Mit dem „Vorkurs Medizin" schnell fit fürs Studium! GUT: umfassende Wiederholung der Grundlagenfächer Mathematik, Chemie, Biochemie, Biologie und Physik, damit Sie gut vorbereitet dem Tempo der Vorlesungen folgen können BESSER: das Buch knüpft an das Wissen aus der Oberstufe an und baut die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen auf, die fürs Medizinstudium notwendig sind. So klappt der Start in die Vorklinik! BASICS: schneller Einstieg garantiert: pro Thema eine übersichtliche Doppelseite, viele Abbildungen und die beliebte Zusammenfassung – und passend dazu Übungsfragen zu jedem Fach. Das Buch eignet sich für:Das ideale Buch für alle, die sich auf den Start ins Medizinstudium vorbereiten wollen.
Highly regarded in the field of medical education, A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers provides accessible, highly readable, and practical information for those involved in basic science and clinical medicine teaching. The fully updated 6th Edition offers valuable insights into today’s medical education.  Input from global contributors who offer an international perspective and multi-professional approach to topics of interest to all healthcare teachers. With an emphasis on the importance of developing educational skills in the delivery of enthusiastic and effective teaching, it is an essential guide to maximizing teaching performance.
Perfect for new teachers in undergraduate, postgraduate, or continuing education, as well as more experienced educators who want to assess, improve, and gain new perspectives on teaching and learning, Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher is a useful, easy-to-read professional resource. This book offers a concise introduction to the field of medical education, with key coverage of educational models and theory that can help inform teaching practice. Clear illustrations and practical tips throughout make it an excellent starting point for those new to the field of medical education or who want to facilitate more effective learning for their students or trainees.