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Journals in Materials science

The Materials Science portfolio includes titles covering core knowledge and new research and applications across the field: nanotechnology and nanomaterials; polymers and plastics; textiles; composites and ceramics; electronic, magnetic, and optical materials; metals and alloys; biomaterials; surface and film science and coating technologies; materials chemistry, and more. In-depth coverage, innovative state-of-the-art approaches, and real-world application examples provide valuable, actionable insights for researchers, students, and the corporate sector. Elsevier's Materials Science portfolio places special attention on areas of current and emerging interest such as additive manufacturing / 3D printing, graphene and 2D materials, smart materials, biomimetics... The content in Elsevier's Materials Science titles program addresses core challenges facing science and society: sustainable energy technologies, the circular economy, health and human welfare.

71-80 of 90 results in All results

Progress in Organic Coatings

  • ISSN: 0300-9440
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.5
The aim of this international journal is to analyse and publicise the progress and current state of knowledge in the field of organic coatings and related materials. The Editors and the Editorial Board members will solicit both review and research papers from academic and industrial scientists who are actively engaged in research and development or, in the case of review papers, have extensive experience in the subject to be reviewed. Unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted if they meet the journal's requirements. The journal publishes papers dealing with such subjects as:• Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials• Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials• Performance, testing and analysis.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Organic Coatings

Progress in Polymer Science

  • ISSN: 0079-6700
  • 5 Year impact factor: 29.5
  • Impact factor: 26
Progress in Polymer Science publishes state-of-the-art overview articles by internationally recognized authorities in polymer science and engineering, one of the fastest growing disciplines. The journal provides a link between original articles, innovations published in patents, and up-to-date knowledge of technology. It publishes review articles on subjects not only within the traditional fields of polymer science - chemistry, physics and engineering involving polymers - but also within interdisciplinary developing fields such as functional and specialty polymers, biomaterials, polymers and drug delivery, polymers in electronic applications, composites, conducting polymers, liquid crystalline materials and the interphases between polymers and ceramics, and new fabrication techniques, where significant contributions are being made.Contributors are usually invited by the Editor; however, authors wishing to submit a review to the journal may do so by first submitting a Proposal Form for consideration by the Editors. Upon submission, the proposal will be reviewed by the Editors for suitability and fit, and if appropriate, an invitation to submit the full paper will be extended. Proposal forms should be submitted via Editorial Manager, and authors should select "Proposal" as the article type. Unsolicited manuscripts submitted without a proposal form will not be considered.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Progress in Polymer Science

Progress in Quantum Electronics

  • ISSN: 0079-6727
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.5
  • Impact factor: 7.4
An International Review Journal, published since 1969Progress in Quantum Electronics is an international review journal devoted to the dissemination of new, specialized topics at the forefront of quantum electronics and its applications. The journal publishes papers dealing with theoretical or experimental aspects of contemporary research such as advances in the physics, technology and engineering of subjects of relevance to quantum electronics. In addition, papers with new knowledge in interdisciplinary research (e.g. including bio and/or nano related work) are encouraged.Authors are encouraged to write articles of relevance to a wide readership including both those established in this field of research and non-specialists working in related areas.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Quantum Electronics

Progress in Solid State Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0079-6786
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.8
  • Impact factor: 9.1
Progress in Solid State Chemistry presents a chemical view of the solid state by providing up-to-date critical reviews written by acknowledged authorities in the field. It also publishes surveys of research progress and specialized articles devoted to summarizing particular recent developments. The aim is to address the need brought about by the literature on the chemistry of the solid state being widely dispersed, making it difficult to obtain a broad and unified assessment of the present state of knowledge. Special emphasis is given to relating physical properties and structural chemistry. Whereas structural chemistry at one time was concerned mostly with perfect solids, most activity focused upon understanding of solid properties focuses on imperfections. Entities such as vacancies, dislocations, and positive holes, which have no independent existence outside the solid itself, are of prime importance in modern solid state chemistry.The reviews published in Progress in Solid State Chemistry emphasize critical evaluation of the field, along with indications of current problems and future directions. Papers are not intended to be bibliographic in nature but rather to inform a broad range of readers in an inherently multidisciplinary field by providing expert treatises oriented both towards specialists in different areas of the solid state and towards nonspecialists. The authorship is international, and the subject matter will be of interest to chemists, materials scientists, physicists, metallurgists, crystallographers, ceramists, and engineers interested in the solid state.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Solid State Chemistry

