Digital Design using VerilogHDL: VLSI Modeling, Coding and Verification covers the concepts of digital logic design, including, logic simplification and optimization for digital circuit synthesis and implementation, design and integration of logics (combinational and sequential) in the building of digital circuits and systems, the practical aspects of number systems, the use of VerilogHDL in the logic design, testbench verification, and the synthesis of digital circuits and systems with HDL code examples. Users will find an approach to the design, integration, verification, and synthesizing of a digital logic circuit, complete with coding examples.
This volume of Advances in Computers is number 66 in the series that began back in 1960. This series presents the ever changing landscape in the continuing evolution of the development of the computer and the field of information processing. Each year three volumes are produced presenting approximately 20 chapters that describe the latest technology in the use of computers today. Volume 66, subtitled "Quality software development," is concerned about the current need to create quality software. It describes the current emphasis in techniques for creating such software and in methods to demonstrate that the software indeed meets the expectations of the designers and purchasers of that software.
The term computation gap has been defined as the difference between the computational power demanded by the application domain and the computational power of the underlying computer platform. Traditionally, closing the computation gap has been one of the major and fundamental tasks of computer architects. However, as technology advances and computers become more pervasive in the society, the domain of computer architecture has been extended. The scope of research in the computer architecture is no longer restricted to the computer hardware and organization issues. A wide spectrum of topics ranging from algorithm design to power management is becoming part of the computer architecture. Based on the aforementioned trend and to reflect recent research efforts, attempts were made to select a collection of articles that covers different aspects of contemporary computer architecture design. This volume of the Advances in Computers contains six chapters on different aspects of computer architecture. Key features: Wide range of research topics Coverage of new topics such as power management, Network on Chip, Load balancing in distributed systems, and pervasive computing Simple writing style
Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction bridges the gap from academic to professional analysis of computer performance.This book makes analytic, simulation and instrumentation based modeling and performance evaluation of computer systems components understandable to a wide audience of computer systems designers, developers, administrators, managers and users. The book assumes familiarity with computer systems architecture, computer systems software, computer networks and mathematics including calculus and linear algebra.
Learn from a SQL Server performance authority how to make your database run at lightning speed. Ken England's SQL Server 6.5 Performance Optimization and Tuning Handbook is recognized by SQL Server administrators as the indispensable guide to tuning and optimization. Now he's revised the book for Microsoft's new SQL Server 2000, the most advanced and powerful version yet of SQL Server, which takes full advantage of Windows 2000's new processing capabilities. The book details the factors that determine database performance and offers readers tools, techniques and best practices they can use to tweak and tune SQL Server's configuration and operation. Readers will learn how to enhance performance through good physical design and effective internal storage structures. The book spells out methods for creating efficient indexes and techniques for tuning SQL Server's new query optimizer.
This book explores new analytical techniques and tools for the performance evaluation of distributed and integrated computer communication systems. The systems considered are those arising in LAN, MAN, WAN broadband ISDN, and ATM switching. These systems are mathematically modelled and analysed. Analytical results are presented on the basic queueing models such as multi-queue, priority queue, queueing network, queue with bursty input and superposed input, and multi-server queue. These results can be usefully applied for the performance evaluation of all the above systems.
Please note this is a Short Discount publication.LANs have gone through stages. Early LANs connected asychronous terminals to minicomputers. With the advent of the IBM PC the focus on technology changed to that of PCs connected to some type of 'file server'. After a number of years, the battle over file servers turned into a battle of network operating systems. With the advent of the client server model, and high performance workstations, one direction the battle has been taking is to develop a high performance server engine.The general strategy in this arena is to attempt to remove bottlenecks in the processing of service requests to the various networks operating. Several consortiums of venture capitalists have poured amounts of money in the range of $20m into developing the ultimate high performance server. With Novell shipping thousands of copies of NetWare 386 per month, this lucrative market is about to undergo intense long term competition.This report describes the general approaches that can be used to develop a high performance server and several of the key products in the area including products from several start up ventures.