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Journals in Geochemistry and petrology

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Precambrian Research

  • ISSN: 0301-9268
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Precambrian Research publishes studies on all aspects of the early stages of the composition, structure and evolution of the Earth and its planetary neighbours. With a focus on process-oriented and comparative studies, it covers, but is not restricted to, subjects such as:(1) Chemical, biological, biochemical and cosmochemical evolution; the origin of life; the evolution of the oceans and atmosphere; the early fossil record; palaeobiology; (2) Geochronology and isotope and elemental geochemistry; (3) Precambrian mineral deposits; (4) Geophysical aspects of the early Earth and Precambrian terrains; (5) Nature, formation and evolution of the Precambrian lithosphere and mantle including magmatic, depositional, metamorphic and tectonic processes.In addition, the editors particularly welcome integrated process-oriented studies that involve a combination of the above fields and comparative studies that demonstrate the effect of Precambrian evolution on Phanerozoic earth system processes.Regional and localised studies of Precambrian phenomena are considered appropriate only when the detail and quality allow illustration of a wider process, or when significant gaps in basic knowledge of a particular area can be filled.Fairness and impartiality. The professional journal of Precambrian Research expects all communications by authors, editors, and reviewers to be of a high professional standard. All communications (including manuscripts and reviews) will be written and assessed based on objective criteria, without bias, prejudice, or preferential treatment. Race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender identity, and sexual orientation are irrelevant to the review of scientific data and scientific publishing. Scientific criticism must be expressed in a constructive and collegial manor - unprofessional language (insults, degrading terminology, etc.) is unacceptable and cannot be used.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals .
Precambrian Research

Quaternary Geochronology

  • ISSN: 1871-1014
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.7
The International Research and Review Journal on Advances in Quaternary Dating TechniquesQuaternary Geochronology is an international journal devoted to the publication of the highest-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of dating methods applicable to the Quaternary Period - the last 2.6 million years of Earth history. Reliable ages are fundamental to place changes in climates, landscapes, flora and fauna - including the evolution and ecological impact of humans - in their correct temporal sequence, and to understand the tempo and mode of geological and biological processes.Some Quaternary dating methods are well established, while others are in the early stages of development. Quaternary Geochronology provides a readily accessible platform to rapidly communicate the latest developments and applications in these emerging fields, as well as improvements made to more traditional methods of age determination. New technological capabilities are providing a greater understanding of the underlying principles of age estimation and are stimulating innovative applications.Quaternary Geochronology will publish research in the following areas: • Principles of geochronological methods • Advances in methodology, analytical procedures and instrumentation • Methodological standardisations and inter-laboratory comparisons • Calibrations and comparisons of different methods • Novel and groundbreaking applications in all fields of Quaternary researchThe following contributions will be accepted: • Original research papers and case studies • Review papers • Special thematic issues • Viewpoint articles • Letters to the Editors (including comments on papers published in Quaternary Geochronology) • Book reviewsThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals
Quaternary Geochronology


  • ISSN: 0040-1951
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The International Journal of Integrated Solid Earth SciencesThe prime focus of Tectonophysics will be high-impact original research and reviews in the fields of kinematics, structure, composition, and dynamics of the solid earth at all scales. Tectonophysics particularly encourages submission of papers based on the integration of a multitude of geophysical, geological, geochemical, geodynamic, and geotectonic methods with focus on:• Kinematics and deformation of the lithosphere based on space geodesy (e.g. GPS, InSAR), neoteoctonic studies, tectonic geomorphology, and geochronology; • Structure, composition, and thermal state of the crust and mantle and their evolution in various time scales based on geophysical and geochemical studies; • Structural geology, folding, faulting, fracturing, analysis of stress and strain, and rock mechanics; • Orogenesis, tectonism, thermochronology, surficial processes, land-climate interactions, and Lithospheric-asthenospheric interactions; • Active tectonics, seismology, mechanisms of earthquakes and volcanism, geological hazards and their societal impacts; • Rheology and numerical modelling of geodynamic processes; • Laboratory measurements of physical and chemical parameters of crustal and mantle rocks, and their application to geophysics and petrology; • Innovative development, including testing, of new methods in geophysics and geodynamics.Tectonophysics welcomes contributions of three types:• Regular papers. • Fast track papers for short, innovative rapid communication, which will usually be reviewed within three weeks after submission. More information about this paper type can be found within the Guide for Authors. • Comprehensive invited review articles which provide an overview of significant subjects.Abstracts of maximum 300 words describing the objectives of the research, and the rationale and methods (if relevant), should be included for all article types: regular, fast-track and invited review.In addition Special Issues devoted to a single topic, and edited by an authority in that field, are also published.