Progress in Surface Science

  • ISSN: 0079-6816
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 8.7
Progress in Surface Science publishes progress reports and review articles by invited authors of international stature. The papers are aimed at surface scientists and cover various aspects of surface science. Papers in the new section Progress Highlights, are more concise and general at the same time, and are aimed at all scientists. Because of the transdisciplinary nature of surface science, topics are chosen for their timeliness from across the wide spectrum of scientific and engineering subjects. The journal strives to promote the exchange of ideas between surface scientists in the various areas. Authors are encouraged to write articles that are of relevance and interest to both established surface scientists and newcomers in the field.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Surface Science

Radiation Physics and Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0969-806X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The Journal for Radiation Physics, Radiation Chemistry and Radiation Processing A multidisciplinary journal linking science and industryRadiation Physics and Chemistry is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a medium for publication of substantial and original papers, reviews, and short communications which focus on research and developments involving ionizing radiation in radiation physics, radiation chemistry and radiation processing.Radiation Physics and Chemistry aims to publish articles with significance to an international audience, containing substantial novelty and contributions to science. We expect that articles present new insight or hypothesis testing, that they focus on radiation effects or applications of ionizing radiation, provide uncertainties and statistical analysis where relevant, and present their findings in context with discussion of past and recent literature. The editors reserve the right to reject, with or without external review, articles which do not meet these criteria. This could include articles which are very similar to previous publications, except that target substrates, materials, analyzed sites or experimental methods have been changed.A fuller though not exhaustive list of topics that are considered for publication include:Radiation PhysicsFundamental processes in radiation physics • Interaction mechanisms for example scattering and absorption of photon and particle radiations • Attenuation coefficients • X-ray fluorescence • Cherenkov effect • Polarization • Effects of periodic structures (Bragg diffraction, channelling, parametric x-radiation, etc) • Mathematical methods in radiation physics, reference dataRadiation sources and detectors • Accelerator and radionuclide spectra and other properties • Radiation fields from point and extended sources • Detector response functions • Basic physics of Dosimetry • Radiation transport • Buildup factorsRadiation Chemistry• Ionizing radiation induced ionic and radical reactions • Kinetics and mechanism of radiolysis reactions • Pulse radiolysis technique and measurements • Nanoparticle production by ionizing radiation • Radiation induced chain reactions, polymerization • Irradiation effects on polymers • Dose and dose rate effects • LET effects on chemical reactions • Pollutant removal by ionizing radiation • Computational models on radiation chemical reactionsPapers on photochemistry, microwave chemistry and thermochemistry are believed to belong to the scope of RPC only if they have strong relevance to radiation chemistry. EPR papers will only be considered for publication when the method is used for clarifying radiation chemical processes, e.g. by determining the nature of the transient intermediates. Radiochemistry papers such as tracer technique, radon or other radionuclide measurements, isotopic constitutions fall outside the scope of the journal.Radiation ProcessingRadiation Sterilization • Microbiology • Toxicology • Biocompatibility • ValidationFood irradiation • Microbiological quality • Chemical effects • Nutrition • Detection induced radioactivityPolymers • Synthesis • Polymerization • Curing • Grafting • Crosslinking • Degradation • CompositesEnvironmental • Effluent gas • Waste water • Water purification • Toxin reduction • Sludge • Recycling of wastesRadiation effects • Semiconductors • Gemstones • Crystals • CeramicsDosimetry and process control • Dosimeter systems • Analytical instrumentation • Environmental influence • Measurement uncertaintyRadiation sources and facilities for radiation processing • Electron Accelerators • Gamma and x-ray facilities • Safety issues • Transport of radioisotopes
Radiation Physics and Chemistry

Reactive and Functional Polymers

  • ISSN: 1381-5148
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 4.5
An International Journal devoted to their Science and TechnologyReactive & Functional Polymers provides a forum to disseminate original ideas, concepts and developments in the science and technology of polymers with functional groups, which impart specific chemical reactivity or physical, chemical, structural, biological, and pharmacological functionality. The scope covers organic polymers, acting for instance as reagents, catalysts, templates, ion-exchangers, selective sorbents, chelating or antimicrobial agents, drug carriers, sensors, membranes, and hydrogels. This also includes reactive cross-linkable prepolymers and high-performance thermosetting polymers, natural or degradable polymers, conducting polymers, and porous polymers.Original research articles must contain thorough molecular and material characterization data on synthesis of the above polymers in combination with their applications. Applications include but are not limited to catalysis, water or effluent treatment, separations and recovery, electronics and information storage, energy conversion, encapsulation, or adhesion.Full-length papers, perspectives and review articles will be considered. We welcome cutting-edge, original research within our scope. Modelling and simulation work will be considered only when linked to new or previously published experimental results. Lack of originality and novelty, insufficient molecular characterisation, or poor comparison with the current state of the art are reasons for rejection.
Reactive and Functional Polymers

