An International Journal Devoted to Experimental and Theoretical Developments in Interfacial and Colloidal Phenomena and their Implications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and TechnologyReview articles on any subject within the realm of colloid and interface science will be deemed appropriate for this journal. The subject matter should be treated in depth as a critical review of the current state of the subject area, including an informed opinion of the author on the topic. The manuscript should compare and contrast the ideas in the reviewed literature; and deal with the limitation of the ideas discussed. As such the articles in this journal are normally authored by the recognized experts.Articles only reporting on original research will not be accepted for publication.Both traditional topics and those of emerging science and technology are welcome. In particular, topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and those relating to interfacial and colloid aspects of the biosciences are encouraged. Areas of both theoretical or fundamental interest as well as those concerning industrial applications, emerging instrumental techniques, etc. are appropriate.Online article submission now available via: to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Aerospace • Civil • Environmental • Mechanical and Structural EngineeringIncluding Computing Systems in EngineeringThe objective of this journal is to communicate recent and projected advances in computer-based engineering techniques. The fields covered include mechanical, aerospace, civil and environmental engineering, with an emphasis on research and development leading to practical problem-solving.The scope of the journal includes: • Innovative computational strategies and numerical algorithms for large-scale engineering problems • Analysis and simulation techniques and systems • Model and mesh generation • Control of the accuracy, stability and efficiency of computational process • Exploitation of new computing environments (eg distributed hetergeneous and collaborative computing) • Advanced visualization techniques, virtual environments and prototyping • Applications of AI, knowledge-based systems, computational intelligence, including fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolutionary computations • Application of object-oriented technology to engineering problems • Intelligent human computer interfaces • Design automation, multidisciplinary design and optimization • CAD, CAE and integrated process and product development systems • Quality and reliabilityThe journal publishes research papers, survey papers on key application areas, short communications and technical notes, discussions, software reviews and book reviews. A conference calendar is also included – entries welcome.Related conferences are listed under 'Related publications'.
As of 2005, title merged into Journal of Environmental ManagementAIMS AND SCOPEAdvances in Environmental Research is a journal for the publication of peer reviewed, original research in the fields of environmental science, engineering and technology. It includes full length research papers, case studies, notes and critical review papers reporting on major advances in areas that will:• lead to improvements in or protection of the quality of the air, water and land environments, or • improve the efficiency or cost effectiveness of existing technology, or • contribute to our knowledge of transport and fate of pollutants in the environment.The primary aim of this Journal is to provide a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of information of interest to professionals in academia, industry, government and consulting who are involved in • research in environmental quality control • design and operation of waste treatment processes or plants • remediation of contaminated sites •process modification for pollution prevention or improved energy efficiency.
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering is a gold open access journal covering all topics in industrial and manufacturing engineering. The journal aims to publish full research papers, review papers and short communications with focus on the fundamental and applied science, as well as innovative technologies advancing the knowledge in handling and manufacturing products on component, system and society level.The core interest of the journal Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering is publishing articles that are either original physics-based investigations of processes and/or contributing technological novel ideas for increasing the efficiency and quality of processes by reducing simultaneously the environmental and social impact. A special field of interest of the journal are new methods of educating modern industrial and manufacturing engineers.Typical areas of interest to the journal include:Industrial engineering: Plant design, assembly, sustainable manufacturing, supply chain, human factors and (neuro-)ergonomics, life-cycle engineering, robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing systemsManufacturing: Additive manufacturing, casting, welding, polymer molding, forming and joining by forming, machining, electro-discharge manufacturing, precision engineering, smart manufacturing, virtual manufacturing, machine tools technology, laser technology, artificial intelligence in manufacturing, surfaces and their metrologyNano- and micro-technologies: Processing nanostructured material, fabrication of micro-systems and nanodevicesDesign: Tool design, press design, component design (including manufacturing effects), products performance as a function of manufacturingModelling of materials processing: New analytical models, applying existing models to new processes, material characterisation, efficient numerical models, multi-scale models, modelling process chainsEducational contributions: New in-situ experiments, telemetric experiments, augmented reality applications, complex knowledge description, misconceptions, curriculum development in industrial and manufacturing engineering, defining technical termsWorkpiece and tool materials covered in the processes reach from metals, polymers, ceramics to biomaterials.
Emphasizing contributions that represent significant advances in all areas of pure mathematics, Advances in Mathematics provides research mathematicians with an effective medium for communicating important recent developments in their areas of specialization to colleagues and to scientists in related disciplines.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Advances in Sample Preparation is an Open Access journal devoted to publishing high-quality original research, reviews, tutorials and opinion articles covering with all aspects related to sample preparation. The journal welcomes the submission of original manuscripts on all fundamental and applied aspects related to sample preparation, which are at the forefront and cover discoveries in fundamentals, innovations in new extraction principles, materials, techniques and technologies, miniaturization, in vivo and on site sampling, automation, hyphenation, green sample preparation, and impactful applications in e.g. environmental, food and beverages, forensic, plants, pharmaceutical, bioanalysis and biomedical, as well as chemometric and computational approaches of relevance in these contexts. The journal places emphasis on scientifically rigorous studies related to sample preparation and only articles with a clear and strong research justification and novelty will be considered. All articles must align to green sample preparation or green analytical chemistry concepts and propose analytical practices that promote user's safety, safe materials and solvents, fast procedures, minimization of waste and energy. The use of metric tools to evaluate the greenness of the method is encouraged.The Scope for Advances in Sample Preparation includes:Fundamentals related to operational understanding and optimizationNew extraction principles, techniques, and technologiesNew solvents and materials used for extraction and separationInnovative instrumental approaches, automation, and hyphenationIsolation and separation of compounds both at a small or large scaleChemometricsMiniaturization in sample preparation, including microscale and nanoscale systemsGreen sample preparation and related metric toolsSensors and sensing with integrated sample preparationIn vivo and on-site sample preparation technologiesOriginal research articles describing new materials and methodologies should be applied to a sample matrix of suitable analytical complexity and provide evidence that they are substantially superior to any published method. Analytical performance characteristics must be given, including calibration, sensitivity, detection limits, accuracy, precision, and interferences. The potential for future routine application and automation should also be discussed. Reports of routine research on sample preparation and straightforward applications describing incremental additions to the scientific literature are discouraged. New applications will be accepted only if clearly demonstrate a high level of general importance and interest to the analytical chemistry community at large and if validated and critically compared with standard methods in terms of efficiency, selectivity, clean-up, enrichment, time and green chemistry potential. All manuscripts should relate and discuss experimental data and observations to fundamental theory.Reviews are invited or written with the prior agreement of the journal. In the latter case, topic proposals, including the title and a brief outline, must be emailed in advance to any of the journal's Editors. Review articles must be sufficiently broad in scope and specific enough to permit discussion to be made at an appropriate depth. They must be critical and comprehensive rather than an exhaustive list of published works on the proposed topic. Tutorials should describe the fundamental principles and practical operational details of a given sample preparation method. Opinion articles present the author's viewpoint and promote scientific discourse that challenges the current state of knowledge in any sub-field of sample preparation. Opinion articles are generally based on constructive criticism and should contain published evidence. Manuscripts are considered for publication in Advances in Sample Preparation only on the basis that the work is original and unpublished. The editors and publisher are fundamentally opposed to any form of duplication and plagiarism and immediate actions will be taken in case of an offense.Advances in Sample Preparation is connected to the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network of the European Chemical Society-Division of Analytical Chemistry.
The Official Journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), an interdisciplinary scientific committee of the International Science Council (ISC).The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, Earth observations of space phenomena, etc.NB: Please note that manuscripts related to life sciences as related to space are no more accepted for submission to Advances in Space Research. Such manuscripts should now be submitted to the new COSPAR Journal Life Sciences in Space Research (LSSR).All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization concerned with the progress of space research on an international scale. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint.
Advances in Water Resources provides a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding of water resources systems. The scope of Advances in Water Resources includes any combination of theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches used to advance fundamental understanding of surface or subsurface water resources systems or the interaction of these systems with the atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and human societies. Manuscripts involving case studies that do not attempt to reach broader conclusions, research on engineering design, applied hydraulics, or water quality and treatment, as well as applications of existing knowledge that do not advance fundamental understanding of hydrological processes, are not appropriate for Advances in Water Resources.Examples of appropriate topical areas that will be considered include the following: • Surface and subsurface hydrology • Hydrometeorology • Environmental fluid dynamics • Ecohydrology and ecohydrodynamics • Multiphase transport phenomena in porous media • Fluid flow and species transport and reaction processesAdvances in Water Resources will be also be accepting Letters which are rapid communications providing short reports of significant fundamental research in all fields of hydrology. Contributions submitted as Letters should be not only fundamental and novel but also potentially transformative in impact by providing new observations, theories, or findings deserving of expedited review and publication. If a submission is deemed acceptable for consideration as a Letter contribution by the Editors, it will be reviewed by Editorial Advisory Board members for technical merits, impact, and broadness, with a review response expected to be within 15 days. Authors will be requested to respond to reviews within 10 days. Please see the Guide for Authors for more details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Wind Engineering (AWE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal devoted to providing a forum for sharing and interchanging state-of-the-art approaches and advancements in all areas of wind engineering. Contributions to field measurements, experimental tests, computational schemes and theoretical methods, as well as emerging technologies used to advance fundamental understanding of wind engineering, will be considered.AWE welcomes manuscripts that display cutting-edge scientific achievements, with potential topics including, but not limited to:Bridge wind engineeringStructural wind engineeringEnvironmental wind engineeringAerodynamics and aeroelasticityWind energyWind climate adaptabilityIntelligent wind engineeringPerformance-based wind engineeringResilience-based wind engineeringSustainability-based wind engineeringEditorial Board
Aerospace Science and Technology publishes articles related to aerospace research, fundamental and applied, potential applications of which are clearly related to: The design and the manufacture of aircraft, helicopters, missiles, launchers and satellitesThe control of their environmentThe study of various systems they are involved in, as supports or as targets.Authors are invited to submit papers on new advances in the following areas of aerospace engineering and applications:• Aeroacoustics • Aerodynamics • Aeroelasticity • Aerostructures • Air transport systems • Air vehicle engineering • Combustion • Complex system engineering • Decision aid • Earth observation • Energetics and propulsion • Flight Mechanics • Fluid dynamics • Information processing • Instrumentation • Navigation, guidance and control • Robotics and intelligent systems • Test facilities • Turbomachinery • Space vehicle and satellite engineering