Windows Registry Forensics: Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis of the Windows Registry, Second Edition, provides the most in-depth guide to forensic investigations involving Windows Registry. This book is one-of-a-kind, giving the background of the Registry to help users develop an understanding of the structure of registry hive files, as well as information stored within keys and values that can have a significant impact on forensic investigations. Tools and techniques for post mortem analysis are discussed at length to take users beyond the current use of viewers and into real analysis of data contained in the Registry. This second edition continues a ground-up approach to understanding so that the treasure trove of the Registry can be mined on a regular and continuing basis.
The new ARM Edition of Computer Organization and Design features a subset of the ARMv8-A architecture, which is used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies, and I/O. With the post-PC era now upon us, Computer Organization and Design moves forward to explore this generational change with examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the Cloud. Updated content featuring tablet computers, Cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures is included. An online companion Web site provides links to a free version of the DS-5 Community Edition (a free professional quality tool chain developed by ARM), as well as additional advanced content for further study, appendices, glossary, references, and recommended reading.
Advances in Computers carries on a tradition of excellence, presenting detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design, and applications. The book provides contributors with a medium in which they can explore their subjects in greater depth and breadth than journal articles typically allow. The articles included in this book will become standard references, with lasting value in this rapidly expanding field.
Systems Analysis and Synthesis: Bridging Computer Science and Information Technology presents several new graph-theoretical methods that relate system design to core computer science concepts, and enable correct systems to be synthesized from specifications. Based on material refined in the author’s university courses, the book has immediate applicability for working system engineers or recent graduates who understand computer technology, but have the unfamiliar task of applying their knowledge to a real business problem. Starting with a comparison of synthesis and analysis, the book explains the fundamental building blocks of systems-atoms and events-and takes a graph-theoretical approach to database design to encourage a well-designed schema. The author explains how database systems work-useful both when working with a commercial database management system and when hand-crafting data structures-and how events control the way data flows through a system. Later chapters deal with system dynamics and modelling, rule-based systems, user psychology, and project management, to round out readers’ ability to understand and solve business problems.
Advances in Computers carries on a tradition of excellence, presenting detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design, and applications. The book provides contributors with a medium in which they can explore their subjects in greater depth and breadth than journal articles typically allow. The articles included in this book will become standard references, with lasting value in this rapidly expanding field.
Risky Behaviours in the Top 400 iOS and Android Apps is a concise overview of the security threats posed by the top apps in iOS and Android apps. These apps are ubiquitous on a phones and other mobile devices, and are vulnerable to a wide range digital systems attacks, This brief volume provides security professionals and network systems administrators a much-needed dive into the most current threats, detection techniques, and defences for these attacks.
Building Intelligent Information Systems Software shows scientists and engineers how to build applications that model complex information, data, and knowledge without the need for coding. Traditional software development takes time and leads to inflexible, complicated applications that almost, but don’t exactly, meet the intended needs. Requirements can change, sometimes mid-development, and adapting existing systems can be difficult. Individual solutions can be incompatible, leading to information silos and inefficiency throughout an organization. This book offers a solution – the Information Unit Model, an innovative architecture for translating domain knowledge into applications. By encapsulating the complexities of computing, the Unit Model allows engineers to focus on business or experimental needs. Author Tom Feigenbaum, inventor of the Unit Modeler, demonstrates this innovative software architecture for rapid application design and development. His approach promotes repurposing pre-existing tools and libraries, and collaborating across the cloud, to promote information sharing and efficient development practices. Each concept is illustrated with examples including file management, data management, and 3D visualization.
Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition, is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on the fundamental tradeoffs that continue to drive software development.The book provides readers with a solid foundation in the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the full range of programming languages, from traditional languages like C to the latest in functional, scripting, and object-oriented programming. This fourth edition has been heavily revised throughout, with expanded coverage of type systems and functional programming, a unified treatment of polymorphism, highlights of the newest language standards, and examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures.
Object oriented programming is a way of thinking about problems. Smalltalk is one of the purest incarnations of an object-oriented programming language. Using a pedagogical approach, this book covers all aspects of object oriented programming: first through the study of various preexisting Smalltalk classes, their implementation and use; then through a detailed description of an implementation of an interactive Lindenmayer system and through implementation of a series of calculators. The author addresses such subjects as graphics programming, dependency mechanisms and hierarchical specialization. This book fills the gap for an in-depth self-study reference, permitting the reader to master all aspects of object-oriented programming through a large set of exercises with highly detailed resources.
Heterogeneous Systems Architecture - a new compute platform infrastructure presents a next-generation hardware platform, and associated software, that allows processors of different types to work efficiently and cooperatively in shared memory from a single source program. HSA also defines a virtual ISA for parallel routines or kernels, which is vendor and ISA independent thus enabling single source programs to execute across any HSA compliant heterogeneous processer from those used in smartphones to supercomputers. The book begins with an overview of the evolution of heterogeneous parallel processing, associated problems, and how they are overcome with HSA. Later chapters provide a deeper perspective on topics such as the runtime, memory model, queuing, context switching, the architected queuing language, simulators, and tool chains. Finally, three real world examples are presented, which provide an early demonstration of how HSA can deliver significantly higher performance thru C++ based applications. Contributing authors are HSA Foundation members who are experts from both academia and industry. Some of these distinguished authors are listed here in alphabetical order: Yeh-Ching Chung, Benedict R. Gaster, Juan Gómez-Luna, Derek Hower, Lee Howes, Shih-Hao HungThomas B. Jablin, David Kaeli,Phil Rogers, Ben Sander, I-Jui (Ray) Sung.