Scripta Materialia

  • ISSN: 1359-6462
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 5.3
Scripta Materialia is a LETTERS journal of Acta Materialia, providing a forum for the rapid publication of short communications on the relationship between the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. The scope and aims of Scripta Materialia are identical to Acta MaterialiaScripta Materialia prioritizes papers that significantly move the field forward, advancing the thinking in the field and providing mechanistic processing-structure-property connections. Explorations of such connections by experiment, computation, theory, data science, and machine learning are all welcome; studies that connect across theory, computation, and experiment through mechanistic means are especially relevant. Materials structure at all scales is of interest, from electronic, atomic, and molecular arrangements to microstructural elements, including crystal defects, polycrystalline and polyphase structures, and spanning to macrostructures formed by processing that impact properties and performance. The connection of these structural features to all kinds of properties is of interest, including mechanical and functional properties, thermodynamics and kinetics, phase transformations, etc. In addition to original contributions, Scripta Materialia publishes comments on papers published in Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia. The journal also publishes Viewpoints, which are invited short articles focused on topics of current interest within the scope of the journal and coordinated by invited guest editors.
Scripta Materialia

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

  • ISSN: 0927-0248
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.3
An International Journal Devoted to Photovoltaic, Photothermal, and Photochemical Solar Energy ConversionSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of research results on materials science and technology related to photovoltaic, photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. Materials science is taken in the broadest possible sense and encompasses physics, chemistry, optics, materials fabrication and analysis for all types of materials.Of particular interest are: Solar Cells, covering single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous materials utilising homojunctions and heterojunctions, Schottky barriers, liquid junctions and their applications. Also of interest is analysis of component materials, individual cells and complete systems, including their economic aspects. Photothermal Devices, in the broadest sense, including solar absorber devices, heat storage materials, radiative cooling systems and their applications. Photoelectrochemical and Photochemical Devices, covering photoelectrodes, photocatalysis, photoconversion and solar desalination systems and their applications. Optical Properties of materials, including light trapping, texturising, solar concentrators which include imaging and non-imaging optical collectors. Light Control, including systems for energy efficient architecture and daylighting, chromogenics and smart windows.The pertinent issues are comprehensive and encompass bulk materials, coatings and thin films and surface treatments, from basic as well as from applications-oriented and manufacturing related perspectives.Manuscripts of general interest not being suitable for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells can be submitted to Refocus, which publishes magazine-style feature articles concerning all aspects of renewable energy. Please e-mail David Hopwood, Editor for further details ([email protected]) and visit articles not specifically related to the materials aspects of Solar Energy conversion can be submitted to Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society. For details, visit journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Solid State Communications

  • ISSN: 0038-1098
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Solid State Communications also welcomes full length original research articlesSolid State Communications publishes short communications and original research articles on significant developments in condensed matter science and materials physics, that emphasis original experimental and theoretical research on the physical and chemical properties of not only solids but also other condensed systems.The submission of manuscripts reporting research on the basic physics of materials and devices, as well as of state-of-the-art microstructures and nanostructures, is encouraged.A coherent quantitative treatment emphasizing new physics is expected rather than a simple accumulation of experimental and/or theoretical data.Consistent with these aims, the short communications should be kept concise and short, not longer than six printed pages. The number of figures and tables should also be kept to a minimum. Original research articles have no length restrictions.(Visit the Guide for Authors for more detailed information.)The Fast-Track section of Solid State Communications is the venue for very rapid publication of short communications on significant developments in condensed matter science and materials physics. The goal is to offer the broad condensed matter community quick and immediate access to publish recently completed papers in research areas that are rapidly evolving and in which there are developments with great potential impact.Keywords: condensed matter physics, materials physics, materials chemistry, materials science, electronic properties and devices, magnetism, superconductivity, microstructures, nanostructures
Solid State Communications