Materials Today is the flagship journal of the Materials Today family and is dedicated to covering the most innovative, cutting edge and influential work of broad interest to the materials science community.Having established the journal as one of the most highly respected sources of news and reviews in materials science over the last two decades, Materials Today has expanded its scope to cover ground breaking original research in materials science, and aims to become a leading forum in the field.The editors welcome comprehensive articles and short communications reporting breakthrough discoveries and major technical achievements as well as review articles from established leaders in engaging and rapidly developing fields within materials science and related disciplines.Materials Today offers authors rigorous peer review, rapid publication, and maximum visibility. The journal expects to accept only the most significant submitted manuscripts, but will provide very rapid evaluation to prevent publication delays.The growing Materials Today family provides authors and readers with comprehensive coverage across materials science, spanning ground breaking discoveries to highly specialized research; including such journals as Applied Materials Today, Materials Today Energy, and Materials Today Chemistry - in addition to the dedicated proceedings journal Materials Today: Proceedings, and sound science publication Materials Today Communications.For more information on the wider Materials Today family visit
NDT&E international publishes peer-reviewed original research on non-destructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) for the assessment of the structural integrity of engineering structures. The journal covers the established NDT&E sensing modalities of ultrasonics, electromagnetics, radiography as well as optical and thermal methods. The journal also covers research on new NDT&E techniques, and novel applications of established methods. In all cases, the focus should be on the physics and engineering science of the inspection method or application. The expectation is that any modelling or simulation is accompanied by experimental evidence. The journal covers all application areas in which NDT&E is used including, mechanical, aerospace and civil structures. Other novel application areas are considered where a close link to either traditional applications or techniques can be shown. Application-focused studies should go beyond being examples of best practice and include clear novel features and have wider implications. Whilst NDT&E most commonly relates to periodic inspections, long-term monitoring scenarios are also considered.The journal considers contributions on novel signal processing and data analysis methods where they can be demonstrated to enhance NDT&E applications. Machine learning is now an accepted tool for the analysis of NDT data. Hence, whilst papers that use machine learning are considered, its use must go beyond best practice and should fundamentally advance the field of NDT. In doing this we would expect the work to include consideration of the physics and engineering science of the inspection problem.The journal publishes a small number of review submissions, typically by invitation, with initial enquiries to the Editor-in Chief.
Polymer Testing focuses on the testing, analysis and characterization of polymer materials, including both synthetic and natural or biobased polymers. Novel testing methods and the testing of novel polymeric materials in bulk, solution and dispersion is covered. In addition, we welcome the submission of the testing of polymeric materials for a wide range of applications and industrial products as well as nanoscale characterization.The scope includes but is not limited to the following main topics:Novel testing methods and Chemical analysis • mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, imaging, spectroscopy, scattering and rheologyPhysical properties and behaviour of novel polymer systems • nanoscale properties, morphology, transport propertiesDegradation and recycling of polymeric materials when combined with novel testing or characterization methods • degradation, biodegradation, ageing and fire retardancyModelling and Simulation work will be only considered when it is linked to new or previously published experimental results.
As of 2008 no longer published by Elsevier, please contact the National Institute of Materials Science in JapanAIMS AND SCOPEBackground: To date, there are many Journals dealing with materials and their functions. For most of them, however, the core is generally derived from the separate viewpoints of physics, chemistry, and electronics, not necessarily from that of multifaceted materials themselves.It has been recognized that the key issues in the development of the advanced materials field in the future, is how to realize the fruits of the advances in Materials Science and Engineering research, as evidenced by the block of knowledge stored in the Materials' archives for the last 30 years.In order to attain the purpose, each researcher is encouraged to develop his/her specialist field by gaining knowledge from all the fields of multifaceted materials, functions, and processing.This point of view is in direct contrast to the concepts expressed through the established, traditional journals.Purpose and scope: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials offers an international forum presenting refereed original contributions at the forefront of materials science research, and occasionally includes reviews of articles in the rapidly growing fields of materials research, such as nano-, bio- and ecomaterials. We also publishes special issues featuring on-going research projects and other materials research activity.The journal publishes research involving all aspects of materials science, including theoretical analysis, synthesis and processing, phase and structure analyses, characterization, properties, engineering and applications. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of materials science and particularly close attention is paid to the latest trends in materials research.The multi-faceted nature of materials science is more prominent in the rapidly-growing nanotechnology-related fields, where researchers are confronted by the necessity not only to develop their specialty within the specific scientific field, but also to gain knowledge from various other fields of materials science. The interdisciplinary nature of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials will help readers to understand various aspects of materials research outside their own core expertise.
