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Journals in Health

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Advances in Life Course Research

  • ISSN: 1040-2608
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Advances in Life Course Research publishes articles dealing with various aspects of the human life course. Seeing life course research as an essentially interdisciplinary field of study, it invites and welcomes contributions from anthropology, biosocial science, demography, epidemiology and statistics, gerontology, economics, management and organisation science, policy studies, psychology, research methodology and sociology. Original empirical analyses, theoretical contributions, methodological studies and reviews accessible to a broad set of readers are welcome. Articles might focus on specific events as well as on whole segments of the life course, including determinants and consequences, social relationships and policy implications, without restrictions over time and space.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Life Course Research

Advances in Life Course Research

  • ISSN: 1569-4909
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Advances in Life Course Research publishes articles dealing with various aspects of the human life course. Seeing life course research as an essentially interdisciplinary field of study, it invites and welcomes contributions from anthropology, biosocial science, demography, epidemiology and statistics, gerontology, economics, management and organisation science, policy studies, psychology, research methodology and sociology. Original empirical analyses, theoretical contributions, methodological studies and reviews accessible to a broad set of readers are welcome. Articles might focus on specific events as well as on whole segments of the life course, including determinants and consequences, social relationships and policy implications, without restrictions over time and space.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Life Course Research

Disability and Health Journal

  • ISSN: 1936-6574
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.7
The Official Journal of the American Association on Health and DisabilityDisability and Health Journal is a scientific, scholarly, and multidisciplinary journal for reporting original contributions that advance knowledge in disability and health. Topics may be related to global health, quality of life, and specific health conditions as they relate to disability. Such contributions include: • Reports of empirical research on the characteristics of persons with disabilities, environment, health outcomes, and determinants of health • Reports of empirical research on the Systematic or other evidence-based reviews and tightly conceived theoretical interpretations of research literature • Reports of empirical research on the Evaluative research on new interventions, technologies, and programs • Reports of empirical research on the Reports on issues or policies affecting the health and/or quality of life for persons with disabilities, using a scientific base.Disability and Health Journal describes and analyzes health and health related states using conceptual frameworks, including the international classification of functioning, disability and health. The Journal provides a forum for peer reviewed articles that identify, evaluate and promote existing and emerging models of healthcare delivery and/or health promotion which contribute to the improvements of health across the lifespan.The Journal focuses on individual health, public health, rehabilitation, health promotion, and community participation (e.g. employment, recreation, personal relationships and access to services).
Disability and Health Journal

Drug and Alcohol Dependence

  • ISSN: 0376-8716
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International Journal on Biomedical and Psychosocial Approaches Sponsored by the College on Problems of Drug DependenceDrug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence. Articles range from studies of the chemistry of substances of abuse, their actions at molecular and cellular sites, in vitro and in vivo investigations of their biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural actions, laboratory-based and clinical research in humans, substance abuse treatment and prevention research, and studies employing methods from epidemiology, sociology, and economics.The rationale for this extensive coverage is the conviction that drug, alcohol and tobacco use/dependence cannot be understood in their entirety from a single perspective and that without an understanding of other areas of research, studies by individual investigators may be limited. The goal of the journal is to provide researchers, clinicians, and policy makers access to material from all perspectives in a single journal in a format that is understandable and which has received rigorous editorial review. The hope of its editors is to promote mutual understanding of the many facets of drug abuse to the benefit of all investigators involved in drug and alcohol research, and to facilitate the transfer of scientific findings to successful treatment and prevention practices.The accepted abbreviation for Drug and Alcohol Dependence for bibliographic citation is Drug Alcohol Depend.Drug and Alcohol Dependence is currently being distributed to all the members of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), the oldest scientific organization in the United States concerned with research on problems of drug dependence. Members of the CPDD are provided with both the print version as well as access to the full text of the current issue and back issues dating back to Vol. 46, Issue no. 1 of the online version as a benefit of membership.The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), formerly the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, has been in existence since 1929 and is the longest standing group in the United States addressing problems of drug dependence and abuse. From 1929 until 1976, the CPDD was associated with the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Since 1976, the organization has functioned as an independent body affiliated with other scientific and professional societies representing various disciplines concerned with problems of drug dependence and abuse. In 1991, the CPDD evolved into a membership organization with the new name of College on Problems of Drug Dependence.CPDD serves as an interface among governmental, industrial and academic communities maintaining liaisons with regulatory and research agencies as well as educational, treatment, and prevention facilities in the drug abuse field. It also functions as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Evaluation and Program Planning

