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Journals in Education in medicine

Advances in Nutrition

  • ISSN: 2161-8313
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.6
  • Impact factor: 8
Advances in Nutrition (AN/Adv Nutr) publishes reviews focused on key findings and recent research in all areas of interest to nutritional scientists and biomedical researchers. This would include nutrition-related research efforts directed toward biochemical, molecular, and genetic studies utilizing experimental animal models, domestic animals, and human subjects. The other major foci of the journal are in clinical nutrition, epidemiology and public health, and nutrition education. Review articles will focus on progress made during the past few years rather than research developments over a broad, historical timeframe.In addition to review articles, AN will publish Perspectives, Letters to the Editor, and supplements. Supplement proposals must be approved by the editor prior to submission. AN also publishes reports and position papers from the American Society for Nutrition, summaries of major government and foundation reports, and Nutrient Information briefs which outline the dietary requirements, food sources, deficiencies, and other important information about the nutrient. All submitted material with scientific content will undergo peer review by the Editors or their designees before acceptance for publication.

Educación Médica

  • ISSN: 1575-1813
Medical EducationThe journal Educación Médica (Medical Education) is a scientific journal that is published 6 times a year, with articles in Spanish and in English, and will consider for publication those works related to education in the Health Sciences in all its aspects: teaching planning, and development of teaching; educational resources; teaching methodology; educational techniques; teaching accreditation; learning styles results; evaluation; etc. Works may be submitted on the initiative of the author, or at the request or commission of the journal Editorial Committee.The journal is sponsored by the Chair of Medical Education at the Complutense University of Madrid, created through a collaboration agreement between an Academic Institution (the Complutense University of Madrid) and a non-profit/non-Pharma Institution (Fundación Lilly).This publication is the official journal of the Iberoamerican Forum of Medical Education (FIAEM).La revista Educación Médica es una revista científica de periodicidad bimestral, que publica artículos en español y en inglés, y que considerará para su publicación aquellos trabajos relacionados con la educación en las Ciencias de la Salud en todos sus aspectos: la planificación docente y el desarrollo de la docencia; los recursos educativos; la metodología docente; las técnicas educativas; la acreditación docente; los estilos de aprendizaje; los resultados; la evaluación; etc. Los trabajos podrán ser presentados por iniciativa del autor, o bien a demanda o petición del Comité Editorial de la revista.La revista se encuentra auspiciada por la Cátedra de Educación Médica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, creada mediante un convenio de colaboración entre una Institución Académica (la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y una Institución sin ánimo de lucro (Fundación Lilly). Dicha Cátedra se encuentra regida por una Comisión Mixta presidida por el Vicerrector de Investigación de la Universidad Complutense.Esta publicación es el órgano de expresión del Foro Iberoamericano de Educación Médica (FIAEM).