Axon Regrowth: The Neurobiology of Nerve and Axon Regeneration, originally published in 2008 and now fully revised—with a refocus on the central nervous system and axon regeneration—emphasizes the commonalities and differences with peripheral nerve regeneration. The book reviews the substantial problems of axon and nerve regeneration, including molecular mechanisms and the approaches that can be used to experimentally address new avenues. Both researchers and clinicians alike will consider this a valuable resource.
Cancer Theranostics, Second Edition provide updates on new molecular imaging probes and techniques for early detection of cancer and describes molecular imaging-guided cancer therapy. Discussions also include nanoplatforms, incorporating both cancer imaging and therapeutic components, as well as clinical translation and future perspectives. New to this edition is the inclusion of recent developments and a streamlined structure that leads the reader through the content more intuitively, from problem to solution. More illustrations of different forms of cancer theranostics​ are included, and this edition also contains completely new content on DNA and RNA theranostics. In addition, new case studies are featured.This new edition is published in time to meet the needs of medical researchers in a comprehensive manner, encompassing diagnostics, in vivo imaging and its use for image-guided therapy, and a variety of other miscellaneous subjects. This book is a must-have for all research scientists, medical physicists, and physician scientists in cancer experimental therapeutics and molecular imaging.
Non-Bovine Milk Derived Bioactive Peptides: Production, Characterization, and Biofunctionalities provides an overview of the diverse biological effects of these compounds, particularly focusing on their health promoting effects, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes prevention, along with their antimicrobial and anti-oxidative properties. Novel mechanisms of action responsible for the bioactivity of non-bovine milks are also proposed. Written and edited by a global team of experts, this resource is ideal for researchers and academics in the fields of dairy science, nutrition, food and beverage science.In addition, this book will also be of interest to those working in the dairy food industry, particularly in research and product development.
Nutritional Strategies, Predictive Models, and Sustainable Policies brings together scientists, professors, and policymakers from over 10 countries to cover strategies and approaches to improve human health by focusing on the nutritional needs of children, pregnant women, and patients from around the world. Sections cover existing policies in specific geographical areas, critical reviews on the scientific updates of maternal, pediatric, and geriatric nutrition and how the Pandemic disrupted nutritional strategies, review predictive models on different nutrition categories for certain diseases and cancers, and highlight international and regional policies related to nutrition in war affected countries.
Enzymatic Production of Oligosaccharides: From Basic Research to Industrial Production, a volume in the Foundations and Frontiers of Enzymology series, covers the enzymes used for the extraction, synthesis, or modification of oligosaccharides, the biochemical properties of those enzymes, and potential technological applications. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which shares the fundamentals on the enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides. The book then explores the enzymatic production of oligosaccharides, considering a range of different oligosaccharides and production processes. Final sections cover the technological properties of oligosaccharides and potential applications across the chemical, biochemical, biotechnology, and food industries.This is a useful reference for researchers working with oligosaccharides across biochemistry, enzymology, biotechnology, food chemistry and related fields.
Bioprospecting of Natural Pigments in Human Health provides a comprehensive overview of the therapeutic potential of these compounds. Covering the main pigment classes sourced from plants, algae, and microbes, the book is organized around the applications to specific diseases and conditions. With chapters on the anti-cancer, antidiabetic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging effects, cardioprotective and neuroprotective agents, the book covers the molecular biology principles of action, as well as bioavailability and structure. This is the ideal reference for academic researchers interested in natural products pharmacology. It is also beneficial for the academic and corporate researchers in food sciences and the nutraceutical industries.
Endothelium and Cardiovascular Diseases: Vascular Biology and Clinical Syndromes, Second Edition offers new discoveries in clinical settings, cellular, molecular, genetic, and epigenetic mechanisms which have led to novel understanding of the key role of endothelium in both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular diseases. The innovations it presents have implications for both pathophysiological concepts and clinical decisions. Among other topics, cardiovascular and pulmonary medicine, immunity and inflammation, genetics and epigenetics, heart failure, renal disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and hypertension are discussed at length.With 20 new chapters covering everything from endothelium transition to connective tissue disorders, this second edition is sure to be indispensable to anyone wishing to learn the importance of endothelium to every facet of health.
Recent Advances in Hemodynamics and Blood Mimetics is a comprehensive compilation of recent developments in biofluid mechanics and biomimetics, covering topics such as numerical modeling, biomedical applications of microfluidics, biomimetic flows, biomedicine applications, and organ-on-chip technology. The book explores blood hemodynamics at different scales, including application to diseases, the relationship between blood biomechanics and rheology, the mimetization of blood properties at arterial and capillary level, including the study of blood mechanical and flow properties, flow and surface properties of blood cells, and mimetization of these same properties in fluid/particle systems.These concepts are applied to the development of organ-on-chip to improve the replication of biological processes in the human body. The book organizes recent knowledge on hemodynamics and blood mimetics and is representative of the different lines of research in the field, showing an integrated view of blood biomechanics encompassing all scales to create a valuable resource where different research lines can be found and their principles understood.
Polyamine-Phytohormone-Nutrient Network: Nexus in Plant Responses to Abiotic Stresses presents the latest global research on the these important tools for improving physiological / biochemical molecular mechanisms for improved plant health and production. Exposure of plants (crop and non-crop) to abiotic stresses is inevitable; hence, impairments in plant growth, metabolism and productivity due to abiotic stresses seem obvious. Naturally, plants are endowed with endogenous chemicals including intracellular messengers and signalling molecules to counteract the potential stress-impacts, protect cellular functions, and grow and produce well. Polyamines (PAs) are low molecular weight nitrogen- containing compounds with aliphatic polycationic properties. In addition to their roles in diverse growth and development processes, Pas(such as putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) have been implicated in improving plant tolerance to abiotic stresses. On the other hand, PAs have their close relation with both phytohormones (such as cytokinins, abscisic acid, auxins, gibberellins and gaseous hormone ethylene), and most mineral nutrients (such as N and S). Interestingly, the interactive response and outcomes of PAs with either phytohormones or mineral nutrients could exhibit synergistic or antagonistic effects. Thus, either the functions of PAs can be modulated by phytohormones and mineral nutrients; or the cellular/organ or whole plant level PAs may potentially affect the role of both phytohormones and mineral nutrients. With a globally diverse team of expert contributors, this book focuses on the PA-phytohormone-mineral nutrient interactions that is significant for establishing connections between nutrient assimilation, C-fixation, and secondary metabolic pathways.
Artificial Intelligence and BCIs in Healthcare discusses the essentials of state-of-the-art brain signal analysis, AI, and BCIs available today. This book is an ideal bridge of these emerging technologies. Divided into three sections, the chapters cover the Fundamentals, Applications, and Regulatory Issues facing healthcare systems today. Artificial Intelligence and BCIs in Healthcare fills a gap in literature available to researchers and may also be of interest to clinicians.