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Physics of Life Reviews

  • ISSN: 1571-0645
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.3
  • Impact factor: 13.7
Physics of Life Reviews is an international journal appearing quarterly, that publishes review articles on physics of living systems, complex phenomena in biological systems, and related fields of artificial life, robotics, mathematical bio-semiotics, and artificial intelligent systems. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all living systems from molecules to populations and from genetics to mind and artificial systems modeling these phenomena. The journal invites reviews from actively working researchers, which are broad in scope, critical, accessible to our wide readership and addresses sometimes controversial accounts of recent progress and problems.Physics of Life Reviews intends to keep the active researcher abreast of developments on a wide range of topics by publishing timely reviews, which are more than mere literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Although most of the reviews will be of a specialist nature, each review should contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist and to inspire and facilitate interdisciplinary research. "Physics" in the journal name refers to the methodology unifying all areas of physics: (1) elucidating fundamental principles, (2) developing a mathematical model, (3) making experimentally verifiable predictions. We seek reviews aspiring to this universal paradigm. The reviews should address in a clear way the most important conceptual issues in a field, review existing theories and methods with their achievements and drawbacks or difficulties versus the issues, unsolved problems addressed by a new theory, method, or approach, and why a significant progress is achieved or expected. Future research directions, remaining unsolved problems, and experimental confirmations or controversies should also be addressed.
Physics of Life Reviews


  • ISSN: 0032-3861
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 4.1
The International Journal for the Science and Technology of PolymersPolymer is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and significant advances in Polymer Physics, Chemistry and Technology. We welcome submissions on polymer hybrids, nanocomposites, characterisation and self-assembly. Polymer also publishes work on the technological application of polymers in energy and optoelectronics.The main scope is covered but not limited to the following core areas:Polymer MaterialsNanocomposites and hybrid nanomaterialsPolymer blends, films, fibres, networks and porous materialsPhysical CharacterizationCharacterisation, modelling and simulation* of molecular and materials properties in bulk, solution, and thin filmsPolymer EngineeringAdvanced multiscale processing methodsPolymer Synthesis, Modification and Self-assemblyIncluding designer polymer architectures, mechanisms and kinetics, and supramolecular polymerizationTechnological Applications Polymers for energy generation and storagePolymer membranes for separation technologyPolymers for opto- and microelectronics*Theory and simulation papers should include or reference previously published experimental results.The scope of Polymer no longer includes the biomedical applications of polymers. We would strongly recommend that authors consider submitting these papers to our excellent sister title European Polymer Journal Types and SubmissionPolymer publishes the following article types: original research papers, review articles, featured articles, short communications and Research Insights.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.

