AGE publishes rigorous economic, political science and international relations research with clear policy implications for the Asian region and Asia's role in the global economy. Articles must have a firm analytical basis, but their findings must have significant policy relevance for questions facing the Asian countries. Consequently, AGE will publish innovative and timely studies of economic, political and social aspects of relations among Asian countries and their relations with the rest of the world. Analytical or policy-oriented contributions will be welcome from diverse perspectives.Examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to:Asian economic, financial and political integrationEconomic growth and development in AsiaEffects of current and prospective domestic and international political trends on Asian economiesThe emergence of a new global trade regime, trade wars and economic integrationComparative analysis of Asian and European or North and South American economiesAsian innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in AsiaAsian connectedness, including logistics and transportation and China's One Belt One Road PolicyEconomic, political and social effects of demographic trends and migration in AsiaComparative analysis of Asian and European or North and South American productivity growth and technological progressPolitical economy of developments related to Asian regional integrationFinancial integration in Asia and capital flows both within Asia and between Asia and the rest of the worldProspects for expanding or deepening current regional integration arrangements in AsiaEconomic cooperation and economic sanctions in Asian economic integrationReintegration challenges and opportunities for Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Peoples Republic of China, North and South KoreaAGE will seek contributions on the above and similar topics from academics as well as from policy makers in the countries of Asia and in countries that have strong political, economic or security ties with Asia.AGE will carry mainly empirical articles that have clear policy implications. At times, conceptual papers will be published so long as they apply to concrete policy issues facing Asian countries. AGE will not carry book reviews per se, but will from time to time commission review articles that deal in a substantial way with several important books that touch on the same tropic. Where appropriate, AGE will also publish conference reports.
The Journal of the Kelley School of Business, Indiana UniversityBusiness Horizons is the bimonthly journal of the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. The editorial aim is to publish original articles of interest to business academicians and practitioners. Articles cover a wide range of topical areas within the general field of business, with emphasis on identifying important business issues or problems and recommending solutions that address these. Ideally, articles will prompt readers to think about business practice in new and innovative ways. Business Horizons fills a unique niche among business publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between the practical and the academic. To this end, articles published in Business Horizons are grounded in scholarship, yet are presented in a readable, non-technical format such that the content is accessible to a wide business audience.Before you submit your article, please read these guidelines on writing an impactful article for Business Horizons.Manuscripts should be prepared in conformance with the Style Guide for Authors. All submissions should be sent electronically to the editor at [email protected]. Submission of a manuscript to Business Horizons implies a commitment by the author(s) to engage in the review process and to have the article published should it be accepted. Articles previously published, those under consideration by another journal, and those with a pre-existing copyright may not be submitted. Upon submission, authors also agree not to submit the manuscript for consideration elsewhere during the review period. Editorial decisions on all submissions are final.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The official journal of The Chinese Economists SocietyThe China Economic Review publishes original research works on the economy of China, and its relation to the world economy. We seek, in particular, quantitative and analytical papers dealing with institutional change, policy and performance of the Chinese economy; research that compares the development process in China with that in other countries is encouraged. Submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
EconomiA started in 2000 as the journal of the National Association of Graduate Centers in Economics (ANPEC) in Brazil. As a broad-based professional and international journal, EconomiA welcomes submissions of applied and theoretical research papers in all fields of economics. The aim of EconomiA is to contribute to the development of the science of economics and its applications, as well as to improve communication between academic researchers, teachers and policy makers.The journal has no commitments with any school of economic thought or specific areas of research, and is guided solely by academic excellence.EconomiA receives many submissions each year and the Editors are keen to ensure that authors receive an editorial decision in a timely manner. The editors work towards a common goal to give a first decision within three months from receipt of submission. Occasionally EconomiA will organize special issues or topical sections in regular issues to emphasize new research directions.
Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration of the effect of socio-economic processes on human beings as biological organisms. Research covered in this (quarterly) interdisciplinary journal is not bound by temporal or geographic limitations.Themes include:The impact of socio-economic processes, such as industrialization, urbanization, agricultural policy, technological change and commercialization and the degree of penetration of the world food system on biological welfare and health outcomes.The effects of government intervention programs, as well as macroeconomic and public health policy on the human organism at either the individual or the population level.Feedback effects from human biological outcomes to economic growth at the national, regional and local levels insofar as healthier individuals invariably lead longer more creative and more productive lives, influencing thereby the course of economic development.The complex symbiotic relationship between such anthropometric indicators as weight, birth-weight, physical stature and the body-mass-index, as well as morbidity and mortality, on the one hand and socio-economic processes or events on the other.The conceptualization of health and health models in economic theory.The measurement of poverty, malnutrition and psychological deprivation and the role of health and income inequality in the persistence of poverty traps.The biological components of the quality of life: how well does the human organism itself thrive in its socio-economic and epidemiological environment.Health and economic systems; environment and health; health in the transition economies.Statistical, econometric, methodological and philosophical issues associated with the measurement and modeling of these relationships.Contributions in auxology, anthropometry, biocultural anthropology, demography, development economics, economic history, epidemiology, health economics, human biology, human nutrition, health sciences, medicine, physical anthropology, public health and sociology are welcomed.
Economics Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist literature, offering quick dissemination and easy accessibility of new results, models and methods in all fields of economic research. All researchers are welcome to submit their articles to Economics Letters, and especially young researchers and advanced graduate students are encouraged to submit their articles.The "letter" format consists of concise communications, which are a vehicle to quickly communicate important pieces of new research. For instance, a theorist could submit to Economics Letters a thought-provoking example before the analysis is extended to a general theorem in a fully fledged paper that will go elsewhere. Similarly, an experimentalist or an empirical researcher could submit to Economics Letters some important preliminary results, where perhaps the threshold for robustness, thoroughness or completeness of the analysis is not as high as it would be for a complete paper. Comments or pedagogical notes are not suitable for transmission in this form.The following are important features of the "letter" format:Concise: Contributions are usually limited to 2,000 words excluding references allowing readers to determine their potential interest in a letter very quickly, and to digest a large amount of material in a usable form.Rapid: The fast review process and immediate online publication ensure a brief manuscript turnover time.Efficient: A quick way to stay up-to-date with developments in all areas of economics.All submissions that pass the desk-rejection phase will be subject to a careful peer-review process. With few exceptions, in which submissions are sent back for small editorial revisions before acceptance, each paper will be either accepted as is or rejected. Detailed reports will not be provided; the reasons for the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from the editor. Economics Letters aims to have a quick turnover time.Email Journal: [email protected]
Established in 1969, European Economic Review is one of the oldest general-interest economics journals for all of Europe. It is intended as a primary publication for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of economics. The purpose of the journal is to select articles that will have high relevance and impact in a wide range of topics. All work submitted to the journal should be original in motivation or modelling and be capable of replication.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
The aim of the European Journal of Political Economy is to disseminate original theoretical and empirical research on economic phenomena within a scope that encompasses collective decision making, political behavior, and the role of institutions. Contributions are invited from the international community of researchers. Manuscripts must be published in English.Starting 2008, the European Journal of Political Economy is indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index published by Thomson Scientific (formerly ISI).Sponsored issues publication:The European Journal of Political Economy offers interested parties the option of fast publication in (supplemental) sponsored issues. For more information please click hereBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center