Coastal Habitat Conservation: New Perspectives and Sustainable Development of Biodiversity in the Anthropocene offers the latest research and approaches to biodiversity conservation in coastal areas. The book synthesizes the background of foundational conservation views and provides new perspectives and recent strategies within a sustainable development context for coastal species and organic life. Written by a team of international authors with expertise in wide-ranging issues of biodiversity conservation, this book analyzes the challenges of conserving marine habitats and species that humanity faces in the Anthropocene era. Sections explore emerging and unforeseen impacts within a changing world, specifically, the marine-based conservation in the context of global change, coastal urbanization and mitigation of its environmental impacts, marine bioinvasions, conservation strategies for of out-of-sight communities like caves, habitat restoration, and the citizen science and its challenging role in monitoring conservation.
The study of wetlands is a relatively new field and the modelling of these systems is still in its formative stages. Nevertheless, the editors felt compelled to assemble this volume as a first statement of the state of the art of modelling approaches for the quantitative study of wetlands. A global approach has been adopted in this book, not only by including a wide geographic distribution of wetlands, but also by including papers on both freshwater and saltwater wetlands. Wetlands are defined as systems intermediate between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, and include ecosystems under a wide range of hydrologic and ecologic conditions. The wetland types discussed in this book reflect that heterogeneity, ranging from intermittently flooded wet meadows to permanently flooded shallow reservoirs and lakes. Also included are modelling examples from coastal salt marshes, shallow estuaries, mesotrophic bogs, reedswamps, forested swamps, and regional wetlands. In summary, the book presents ecological modelling as a tool for management of these sensitive ecosystems, and for studying their structure and function. Each chapter has extensive references related to the modelling approach and wetland type discussed. It will be useful for wetland scientists and managers, and could also serve as a supplemental text on courses in wetland ecology.
Temperature and other climate variables are currently changing at a dramatic rate. As observations have shown, these climatic changes have serious consequences for all organisms and their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Birds are excellent model organisms, with a very active metabolism, they are highly sensitive to environmental changes and as highly mobile creatures they are also extremely reactive. Birds and Climate Change discusses our current knowledge of observed changes and provides guidelines for studies in the years to come so we can document and understand how patterns of changing weather conditions may affect birds.
Amphibians and reptiles are the most numerous, diverse, and frequently encountered animals on the Caribbean islands. This book provides a variety of perspectives on this amazing group of organisms. Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles, compiled by an international team of zoologists, takes a fresh and detailed look at the complex biological puzzle of the Caribbean. The first true overview of the islands, it includes a historical examination of the people who have studied the Caribbean amphibians and reptiles. The book reviews the ecology, evolutionary history, and biogeographic explanations for the origins and diversity of the region's fauna with island-by-island coverage. It puts the Caribbean in perspective by comparing the islands to Central America and its amphibian reptile diversity. Additionally, the book includes figures, tables, and color plates which bring to life some of the region's most spectacular creatures.
Penguin Biology is the first broad-based collection of biological and ecological studies of these unique birds to be published since 1975. Topics have since become broad ecological hypotheses, not species-specific descriptions, and new technology has taken observations into the oceanic depths. Penguin Biology shows new techniques and the applications mad of them in contemporary biological and evolutionary theory. Penguin Biology is an invaluable reference for ornithologists, animal behaviorists, animal physiologists, marine zoologists, marine ecologists, evolutionary biologists, and Antarctic researchers.
Avian Genetics: A Population and Ecological Approach is a collection of papers that deals with the study of birds in relation to the synthetic theory of evolution. This book studies the ecology, demography, behavior, and geographical distribution of birds; the text also discusses quantitative, chromosomal, biochemical, and population genetics. Part I reviews the various genetic interactions, including an analysis of DNA sequence variation. The different and newer techniques are compared such as the works of Sibley, Quinn, and White. Part II describes the molding genetic variation and covers topics such as inbreeding; gene flow and the genetic structure of populations; non-random mating; and the process of selection in natural populations of birds. Part III covers actual genetic case histories, including quantitative ecological genetics of great tits; genetic evolution of house sparrows; and presentation of evidence for sexual selection by female choice in the Arctic Skua. This book also presents future research in subjects such as the neutrality-selection controversy or genetics and conservation. This text can be beneficial for ecologists, ornithologists, animal conservationists, and population biologists studying birds.
Animal Migration, Orientation, and Navigation presents the various aspects of animal migration, including the evolution of migration, climatic and meteorological influences, and bioenergetics. This book discusses the physiological control, sensory systems, orientation and navigation, and biological clocks and phenology aspects of animal migration. Organized into five chapters, this book begins with an overview of the migration strategies of animals in the context of a space continuum. This text then explains the influence of short- and long-term climatic cycles on the spectrum of migratory patterns in nature. Other chapters consider the energetic requirements of different migration strategies and the energy stores of the migrants. This book discusses as well the physiological basis of animal migration, with emphasis on endocrinal findings on the timing and energetic aspects of different migration strategies. The final chapter deals with the mechanisms used in direction finding by migrating animals. This book is a valuable resource for biologists and ecologists.