of particular interest to the developers of the Ormen Lange gas field; other articles address the occurrences of gas hydrates in the near sea floor and the challenges presented in identifying and protecting the Lophelia cold-water reefs in the region.


  • 1st Edition
  • April 7, 2005
  • W.H. Schlesinger
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 4 6 4 2 - 4
For the past 3.8 billion years, the geochemistry of the Earth's surface - its atmosphere, waters and exposed crust - has been determined by the presence of biota. Photosynthetic organisms exposed the Earth's surface to oxygen, denitrifying bacteria have maintained the nitrogen concentration in Earth's atmosphere, and land plants have determined the rate of chemical weathering. Life determines the global biogeochemical cycles of the elements of biochemistry, especially C, N, P and S. Volume 8 traces the origin and impact of life on the geochemistry of the Earth's surface, with special emphasis on the current human impact on global biogeochemical cycles. Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry, (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003)

Environmental Geochemistry

  • 1st Edition
  • April 7, 2005
  • B. Sherwood Lollar
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 4 6 4 3 - 1
Volume 9 focuses on natural and anthropogenic environmental contaminants and their implications for human health and the environment. Environmental impacts on soils, groundwater, freshwater, the oceans and atmosphere are examined in the context of both inorganic geochemistry (metals, metalloids, radioactive compounds, mineral dusts, dissolved salts, acidification) and organic geochemistry (halogenated and non-halogenated hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, fuel oxygenates, pesticides, nutrients). Issues of risk, toxicity and exposure assessment; contaminant fate and transport; remediation and disposal; and source identification are examined in this context. Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry, (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003)

Granitic Systems

  • 1st Edition
  • March 19, 2005
  • O.T. Ramo
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 1 8 8 2 - 8
This special volume stems from a symposium 'Granitic Systems - State of the Art and Future Avenues' that was held at the Department of Geology, University of Helsinki to mark the retirement of Professor Ilmari Haapala. The twenty articles in the volume cover a wide range of granite-related topics and focus on three general themes: tectonics and source regions, petrologic processes, and fractionated granites and pegmatites. Both original papers and reviews are included, and the volume will be acknowledged by anyone with a background in Earth Sciences ad a flavor for granitoid rocks.

High Pressure Geochemistry & Mineral Physics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 9
  • December 11, 2004
  • S. Mitra
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 8 2 2 - 9
Significant achievements have been made at the cross-roads of physics and planetary science. In the second half of the twentieth century, the discipline of planetary sciences has witnessed three major episodes which have revolutionized its approach and content: (i) the plate-tectonic theory, (ii) human landing and discoveries in planetary astronomy and (iii) the extraordinary technical advancement in high P-T studies, which have been abetted by a vast improvement in computational methods. Using these new computational methods, such as first principles including ab initio models, calculations have been made for the electronic structure, bonding, thermal EOS, elasticity, melting, thermal conductivity and diffusivity. In this monograph, the boundaries of the definitions of a petrologist, geochemist, geophysicist or a mineralogist have been willfully eliminated to bring them all under the spectrum of "high-pressure geochemistry" when they deal with any material (quintessentially a chemical assemblage) - terrestrial or extraterrestrial - under the conditions of high-pressure and temperature. Thus, a petrologist using a spectrometer or any instrument for high-pressure studies of a rock or a mineral, or a geochemist using them for chemical synthesis and characterization, is better categorized as a "high-pressure geochemist" rather than any other kind of disciplinarian.The contents of this monograph bring together, under one cover, apparently disparate disciplines like solid-earth geophysics and geochemistry as well as material science and condensed-matter physics to present a thorough overview of high pressure geochemistry. Indeed, such interdisciplinary activities led to the discovery of new phenomena such as high P-T behaviour in metal oxides (e.g. Mott transition), novel transitions such as amorphization, changes in order-disorder in crystals and the anomalous properties of oxide melts.

Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical Techniques

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume I
  • October 27, 2004
  • Pier A. de Groot
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 3 3 2 7 - 8
(Parent with price) Volume I contains subjective reviews, specialized and novel technique descriptions by guest authors. Part 1 includes contributions on purely analytical techniques and Part 2 includes matters such as development of mass spectrometers, stability of ion sources, standards and calibration, correction procedures and experimental methods to obtain isotopic fractionation factors.Volume II will be available in 2005.