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Journals in Catalysis

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Applied Catalysis A: General

  • ISSN: 0926-860X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.7
An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its ApplicationsApplied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of catalysis of basic and practical interest to chemical scientists in both industrial and academic fields. Papers that focus on advances in catalysis science, especially those that have potential practical implications, by exploring new concepts or new approaches to catalytic processes and materials resulting in new understanding of catalytic phenomena are most welcome.Papers that do not focus on catalytic phenomena and those that report results of a thorough study or optimization of systems or processes that are well understood, widely studied, or minor variations of known ones are strongly discouraged. In their submission, authors are required to include a "Justification for Publication" section comprising a statement detailing the fit of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. Submissions made without the inclusion of such a justification will be rejected without review.When preparing an article for submission, it is important that the authors describe their work succinctly in the context of any related published work emphasizing the novel contributions made. Simply reporting new catalyst compositions without delivering associated new insights in catalytic science will be insufficient for publication.
Applied Catalysis A: General

Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy

  • ISSN: 0926-3373
  • 5 Year impact factor: 18.9
  • Impact factor: 20.2
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy warmly welcomes original, innovative, and high-impact contributions within the realm encompassing thermo-, electro-, and photocatalysis to advance clean energy and provide sustainable environmental solutions. We encourage submissions that explore:Fundamental and applied catalysis research, advancing clean energy and sustainable environmental solutions.Catalysis-driven insights fostering the development of sustainable industrial processes, elevating our collective knowledge base.Every facet of catalyst synthesis, characterization, catalytic mechanisms, and strategies for catalyst activation and regeneration, all tailored for environmental and energy applications.Catalytic strategies aimed at abating environmental pollutants, addressing a wide array including nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, chlorinated organics, and soot, emitted from both stationary and mobile sources.Pioneering catalytic routes and processes facilitating the efficient production and conversion of clean energy, marking a paradigm shift in the landscape energy sourcing.Catalytic reactions adeptly transforming waste materials into valuable and useful products, amplifying the concept of sustainability through resource recycling.The journal welcomes submissions of original Research Papers, Reviews, Perspectives, and Letters to the Editor. Reviews and Perspectives are by invitation only.
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy

Applied Surface Science

  • ISSN: 0169-4332
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6.3
A Journal Devoted to Applied Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and InterfacesApplied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of surfaces, interfaces, nanostructures and their applications. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface analytical techniques and/or computational methods, as well as the processing of such structures.This journal accommodates the following topics:Surface science of catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis;Deposition and growth;2D assembly;Surface and interface modification by directed energy deposition (lasers, ion or electron beams) or other techniques such as plasmas;Surface engineering and functionalization;Functional surfaces and coatings;Electrochemistry at surfaces and corrosion protection strategies;Surface science applied to energy conversion and storage;Surface nanotechnology and devices;Semiconductors - surface and interface;Biointerfaces.Note to authors In order to be considered for publication, your paper must be a research study on the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface approaches, either by experimental techniques or computational methods. If not, your submission will not be considered for publication and will not be sent out for peer-review. Content related to research presented at scientific events?can be submitted to the journal?s companion title, Applied Surface Science Advances.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Applied Surface Science

Catalysis Today

  • ISSN: 0920-5861
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5.2
A Serial Publication Featuring Topical Themes in Catalysis and Related Subjects: Click Here for the Full List of Special Issues Published in Catalysis Today.Catalysis Today focuses on the rapid publication of original invited papers devoted to currently important topics in catalysis and related subjects. The journal only publishes special issues (Proposing a Catalysis Today Special Issue), each of which is supervised by Guest Editors who recruit individual papers and oversee the peer review process. Catalysis Today offers researchers in the field of catalysis in-depth overviews of topical issues.Both fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis are covered. Subjects such as catalysis of immobilized organometallic and biocatalytic systems are welcome. Subjects related to catalysis such as experimental techniques, adsorption, process technology, synthesis, in situ characterization, computational, theoretical modeling, imaging and others are included if there is a clear relationship to catalysis.Each issue of Catalysis Today covers a distinct topic. Types of publication are:Selected papers based on a symposia, workshop, or conference.Review articles, in-depth tutorials, or original publications on a common theme.Monographs (detailed papers covering a specific subject, typically of sufficient scope to constitute a full journal issue).Researchers who would like to serve as Guest Editors are encouraged to contact any of the journal Editors to answer specific questions.
Catalysis Today

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

  • ISSN: 1367-5931
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.2
  • Impact factor: 6.9
COCHBI (Current Opinion in Chemical Biology) is a systematic review journal that aims to provide specialists with a unique and educational platform to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in the field of Chemical Biology.The journal publishes 6 issues per year covering the following 9 sections, each of which is reviewed once a year, these are:OmicsBiocatalysis and BiotransformationBioinorganic ChemistryNext Generation TherapeuticsMolecular ImagingChemical Genetics and EpigeneticsSynthetic BiologySynthetic BiomoleculesMechanistic BiologyThere is also a section that changes regularly to reflect hot topics in the field.COCHBI is a Current Opinion journal, a series of established invite-only review journals that offer authoritative, systematic synthesis of emerging and hot topics. You can find more information on Current Opinion titles here.
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

Enzyme and Microbial Technology

  • ISSN: 0141-0229
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Biotechnology Research and ReviewsEnzyme and Microbial Technology is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research and reviews, of biotechnological significance and novelty, on basic and applied aspects of the science and technology of processes involving the use of enzymes, micro-organisms, animal cells and plant cells. We especially encourage submissions on: Biocatalysis and the use of Directed Evolution in Synthetic Biology and BiotechnologyBiotechnological Production of New Bioactive Molecules, Biomaterials, Biopharmaceuticals, and BiofuelsNew Imaging Techniques and Biosensors, especially as applicable to Healthcare and Systems BiologyNew Biotechnological Approaches in Genomics, Proteomics and MetabolomicsMetabolic Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering and NanobiotechnologyManuscripts which report isolation, purification, immobilization or utilization of organisms or enzymes which are already well-described in the literature are not suitable for publication in EMT, unless their primary purpose is to report significant new findings or approaches which are of broad biotechnological importance. Similarly, manuscripts which report optimization studies on well-established processes are inappropriate. EMT does not accept papers dealing with mathematical modeling unless they report significant, new experimental data.
Enzyme and Microbial Technology

Focus on Catalysts

  • ISSN: 1351-4180
An International Newsletter Monitoring Technical and Commercial Developments in the Manufacture and use of CatalystsFocus on Catalysts reports on business and technical developments across the catalysis field - heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic - across all applications. Published monthly, each issue starts with a brief editorial and then provides a series of concise summaries on business, market and technical developments from a global perspective. The newsletter covers: • market trends • company news, including information on new plants worldwide • technological innovations • environmental issues and applications • new patents • conferences and book reviews.
Focus on Catalysts

Journal of Catalysis

  • ISSN: 0021-9517
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 6.5
The Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis including all forms of stimulations of chemical transformations (e.g., photon-, plasmon-, and electron-mediated catalysis). They are based on studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical properties of surfaces and metal complexes. The contributions present novel concepts, the synthesis and kinetic investigations of inorganic solids and homogeneous complexes, spectroscopic methods for characterization of catalysts, studies of probes and reacting species interacting with the catalysts, as well as theoretical methods. The research should be of direct relevance to the science of catalytic processes and should deal with fundamental or application-driven catalysis. Published manuscripts will be of lasting value because of their significant contributions to our understanding and practice of catalysis.
Journal of Catalysis

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

  • ISSN: 1387-1811
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.8
The Official Journal of the International Zeolite AssociationMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials covers novel and significant aspects of porous solids classified as either microporous (pore size up to 2 nm) or mesoporous (pore size 2 to 50 nm). The porosity should have a specific impact on the material properties or application. Typical examples are zeolites and zeolite-like materials, pillared materials, clathrasils and clathrates, carbon molecular sieves, ordered mesoporous materials, organic/inorganic porous hybrid materials, or porous metal oxides. Both natural and synthetic porous materials are within the scope of the journal.Topics which are particularly of interest include:All aspects of natural microporous and mesoporous solidsThe synthesis of crystalline or amorphous porous materialsThe physico-chemical characterization of microporous and mesoporous solids, especially spectroscopic and microscopicThe modification of microporous and mesoporous solids, for example by ion exchange or solid-state reactionsAll topics related to diffusion of mobile species in the pores of microporous and mesoporous materialsAdsorption (and other separation techniques) using microporous or mesoporous adsorbentsCatalysis by microporous and mesoporous materialsHost/guest interactionsTheoretical chemistry and modelling of host/guest interactionsAll topics related to the application of microporous and mesoporous materials in industrial catalysis, separation technology, environmental protection, electrochemistry, membranes, sensors, optical devices, etc.The journal publishes original research papers, short communications, review articles and letters to the editor.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Molecular Catalysis

  • ISSN: 2468-8231
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.8
  • Impact factor: 3.9
Molecular Catalysis publishes full papers that are original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions examining the molecular and atomic aspects of catalytic activation and reaction mechanisms. The fields covered are:Heterogeneous catalysis including immobilized molecular catalystsHomogeneous catalysis including organocatalysis, organometallic catalysis and biocatalysisPhoto- and electrochemistryTheoretical aspects of catalysis analyzed by computational methodsManuscripts submitted to Molecular Catalysis ideally fall into the field of chemical synthesis, i.e. the preparation of chemical compounds used as pharmaceutical building blocks, fine chemicals, commodity chemicals or as bulk chemicals (or as precursors for them).Manuscripts dealing with non-synthetic topics such as degradation reactions (e.g. photocatalysis for the degradation of dyes/pollutants), (bio)sensors or fuel cells will not be considered for publication in Molecular Catalysis.Contributions that do not fall within the above aims and scope will be rejected at the editorial level. Examples are papers that are limited to:***   Routine preparation and characterization of catalytic materialsRoutine synthetic organic applications of catalysisRoutine computational studies that merely reproduces experimental data**Since the scopes of the Elsevier journals Molecular Catalysis, Applied Catalysis A: General, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, and Catalysis Communications are complementary, an appropriate submission to each journal could be borderline, in which case the advice of another Editor will be sought, possibly redirecting the submission to either Applied Catalysis A: General, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, or Catalysis Communications (for letters) with the author(s)'s agreement.Molecular Catalysis publishes regularly full papers; special issues on well-defined topics are published only by invitation. However, proposal from authors are welcome anytime and enquiries regarding the submission of special issues should be directed to the Editors. Any special issue should contain at least 30 articles featuring work from leading experts in the area and/or from leading institutes.Review and Perspective articles are normally published by invitation.Perspectives are short articles covering current areas of interest for molecular catalysis audience in the form of personal accounts. The length of a published perspective ranges from 1500 to 2000 words (excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc.) with at least 20 or more references.A new article format called "Ongoing Story" will focus on a still open molecular catalysis research showing the developments in the understanding by a specialist area. The length of a published "Ongoing story" ranges from 500 to 1000 words (excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc.).Guidelines for catalyst characterization and reporting experimental results:Every manuscript published in Molecular Catalysis has to provide sufficient experimental detail to reproduce the experiments and calculations reported. Also, the identity of the products (especially if a new product is synthesized) has to be established together with the yield and its purity.Catalyst characterization: To establish the identity of new catalysts a precise synthesis and purification procedure is inevitable as well as sufficient spectroscopic (e.g. UV-Vis, NMR etc.), crystallographic and chromatographic identification (ideally placed into the supporting information).In case of enzyme catalysts, a detailed description and documentation (e.g. SDS-gels etc) of the enzyme preparation (such as expression system, induction, fermentation conditions, downstream processing and enzyme purification) has to be provided.Catalyst activity assays have to be described in detail (including reagents, assay conditions and activity calculations).Reaction conditions: A detailed description of the reaction conditions comprises: solvent composition (if appropriate buffer strength, pH etc.), reaction temperature, pressure, shaking- or stirring etc. Whereas possible, the concentrations of all reagents must be given in molar concentrations. This applies in particular to time courses shown in the manuscript. Authors should refrain from showing %-conversions but rather show molar concentrations of products and starting materials. To evaluate the efficiency of a catalyst, turnover numbers and turnover frequencies (together with the conditions and equations for their calculation) should be included in the manuscript text.Statements on efficiency and/or environmental benignity: In general, authors should refrain from claims of 'efficiency' and/or environmental benignity ('greenness') unless these claims are substantiated by a quantitative comparison with a method of the state-of-the-art. Manuscripts using such terms excessively without quantitative justification will not be considered for publication.Plagiarism: All manuscripts submitted to Molecular Catalysis are routinely screened with respect to originality of concept, content, and writing. It is not appropriate for an author to reuse wording from publicly available sources (including the authors' own publications) no matter if cited (or not). Manuscripts with a plagiarism level (similarity index) above 10%, including self-plagiarism will be automatically rejected at Editorial level.
Molecular Catalysis

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