Ultrasonics is the only internationally established journal which covers the entire spectrum of ultrasound research, technology and applications. Ultrasonics contains a variety of sections to keep its readers abreast of the state of the art in both fundamental investigation and real-world development related to ultrasonics. Ultrasonics publishes papers of exceptional quality and of relevance to both academia and industry. Manuscripts in which ultrasonics is the core and not simply an incidental tool or secondary issue are welcomed.In addition to high-quality, original research papers with scientific merit and novelty, as well as review articles contributed by internationally renowned experts, Ultrasonics also regularly features short communications, a calendar of forthcoming events in the field, and special issues dedicated to specific topical subjects.Ultrasonics broadly covers:Physics of Ultrasound - Acousto-optics; Ultrasonic visualization and imaging; Acousto-electric devices; SAW; Acoustic microscopy; Acoustic emission (ultrasonic domain); Physical aspects of ultrasonic wave propagation; Laser ultrasonics; Physical acoustics (solids, liquids and gases); Ultrasound scattering; Modelling of ultrasound waves; Air-coupled ultrasonics; Phononic crystals; Ultrasound in metamaterials and granular materials; Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy; Terahertz acoustics; Guided waves in surfaces and films; Ultrasound in composites; Ultrasonic flow imaging; Acoustic levitation and particle manipulation; Inverse problems in ultrasonics.Biomedical Ultrasound - Ultrasonic bio-effects; Ultrasonic characterization of biological media (bone, tissue, cartilage, etc.); Biomedical ultrasound imaging and signal processing; Vascular ultrasound; Ultrasound propagation in biological materials; Elastography; Biomedical ultrasonic instrumentation; Diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical ultrasound; HIFU; Ultrasonic contrast agents; Ultrasonic-guided drug delivery; Ultrasonic surgical devices; sonoporation and sonodynamics; Non-linear ultrasonics in biomedical applications.Ultrasonic NDT/SHM and Material Characterization - Ultrasonic NDT/NDE; Ultrasonics-based SHM and damage detection; Material characterization using ultrasound; Fatigue damage; Ultrasound phased arrays; Ultrasound in civil, aerospace and geological materials.Ultrasound in Industry and High-power Ultrasonics - Industrial applications of ultrasonics; Industrial processes utilizing high power ultrasonics such as welding, wire drawing, filtering, drilling, cutting, cleaning, emulsification, atomization; Process monitoring; Heat generation; Accelerated material characterization by ultrasonic fatigue testing; Ultrasonics in additive manufacturing; ultrasonic machining and manufacturing.Non-linear Ultrasonics - Non-linear ultrasound; Non-linear elastic waves in solids; Harmonic imaging; Acoustic nonlinearity; Sonoluminescence; Ultrasound cavitation and bubble dynamics; Ultrasonically produced streaming and radiation pressure; Ultrasonic fatigue.Ultrasonic Devices, Transducers and Systems - Ultrasound sensors, transducers and sensor networks; Ultrasound calibration; Instruments, devices and systems for ultrasound research and applications; Ultrasonic motors and actuators; Ultrasonics in control applications; Robotics and automated ultrasonic systems; Ultrasound-related smart materials and structures.Underwater Acoustics and Ultrasonics - Reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, scattering and reverberation of waves under water; radiation from objects vibrating under water; Ultrasound microfluidics.Keywords: physical ultrasound; ultrasonic wave propagation; biomedical ultrasound; therapeutic ultrasound; ultrasound NDE/SHM; material characterization using ultrasound; ultrasound devices, transducers and systems; industrial applications of ultrasound; non-linear ultrasonics; bubble dynamics, laser ultrasonics; ultrasound in metamaterials; ultrasound imaging of biological materials; phononic crystals.