Polymer Degradation and Stability

  • ISSN: 0141-3910
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6.3
Polymer Degradation and Stability publishes articles which enhance and develop our fundamental understanding of degradation reactions, their control or utilization for sustainability purposes including upcycling or recycling, and material performance optimization via polymer design. These are the major goals of practitioners of the many diverse aspects of modern polymer technology. In addition, PDST seeks comprehensive reviews and guiding opinions in this area of research and polymer applications. For high level impact, PDST focuses on the underlying polymer science and mechanistic understanding as the origin for material ageing, controlled depolymerization (or upcycling opportunities), and how to accomplish maximum performance or improved material lifetime predictions. Favored work for PDST should explain the correlation between the chemical structure and the resulting properties of polymers, paying particular attention to the chemical pathways that describe the decomposition phenomena, result in material weakness, or can be exploited to increase performance and/or reuse. Please note that PDST is not the journal of choice for material testing, screening studies of comparative performance evaluations, or the simple reporting of thermal decomposition observations.Deteriorative reactions occur during processing, when polymers are subjected to heat, oxygen and mechanical stress, and during the useful life of materials when oxygen and sunlight are the most important degradative initiators. In more specialized applications, degradation may be induced by high energy radiation, ozone, atmospheric pollutants, mechanical stress, biological action, hydrolysis and other influences including combined detrimental environments. The mechanisms of these reactions and stabilization processes must be understood if the technology and application of polymers are to continue to advance. Detailed investigations and in-depth novelty of this kind are therefore a major purpose of the PDST journal.In addition, there are also new developments in polymer technology in which degradation processes are positive for applications. For example, photodegradable plastics are now available, the recycling and upcycling of polymeric products will become increasingly important, degradation and combustion studies are involved in the definition of fire hazards associated with polymeric materials and the microelectronics industry is vitally dependent upon polymer degradation in the manufacture of its circuitry. Another growing area are biobased polymers and how they compare with traditional materials in their degradation features. Polymer properties may also be improved by processes like curing and grafting, the chemistry of which can be closely related to that which causes physical deterioration in other circumstances. Further, the field of network polymers (thermosets) including bond exchange vitrimers or self-healing materials have often intriguing aspects of polymer degradation science embedded in their features. Radiation of various kinds is used to initiate many of these modern technological processes meaning that polymer photochemistry has gained new relevance, and therefore also finds a major place in this journal.The study of all these processes makes extensive use of modern instrumental analytical methods and the various spectrometric, chromatographic, thermal analysis, degradation rate and performance monitoring techniques have been particularly prominent. With the current advances in DFT and molecular modeling, leading all the way to macroscopic 'models' focused on kinetics or spatial dependency, ideally any efforts that consider PDST as a publication medium will clearly demonstrate the outstanding mechanistic questions and how modeling can assist to resolve these. The benefit of modeling should be shown through a clear connection to novelty in degradation pathways or explanations for complex mechanisms and should ultimately close the loop with guidance for new experimental work.Our efforts will bridge between polymer physics, chemistry and materials science coupled with suitable diagnostics. Yet this also means that PDST is not the journal of choice for mostly empirical comparisons of materials performance, engineering testing of material samples or composites, or easy observations of thermally induced pyrolysis, as every polymer will degrade under some conditions. Instead, PDST wishes to assist with the why and how, thereby offering a comprehensive understanding and meaning of polymer degradation processes for better materials or closing the loop towards reuse and sustainability with a reduced carbon footprint. There is clearly a strong linkage between investigations in the various parts of this field. Polymer Degradation and Stability is a selective journal that provides a forum for publications of guiding nature and novelty, broad understanding, and high-level impact in this field.
Polymer Degradation and Stability

Progress in Lipid Research

  • ISSN: 0163-7827
  • 5 Year impact factor: 15.7
  • Impact factor: 14
Publishing Invited ReviewsThe importance of lipids as one of the fundamental classes of biological compounds is well established. The application of our of the biochemistry, chemistry and physiology of lipids to biotechnology, the fats and oils industry and medicine have continued to expand apace. In addition new dimensions such as lipid biophysics, especially with relevance to membranes and lipoproteins, and basic liposome research and applications have been added. To cope with all these advances in knowledge a journal is needed to review recent progress in particular fields and to set current research against its historical background. Progress in Lipid Research fulfils this role.Each volume contains up-to-date surveys of special aspects of lipid research. The invited reviews are comprehensive enough to provide sufficient overview but concentrate on reporting and critically appraising the most recent data. Subjects are chosen for their timeliness or because major developments have taken place in the last few years. They include methodological reviews as well as chemical, biochemical and medical articles. All lipid compounds and derivatives are covered, ranging from fatty acids and other simple molecules, through steroids, terpenoids and phospho- or glycolipids to complex structures such as lipoproteins and biological membranes. We hope that those whose main interest is in lipid biophysics and liposome research will join as new readers, benefiting from the journal's classical aspects of lipid metabolism, lipids in signal transduction and lipid enzymology, and that current readers will benefit from the exposure to top quality research on the new aspects.PLR solely publishes review articles and submissions are by invitation only. If you have not been invited, but would like to have a review article considered, please send your proposal to the Editorial Office (Ms. Carly Middendorp at [email protected]), thereby indicating which editor has the most appropriate expertise to handle the manuscript.Proposals must include a short abstract, proposed table of contents/chapters, a representative figure (if relevant) and list of key references. If possible please supply a timeline for submission of your article. After assessment of the proposal by the Editors, we will let you know whether it is suitable for inclusion in the journal.Editors and their expertise:Makoto Arita: Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-derived mediators; LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics; role of lipid mediators in inflammation and tissue homeostatis; eosinophils; cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases, and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases.Kent Chapman: Plant lipid metabolism; plant lipid signaling; membranes; oilseeds; lipid storage; compartmentalization; organelle biogenesis; lipid analysis.John Harwood: Metabolism and function of acyl lipids; n-3 polyunsatruated fatty acids; oil accumulation in crops; algal lipids; regulation of metabolism; lipids in disease.Gabor Tigyi: Lysophospholipids, lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine-1-phosphate, lipid signaling, radiation biology, drug discovery.Markus Wenk: Structure, function and metabolism of membrane lipids; application of lipidomics in drug and biomarker development; role of lipid metabolism in neurobiology.
Progress in Lipid Research

Progress in Polymer Science

  • ISSN: 0079-6700
  • 5 Year impact factor: 29.5
  • Impact factor: 26
Progress in Polymer Science publishes state-of-the-art overview articles by internationally recognized authorities in polymer science and engineering, one of the fastest growing disciplines. The journal provides a link between original articles, innovations published in patents, and up-to-date knowledge of technology. It publishes review articles on subjects not only within the traditional fields of polymer science - chemistry, physics and engineering involving polymers - but also within interdisciplinary developing fields such as functional and specialty polymers, biomaterials, polymers and drug delivery, polymers in electronic applications, composites, conducting polymers, liquid crystalline materials and the interphases between polymers and ceramics, and new fabrication techniques, where significant contributions are being made.Contributors are usually invited by the Editor; however, authors wishing to submit a review to the journal may do so by first submitting a Proposal Form for consideration by the Editors. Upon submission, the proposal will be reviewed by the Editors for suitability and fit, and if appropriate, an invitation to submit the full paper will be extended. Proposal forms should be submitted via Editorial Manager, and authors should select "Proposal" as the article type. Unsolicited manuscripts submitted without a proposal form will not be considered.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Progress in Polymer Science

Reactive and Functional Polymers

  • ISSN: 1381-5148
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 4.5
An International Journal devoted to their Science and TechnologyReactive & Functional Polymers provides a forum to disseminate original ideas, concepts and developments in the science and technology of polymers with functional groups, which impart specific chemical reactivity or physical, chemical, structural, biological, and pharmacological functionality. The scope covers organic polymers, acting for instance as reagents, catalysts, templates, ion-exchangers, selective sorbents, chelating or antimicrobial agents, drug carriers, sensors, membranes, and hydrogels. This also includes reactive cross-linkable prepolymers and high-performance thermosetting polymers, natural or degradable polymers, conducting polymers, and porous polymers.Original research articles must contain thorough molecular and material characterization data on synthesis of the above polymers in combination with their applications. Applications include but are not limited to catalysis, water or effluent treatment, separations and recovery, electronics and information storage, energy conversion, encapsulation, or adhesion.Full-length papers, perspectives and review articles will be considered. We welcome cutting-edge, original research within our scope. Modelling and simulation work will be considered only when linked to new or previously published experimental results. Lack of originality and novelty, insufficient molecular characterisation, or poor comparison with the current state of the art are reasons for rejection.
Reactive and Functional Polymers


  • ISSN: 0039-128X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.1
STEROIDS is an international research journal devoted to studies on all chemical and biological aspects of steroidal moieties. The journal focuses on both experimental and theoretical studies on the biology, chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism, molecular biology, physiology and pharmacology of steroids and other molecules that target or regulate steroid receptors. Manuscripts presenting clinical research related to steroids, steroid drug development, comparative endocrinology of steroid hormones, investigations on the mechanism of steroid action and steroid chemistry are all appropriate for submission for peer review. STEROIDS publishes both original research and timely reviews. For details concerning the preparation of manuscripts see Instructions to Authors, which is published in each issue of the journal.Please bookmark this URL: to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center


