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Journals in Medicinal chemistry

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Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

  • ISSN: 0169-409X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 17.6
  • Impact factor: 15.2
The aim of the Journal is to provide a forum for the critical analysis of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their applications in human and veterinary medicine. The Journal has a broad scope, covering the key issues for effective drug and gene delivery, from administration to site-specific delivery.In general, the Journal publishes review articles in a Theme Issue format. Each Theme Issue provides a comprehensive and critical examination of current and emerging research on the design and development of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their application to experimental and clinical therapeutics. The goal is to illustrate the pivotal role of a multidisciplinary approach to modern drug delivery, encompassing the application of sound biological and physicochemical principles to the engineering of drug delivery systems to meet the therapeutic need at hand. Importantly the Editorial Team of ADDR asks that the authors effectively window the extensive volume of literature, pick the important contributions and explain their importance, produce a forward looking identification of the challenges facing the field and produce a Conclusions section with expert recommendations to address the issues.Articles review the current status of a specific topic, giving equal emphasis to the identification of major conceptual and technological challenges to successful drug and gene delivery, to an evaluation of triumphs as well as shortcomings in current conceptual and technical approaches, and to a discussion of their possible solution.Theme issues are commissioned by one of the Executive Editors or the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal does not publish stand alone manuscripts. If you wish to submit a theme issue topic for consideration, please contact one of the editors.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

Antiviral Research

  • ISSN: 0166-3542
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 4.5
Antiviral Research aims to publish manuscripts in the field of prevention and treatment of viral diseases in humans and vertebrate animals, and encourages authors to the submit manuscripts describing the activity of well-defined chemical compounds for the treatment of viral diseases. The journal is an Official Publication of the International Society for Antiviral Research. The types of papers published in Antiviral Research includes original research reports, short communications, commentaries and invited review* articles on the control of viral infections in humans. The journal’s scope encompasses:antiviral drugs, antibodies and host-response modifiers, including their synthesis, in vitro and in vivo testing and mechanisms of action.identification and validation of new drug targets;laboratory animal models of viral diseases for antiviral efficacy testing;evolution of drug-resistant viruses and the development of effective counter measures;pathogenesis of viral diseases and mechanisms of viral evasion of host immune responses;assessments of drug safety;new or improved vaccines against viral infections of humans; the prevention and treatment of viral diseases of vertebrate animals, and reports of the testing of veterinary vaccines in the target animal species. All papers must include a sufficiently detailed description of methods to permit other investigators to replicate the experiments. Authors reporting the antiviral effect of a novel small-molecule drug must reveal its chemical structure. Claims of in vitro or in vivo efficacy of a drug or vaccine must be supported by appropriate statistical analysis that must be clearly described in the manuscript.Antiviral Research journal does not publish reports on viral diseases of plants or of insects, crustaceans or other invertebrates. Studies of viral diseases of livestock and companion animals must be clearly related to the development of realistic therapies. Papers on veterinary vaccines should report findings in the target animal species.We discourage the submission of manuscripts reporting the antiviral activity of unpurified natural products, or of partially purified substances of natural origin for which a mechanism of action has not been determined. Manuscripts claiming an antiviral effect of homeopathic products or other highly diluted preparations, or which fail to clearly identify the biological ingredient or molecule responsible for the antiviral activity of an experimental therapy, will not be considered for publication. Articles describing antiseptics with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity will not be accepted. We discourage the submission of in silico docking studies or other computer-based predictions of antiviral activity that are not supported by data from biological assays. Citations of reports that have not undergone peer review must include the note "[not peer-reviewed]."ISAR members Authors who are ISAR members are encouraged to contact ISAR after their paper has been accepted for publication in order to benefit from their published work being highlighted in ISAR postings on their social media platforms (further details on this will be given in the AVR acceptance letter). *Antiviral Research journal has started a new initiative to publish at least two thematic special issues per year, containing invited reviews in addition to the ad hoc invitations to experts in the areas within the scope of the journal.
Antiviral Research

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0968-0896
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.3
The Tetrahedron Journal for Research at the Interface of Chemistry and BiologyBioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry publishes complete accounts of research of outstanding significance and timeliness on all aspects of molecular interactions at the interface of chemistry and biology, together with critical review articles. The journal publishes reports of experimental results in medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and drug discovery and design, emphasizing new and emerging advances and concepts in these fields. The aim of the journal is to promote a better understanding at the molecular level of life processes, and living organisms, as well as the interaction of these with chemical agents.The Journal welcomes papers on:the medicinal chemistry and associated biology (including target identification and validation) of established or new disease targetsthe reporting of the discovery, design or optimization of potent new compounds or biological agentsthe analysis and discussion of structure-activity relationships and pharmacological issues relevant to drug design and action using in vitro and in vivo models, including the use of computational techniques when closely linked to experimental datathe reporting of "first-in-class" new therapeutic compoundsthe chemical biology or bioorganic/bioinorganic chemistry that significantly advances knowledge of a biological mechanismmethodological advances that are chemistry-based and which significantly impact on medicine or biologythe preparation and examination of biotherapeutics for the treatment of pathophysiological disease statesthe development of materials for specific therapeutic targetingAll manuscripts will be rigorously peer-reviewed by independent experts following an initial assessment by the Editors. Please note that BMC is not suitable for straightforward reports of incremental advances. Above all the presentation of a rational basis and a sound underlying hypothesis for the work is of particular importance, whatever its exact field.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters

  • ISSN: 0960-894X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.5
BMCL (Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters) publishes research communications of outstanding significance and timeliness on topics at the interface of chemistry and biology, together with concise review articles and perspectives. BMCL publishes reports of experimental results in medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and drug discovery and design, emphasizing new and emerging advances and concepts in these fields. The aim of BMCL is to promote a better understanding at the molecular level of life processes, and living organisms, as well as the interaction of these with chemical agents. BMCL continues to be a major forum for the first publication of new chemical entities prior to them entering clinical trials.BMCL welcomes papers on: the medicinal chemistry and associated biology (including target identification and validation) of established or new disease targetsThe reporting of the discovery, design or optimization of potent new compounds or biological agentsthe analysis and discussion of structure-activity relationships and pharmacological issues relevant to drug design and action using in vitro and in vivo models, including the use of computational techniques when closely linked to experimental datathe reporting of "first-in-class" new therapeutic compoundsthe chemical biology or bioorganic/bioinorganic chemistry that significantly advances knowledge of a biological mechanismmethodological advances that are chemistry-based and which significantly impact on medicine or biologythe preparation and examination of biotherapeutics for the treatment of pathophysiological disease statesthe development of materials for specific therapeutic targetingManuscripts on phytochemistry, theoretical molecular dynamics and exclusively computational papers are out of scope. All manuscripts will be rigorously peer-reviewed by independent experts following an initial assessment by the Editors. Please note that BMCL is not suitable for straightforward reports of incremental advances. Above all the presentation of a rational basis and a sound underlying hypothesis for the work is of particular importance, whatever its exact field.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters

Clinica Chimica Acta

  • ISSN: 0009-8981
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine The Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)Clinica Chimica Acta is a high-quality journal which publishes original Research Communications in the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, defined as the diagnostic application of chemistry, biochemistry, immunochemistry, biochemical aspects of hematology, toxicology, and molecular biology to the study of human disease in body fluids and cells.The objective of the journal is to publish novel information leading to a better understanding of biological mechanisms of human diseases, their prevention, diagnosis, and patient management. Reports of an applied clinical character are also welcome. Papers concerned with normal metabolic processes or with constituents of normal cells or body fluids, such as reports of experimental or clinical studies in animals, are only considered when they are clearly and directly relevant to human disease. Evaluation of commercial products have a low priority for publication, unless they are novel or represent a technological breakthrough. Studies dealing with effects of drugs and natural products and studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not within the journal's scope. Development and evaluation of novel analytical methodologies where applicable to diagnostic clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, including point-of-care testing, and topics on laboratory management and informatics will also be considered. Studies focused on emerging diagnostic technologies and (big) data analysis procedures including digitalization, mobile Health, and artificial Intelligence applied to Laboratory Medicine are also of interest.
Clinica Chimica Acta


  • ISSN: 0010-7824
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.8
An international reproductive health journal The Official Journal of the Society of Family PlanningThe journal Contraception wishes to advance reproductive health through the rapid publication of the best and most interesting new scholarship regarding contraception and related fields such as abortion. The journal welcomes manuscripts from investigators working in the laboratory, clinical and social sciences, as well as public health and health professions education.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0223-5234
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 6
EJMECH (The European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry) is a global journal that publishes studies on the main aspects of medicinal chemistry. It provides a medium for publication of original research papers and it welcomes critical review papers.A typical paper would report on the design (with or without the support of computational methods), organic synthesis, characterization and biochemical/pharmacological evaluation of novel, potent compounds preferentially with a clear (or proven) mechanism of action and/or target. Other topics of interest are molecular aspects of drug metabolism, prodrug synthesis and drug targeting. The journal expects manuscripts to present a clear rational for a study, provide insight into the strategy and design of compounds and into the mechanism of action, and biological targets. Manuscripts reporting only computational studies are out-of-scope unless a new method (broadly applicable, validated and available to the community) is reported. Authors are kindly invited to look to published articles for the scope of the journal and the organisation of papers.
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

Free Radical Biology & Medicine

  • ISSN: 0891-5849
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.9
  • Impact factor: 7.1
An official JOURNAL of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine and the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe; affiliate journal of the International Society for Free Radical Research (SFRRI)Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing ground-breaking research in the redox biology of both health and disease. We focus on signal transduction and redox signaling; oxidative stress; reductive stress; redox stress; nitrosative stress; aging and age-related diseases; redox biology in skeletal and cardiac muscle, exercise science, and sports medicine; metabolic regulation and metabolic diseases; mitochondrial function and signaling; homeostatic mechanisms and adaptive responses; redox chemistry and mechanisms; materials and nanomaterials; non-thermal plasmas; microorganisms, fungi, plants, insects, animals, and humans; and antioxidant enzymes, pathways, and networks. We welcome both full-length and short Research Communications, Hypothesis Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Graphical Reviews, and Critical Methods Papers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine also commissions themed Special Issues aimed at highlighting recent advances in both basic and clinical fields, with a particular focus on mechanisms underlying altered metabolism and redox signalling.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine

Pharmacology & Therapeutics

  • ISSN: 0163-7258
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.5
  • Impact factor: 12
Pharmacology & Therapeutics presents lucid, critical and authoritative reviews of currently important topics in pharmacology, including the actions of drugs, and/or the exploitation of drug targets.Disease pathophysiology is relevant provided it is part of a narrative around drug actions or new drug targets.Founded in 1976, Pharmacology & Therapeutics continues to be among the top 10 most cited journals in pharmacology.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics