Aims and scopeDesign and Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary research at the intersection of design and artificial intelligence (AI). The goal of DAI is to serve as a leading platform of scholarly exchange and innovation in the integration of design and artificial intelligence through a multidisciplinary approach.The journal aims to:facilitate research that bridges the gap between the design and artificial intelligence; promote the development and application of innovative AI technologies and methodologies in design contexts;explore the implications of AI on new design theories, practices and education; investigate human-computer (AI) interaction paradigms emerging from the integration of AI in design processes; and encourage critical discourse on the ethical, social, and cultural impacts of AI-driven design. Scope DAI welcomes original research articles, review papers, case studies and theoretical frameworks that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this rapidly evolving field. The journal seeks submissions from researchers, practitioners and educators working in areas including, but not limited to, artificial intelligence, design theory and practice, and human-computer interaction. Artificial intelligenceAI algorithms and models for designAI tools and applications in design Empirical studies of AI technologies and systems Design theory and practice (with AI)Design theories and methodologies Social and cultural perspectives of design User research, prototyping, and evaluation methods Human-Computer (AI) InteractionHCI Theories, methods, techniques, and applicationsHuman-AI interaction Computational interactionEditorial Board
Intelligent Sports and Health (ISH) a peer-reviewed international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to advancing cross-innovations in the fields of sports, medicine, and engineering. The journal aims to promote high-level athletic performance and physical and mental health through the publication of foundational theories and applied research, including original research papers, review articles, and case studies. ISH focuses primarily on research in areas such as computer vision, sports intelligent equipment, sports big data, sports physiology and biochemistry, and cognitive neuroscience. With a meticulously curated international editorial board that integrates multiple disciplines, the journal upholds high academic standards and integrity in order to provide an international academic communication platform for interdisciplinary research in the fields of sports, medicine, and engineering.This journal contains three sections:Section A (Intelligent Sports): This section focuses on the cutting-edge research of artificial intelligence technology in the field of sports and exercise science. It explores the application of technologies such as big data analysis and computer vision in optimizing athletic performance and competitive abilities. This includes areas such as sports performance analysis, biomechanical analysis and motion capture, personalized training and rehabilitation prescription design, motion skill learning and control, and assessment of sports injury risks.Section B (Intelligent Health): This section focuses on the cutting-edge research of artificial intelligence technology in the field of human health: utilizing intelligent computing and big data algorithms for biology of sport; data-driven prediction of injuries and decision support systems for rehabilitation; research on the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare; gathering and analyzing physiological data through intelligent devices, improving early disease prediction and prevention with AI technology, personalized health management, and self-regulation.Section C (Intelligent Sport Equipment and Monitoring): This section focuses on the cutting-edge research regarding intelligent materials and equipment in the fields of athletic performance and healthcare environments. For instance, it explores the utilization of robotics technology, intelligent devices, and exoskeletons in rehabilitation and assistive training; the assessment of psychological states based on electroencephalogram and eye-tracking; the application of brain-computer interface technology in the analysis of exercise psychology; gait recognition and performance diagnosis using sensor devices, along with motion tracking and analysis via wearable devices; and intelligent devices and infrastructure for athletic training and coaching technologies, among others.Editorial Board
The International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction serves as a forum to communicate original, high-quality research in child-computer interaction and interaction design and children. IJCCI employs a double-blind review process, utilizing a minimum of two (2) referees. The journal welcomes contributions on the following topics:• New methods for working with children in design, evaluation and research; • Models that help designers and researchers better understand children and their relationships with technology; • Interaction design cases that demonstrate novel and well designed technologies for children; • Studies of how children interact with and through technology; • Research about the use of, and the design of, technologies for play, learning, sociality and communication; • Reviews of the literature, theories around child development and technology design; • Studies of gaming and the application of serious games theories to children's technologies; • Evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for children.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes research on the design and use of interactive computer technology. Research areas relevant to the journal include:• Adaptive user interfaces • Affective computing • Ageing and digital technologies • Computational interaction • Computer mediated communication • Computer supported cooperative work • Computers and accessibility • Conversational user interfaces • Design and evaluation of interactive technologies • Digital games and play • Digital health systems • Empirical studies of user behaviour • Ethical aspects in the design of interactive systems • HCI evaluation methodologies • HCI for development • HCI theory • Human-AI interaction • Intelligent tutoring systems • Interaction techniques • Mobile computing • Multimodal interaction techniques • Pervasive computing • Privacy and security in regard to HCI • Social computing • Sustainable and critical computing • Ubiquitous computing • User experience and usability • Virtual/Augmented/Mixed/Extended reality • Visualization • Wearable computers
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware (VRIH) is an open access journal that aims to showcase and promote distinguished research in the field of virtual reality and intelligent hardware. It provides a global publishing and academic exchange platform for researchers, professionals and industry practitioners. The journal offers high-quality single-blind peer review and is published bimonthly in English. VRIH has been indexing by EI, Scopus, DBLP, DOAJ. Submissions are welcome on a variety of topics - specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:5G and VR/AR/MRArtificial intelligence for VR/AR/MRAudio interfaces, sound rendering and auditory perceptionBrain interfaceComputer graphics techniquesComputer vision techniquesContent creation, authoring and managementConversational and speech interfacesCrowd simulationDisplay technologiesEmbodied agents, virtual humans and (self-)avatarsHaptic and tactile interfaces, wearable haptics, passive haptics, pseudo hapticsHuman augmentationsHuman-computer interaction for VR/AR/MRHuman factors and ergonomicsImage analysis and video processingImmersive analytics and visualization techniquesInput devicesLocomotion and navigationMachine learning and deep learningMediated and diminished realityMedical simulation and navigationModeling and simulationMulti-user and distributed systemsMultimodal capturing and reconstructionMultimodal/cross-modal interaction and perceptionMultisensory rendering, registration, and synchronizationPerception and cognitionPresence, body ownership, and agencyScene description and management issuesSensor fusionSoftware architectures, toolkits, and engineeringStorytellingTeleoperation and telepresenceTouch, tangible and gesture interfacesTracking and sensingUsage research, evaluation methods and empirical studiesVR/AR/MR applicationsEditorial Board
Visual Informatics is a peer-reviewed online journal published on the platform of Elsevier. It is dedicated to the development and application of theories, algorithms and technologies associated with visual data acquisition, analysis, synthesis, perception, enhancement and applications. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:Visual data acquisition and modellingVisualization and visual analysisExpressive renderingAugmented realityNatural interface based on visual perceptionThe journal accepts surveys, original research articles, invited papers, special issues and excellent papers recommended by some related conferences. During the first few years, it will be published quarterly with open access.