  • ISSN: 0039-9140
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5.6
The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical ChemistryTalanta provides a forum for the publication of original research papers, short communications, and critical reviews in all branches of pure and applied analytical chemistry. Papers are evaluated based on established guidelines, including the fundamental nature of the study, scientific novelty, substantial improvement or advantage over existing technology or methods, and demonstrated analytical applicability. Original research papers on fundamental studies, and on novel sensor and instrumentation developments, are encouraged. Novel or improved applications in areas such as clinical and biological chemistry, environmental analysis, geochemistry, materials science and engineering, and analytical platforms for omics development are welcome.Analytical performance of methods should be determined, including interference and matrix effects, and methods should be validated by comparison with a standard method, or analysis of a certified reference material. Simple spiking recoveries may not be sufficient. The developed method should especially comprise information on selectivity, sensitivity, detection limits, accuracy, and reliability. However, applying official validation or robustness studies to a routine method or technique does not necessarily constitute novelty. Proper statistical treatment of the data should be provided. Relevant literature should be cited, including related publications by the authors, and authors should discuss how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods.Talanta is the companion title to the open access journal Talanta Open.The name Talanta derives from the Greek word ταλαντα, used by Homer to mean a pair of scales. Such a balance was used for measuring talents or gold coins. See Talanta, 35(5)(1988)I-V for details. The symbol for the journal is a Greek balance taken from one of the Hope Vases.

Thermochimica Acta

  • ISSN: 0040-6031
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 3.1
An International Journal Concerned with All Aspects of Thermoanalytical and Calorimetric Methods and their Application to Experimental Chemistry, Physics, Biology and EngineeringThermochimica Acta publishes original research contributions covering all aspects of thermoanalytical and calorimetric methods and their application to experimental chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. The journal aims to span the whole range from fundamental research to practical application.The journal focuses on the research that advances physical and analytical science of thermal phenomena. Therefore, the manuscripts are expected to provide important insights into the thermal phenomena studied or to propose significant improvements of analytical or computational techniques employed in thermal studies. Manuscripts that report the results of routine thermal measurements are not suitable for publication in Thermochimica Acta.The journal particularly welcomes papers from newly emerging areas as well as from the traditional strength areas: - New and improved instrumentation and methods - Thermal properties and behavior of materials - Kinetics of thermally stimulated processesEach paper submitted for publication should clearly present: a) Scientific motivation (i.e., why this study is of interest); b) Relevance to the stated scope of Thermochimica Acta (i.e., why thermal methods play a crucial role in the study, or why this study is important for the use and development of thermal methods); c) General significance of the obtained results (i.e., how this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the general area of the study). Note that novelty of a study does not necessarily imply general significance of the results.Manuscripts reporting results of kinetic studies are expected to follow the ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for collecting kinetic data (Thermochim. Acta 590 (2014) 1-23, and for performing kinetic computations (Thermochim. Acta 520 (2011) 1-19). The journal publishes regular full-length articles, short communications (either novel, unexpected theoretical or experimental results or short reports of collections of new data), and reviews (usually invited by an Editor, but proposals from authors are welcome).
Thermochimica Acta

Trends in Chemistry

  • ISSN: 2589-5974
  • 5 Year impact factor: 17.7
  • Impact factor: 14
Trends in Chemistry represents a new global platform for discussion of significant and transformative concepts in all phases of chemistry. Undoubtedly, uncovering new frontiers in chemistry will have significant impact on many of the imposing challenges facing our world today. The journal offers readable, multidisciplinary review, opinion, and short articles that are thoughtfully designed to keep students and leading scientists alike updated on the most pressing issues in the field.The journal highlights all aspects of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical chemistry with major themes including: biochemistry, catalysis, colloids, environmental chemistry, materials, medicine, polymers, and supramolecular chemistry. Additionally, we welcome articles on chemical education; health and safety; policy and public relations; and ethics and law.Articles for Trends in Chemistry are peer-reviewed and generally commissioned by the editor, however, proposals are encouraged. Because chemistry intersects many other scientific disciplines such as biology, computer science, mathematics, and physics, the audience for Trends in Chemistry is broad. Accordingly, we emphasize readable articles that minimize field-specific language and abbreviations. Please note that we cannot accept manuscripts that rely on unpublished data.Bridging all divisions of chemistryAnalyticalBiologicalCatalysisColloidsComputationalEnvironmentalElectrochemistryGreenInorganic and organometallicMaterialsMedicinalOrganicPhysicalPolymerSupramolecularDo you have an idea for a review?Contact our editor, Tom Dursch at [email protected] the Cell Press website for more information about Trends in Chemistry -
Trends in Chemistry

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