  • ISSN: 0149-7189
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.5
Purpose and Intent of the Journal Evaluation and Program Planning is based on the principle that the techniques and methods of evaluation and planning transcend the boundaries of specific fields and that relevant contributions to these areas come from people representing many different positions, intellectual traditions, and interests. In order to further the development of evaluation and planning, we publish articles from the private and public sectors in a wide range of areas: organizational development and behavior, training, planning, human resource development, health and mental wellbeing, social services, corrections, substance abuse, and education. The primary goals of the journal are to assist evaluators and planners to improve the practice of their professions, to develop their skills and to improve their knowledge base.Types of Articles Published We publish articles, "special issues" (usually a section of an issue), and book reviews. Articles are of two types: 1) reports on specific evaluation or planning efforts, and 2) dicussions of issues relevant to the conduct of evaluation and planning.Reports on individual evaluations should include presentation of the evaluation setting, design, analysis and results. Because of our focus and philosophy, however, we also want a specific section devoted to "lessons learned". This section should contain advice to other evaluators about how you would have acted differently if you could do it all over again. The advice may involve methodology, how the evaluation was implemented or conducted, evaluation utilization tactics, or any other wisdom that you think could benefit your colleagues. More general articles should provide information relevant to the evaluator/planner's work. This might include theories in evaluation, literature reviews, critiques of instruments, or discussions of fiscal, legislative, legal or ethical issues affecting evaluation or planning.Special issues are groups of articles which cover a particular topic in depth. They are organized by "special issue editors" who are willing to conceptualize the topic, find contributors, set up a quality control process, and deliver the material. Often several editors share responsibility for these tasks. Suggestions for special issues are encouraged.Book reviews cover any area of social science or public policy which may interest evaluators and planners. As with special issues, suggestions for books and book reviewers are encouraged.
Evaluation and Program Planning

Evolution and Human Behavior

  • ISSN: 1090-5138
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3
Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Members of the Society receive reduced cost subscriptions to the journal.Evolution and Human Behavior is an interdisciplinary journal, presenting research reports and theory in which evolutionary perspectives are brought to bear on the study of human behavior. It is primarily a scientific journal, but submissions from scholars in the humanities are also encouraged. Papers reporting on theoretical and empirical work on other species will be welcome if their relevance to the human animal is apparent.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Evolution and Human Behavior

Health & Place

  • ISSN: 1353-8292
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.6
  • Impact factor: 3.8
Health & Place is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of the role of place in understanding health and health care.Recent years have seen closer links evolving between health geography, medical sociology, health policy, public health and epidemiology, amongst other disciplines. The journal reflects these convergences, which emphasise differences in health and health-related experiences between places, the social, cultural and political processes shaping the contexts for health, the health-related experience of healthcare provision, the development of health care for places, and the innovative methodologies and theories underpinning the study of these issues.The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, opinion papers and reviews relevant to any aspects of health where place is a central theme in the research. It brings together contributors from geography, sociology, social policy, population health science, public health and other related disciplines. The journal also welcomes proposals for special issues - please visit our Special Issues Proposal page to find out more information.We welcome research that offers comparative perspectives on the difference that place makes to the incidence of ill-health, the structuring of health-related behaviour, the provision and use of health services, and the development of health policy. We are interested in submissions informed by a theoretical framework, that inform policy and practice, and of general interest to an international readership.At a time when the role of place is increasingly recognised as being crucial to enhancing population health and reducing health inequity, Health & Place provides a forum for summarizing developments and reporting on the latest research findings. The journal seeks to maintain the highest standards of peer-reviewed excellence, as well as to provide a forum for interdisciplinary debate on the connections between health and place.
Health & Place

Health Policy

  • ISSN: 0168-8510
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.6
Health Policy - The best evidence for better policiesHealth Policy aims to inform discussions about how to improve health policies by publishing high quality research articles with clear policy implications that are relevant for an international audience. It intends to enhance communication between (1) researchers analysing health systems, health policies, and health reforms and (2) legislators, decision-makers and professionals concerned with developing and implementing these policies. Health Policy is an interdisciplinary journal at the interface between health policy, health systems research, health services research, health economics, health care management, political and policy sciences, public health, and related disciplines. The focus is on high-income countries, primarily outside the US.More background on Health Policy's aims and scope is provided in this editorial (Quentin et al. 2023).Health Policy publishes articles with the following attributes:Topic: research that addresses a clear and policy relevant research question with a focus on health systems, health policies or health reforms.Regional scope: a focus on high-income countries, primarily outside the US.Methods: adequate application of quantitative and/or qualitative methods, explained in a language that is comprehensible for a broad readership from different disciplines.Content: original research or reviews that focus on policy evaluations, analyses of policy processes, cross-country comparative policy assessments, and descriptions of individual reform experiences.Authorship: written by researchers and/or policymakers from a range of different disciplines.Policy relevance: research findings that have direct implications for and the potential to contribute to better health policies.International relevance: research that has implications for policy-makers and researchers from several countries.Types of ArticlesHealth Policy encourages the submission of articles which address different types of evidence needs of policymakers. These are published in different formats:Health Reform Monitor (HRM) papers: HRM papers are short papers (2,500-3,000 words) that are intended to describe current or ongoing reforms and regulations in different countries; where the ideas are coming from; how innovative they are in comparison to policies in other countries; why they are happening (e.g. as a consequence of a change in government or budget pressures); the process of decision-making and implementation, including the actors involved (describing roles of different actors and their strengths in decision-making); and a brief expert assessment of the (likely) intended and unintended consequences of the reform (e.g. on access, quality, financial protection). Specific guidelines are available for HRM papers.Full length articles (FLA): FLA are traditional research papers (around 4,000 words), presenting background, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions of research on specific policy relevant questions. FLA may present impact evaluations and/or economic evaluations of policies and reforms (using robust [quasi-]experimental methods), epidemiologic and econometric studies with policy relevance, policy content analyses, political process analyses, discourse analyses, and in-depth policy case studies. Depending on the specific research question, cross-disciplinary and mixed-methods research approaches are encouraged, and both quantitative (surveys, secondary data analyses) and qualitative research (focus groups, individual interviews, document analyses) is welcome. Empirical, theoretical, conceptual, or methodological articles can be submitted under this category. Reporting of studies should follow reporting guidelines made available by the EQUATOR network, e.g. the STROBE guidelines for observational studies or the CHEERS guidelines for economic evaluations.Systematic reviews: Reviews (including scoping reviews, realist reviews, or narrative reviews) are longer papers (up to 6,000 words) that provide a comprehensive overview of the available literature about particular policies or relevant methodological aspects, e.g. on "metrics and indicators used to assess health system resilience" (Fleming et al., 2022) or on "the use of Patient-Reported Outcome and Experience Measures for Health Policy purposes" (Minvielle et al., 2023). Systematic reviews should follow appropriate reporting guidelines, e.g. the PRISMA for reporting of systematic reviews, PRISMA-ScR for scoping reviews, RAMESES for realist reviews, or the PRIOR for overviews of reviews.Cross-country comparative analyses: These can also be longer papers (up to 6,000 words) that examine certain policies/reforms or characteristics of health systems in a systematic, comparative manner across a number of countries. They should, in general, follow a defined framework and systematically collect information on the reform/policy in focus, usually in collaboration with national researchers from the included countries (see for example Waitzberg et al, 2022).Policy comments: This is a new category of short (about 1,500 words) articles that focus on a policy relevant topic. Policy comments may, for example, highlight health system challenges that are relevant for several countries, or they may present a new idea or reform proposals that could be relevant for several countries. They should always be clear, compelling, focus on a single point, and build a clear argument. Depending on the editor, they may or may not be sent out for peer review.Besides these five main types of submissions, Health Policy is interested in publishing debate among readers in the form of short (up to 300 word) letters/comments on published papers and replies by the original authors as well as commissioned editorials, e.g. on special sections/issues. Letters must always be related to recently published work of Health Policy.Please consult author guidelines before submission.Please submit your article via Policy's open access companion title, Health Policy OPEN, welcomes submissions offering a global perspective, i.e., encompassing low- to high-income countries, the Americas via Europe and Africa and Asia, and universally important topics such as accessibility, coverage, quality, performance, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of health systems.Electronic usage: An increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.
Health Policy

International Journal of Drug Policy

  • ISSN: 0955-3959
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The International Journal of Drug Policy provides a forum for the dissemination of current research, reviews, debate, and critical analysis on drug use and drug policy in a global context. It seeks to publish material on the social, political, legal, and health contexts of psychoactive substance use, both licit and illicit. The journal is particularly concerned to explore the effects of drug policy and practice on drug-using behaviour and its health and social consequences. It is the policy of the journal to represent a wide range of material on drug-related matters from around the world.Please submit your article via
International Journal of Drug Policy

International Journal of Nursing Studies

  • ISSN: 0020-7489
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.6
  • Impact factor: 7.5
The International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS) provides a forum for original research and scholarship about health care delivery, organisation, management, workforce, policy and research methods relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health related professions. The IJNS aims to support evidence informed policy and practice by publishing research, systematic and other scholarly reviews, critical discussion, and commentary of the highest standard.The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand complex health care interventions and health policies and which employ the most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the research question of interest. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing methodological papers introducing or elaborating on analytic techniques, measures, and research methods.The journal has been publishing original peer-reviewed articles of interest to the international health care community since 1963, making it one of the longest standing repositories of scholarship in this field. The IJNS offers authors the benefits of:A highly respected journal in its field with consistently high impactIndexed in major databases: PubMed, Medline, Thomson Reuters - Science Citation Index, Scopus, Thomson Reuters - Social Science Citation Index, CINAHL and the BNI (British Nursing Index).A truly global readershipHighly efficient editorial processes: average time from submission to first decision of 4 weeksRapid initial screening for suitability and editorial interestExcellent peer reviewers drawn from a range of health service research disciplinesFinal online publication as soon as 2 weeks post-acceptance.The IJNS endorses the Equator Network ( an international initiative that seeks to improve reliability and value of research literature in health care by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of studies. We ask our authors to make use of appropriate reporting guidelines to ensure excellence in scientific reporting. Guidelines for authors can be accessed at are also welcome to submit to IJNS's open access companion title, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, which welcomes excellent original research, reviews and discussion relevant to nursing, midwifery and other health related professions around the globe.
International Journal of Nursing Studies