Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization focuses on analysis of enzyme reactor performance, departing from the simplest cases of ideal reactors – first considered individually as single units, and in combination encompassing multiple units at a subsequent stage, and gradually improving the quality of modelling through contributions by nonideal hydrodynamics and mass transfer, to ultimately reach the more involved interactions with separation (alternating or in situ) and (classical) control of operation. The book helps evolve knowledge acquisition steps, grasp on the underlying concepts, and extend the concepts to overall reactor operation.Enzymatic Reactors: Design and Optimization considers three levels of description: (i) macroscopic, or ideal; (ii) microscopic, or nonideal in terms of hydrodynamics (including homogeneous, nontrivial flow patterns) and mass transfer (including multiphasic systems); and (iii) submicroscopic, or nonideal in terms of mixing. The quality of the approximation increases in this order following the complexity of the supported mathematical models, and the thoroughness of the experimental data.
Zirconia: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications is a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the research in the field of zirconia-based materials. Zirconia displays a unique combination of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and optical properties, and this book focuses on the growing number of applications of zirconia-based materials, including their usage in biomedical, energy, and environmental applications. In addition to zirconia’s properties, synthesis, and applications, a brief historical introduction is provided to give users a background, and a final chapter addresses future perspectives and outlooks to stimulate future research. The book will be of interest to a broad audience, including students, academics, and industrial researchers working in materials science, chemistry, and physics.
Waste Derived Catalysts: Sustainable Materials for Energy and Environment explores the significant potential of waste materials as catalyst precursors for clean energy generation and environmental remediation. The book simultaneously addresses the problems of waste management, resource depletion, and environmental pollution while promoting the transition towards a sustainable and cleaner energy future. It provides a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements, methodologies, and applications of waste derived catalysts in the fields of energy and environment and as such it serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, engineers, policymakers, and students who are interested in exploring the potential of waste materials as catalyst precursors and their implications in sustainable energy conversion and environmental remediation. The book covers a wide range of waste streams, including agricultural and biomass waste, industrial and municipal waste, and electronic waste, shedding light on their conversion into catalysts through appropriate processing techniques. Furthermore, the book investigates various clean energy technologies, such as hydrogen production, fuel cells, carbon capture and utilization, and renewable fuel synthesis, where waste derived catalysts have shown promise.
Copper Oxides and Related Materials: Properties, Synthesis, and Applications provides a thorough description of the physical, structural, electrophysical, chemical, electronic, and biological properties of copper oxides in one convenient volume. The book focuses on human and environmental aspects, paying particular attention to health, environmental remediation, electronic applications, energy storage, and solar energy conversion.Copper oxides are widely used in many applications such as antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anticancer treatments; as biocide agents against phytopathogens or hospital-acquired diseases; and, they are also a standard material used for superconductivity. This volume thoroughly explores the most exciting and relevant applications of copper oxides, a class of material with a sometimes bewilderingly wide array of potential uses.
Elementary Kinetic Modelling in Catalytic Reaction Engineering is a practical focused text that brings together the relevant basics for reaction engineering and shows their applications to a wide variety of examples, whilst looking at the intrinsic kinetics data acquisition, reaction mechanism elucidation, elementary step-based modelling and model-based design and optimization involved.The book aims at spanning the entire process from acquisition of the relevant data in dedicated experimental set-ups, over the proper treatment of the data and the corresponding interpretation up to the quantification of the gained understanding in a model. The latter aspect allows the reader to challenge the interpretation made of the data and design subsequent experiments or improve the interpretation/model formulation. The coverage is not just limited to the generic (theoretical) principles but will also carefully consider and explain their application to a variety of real-life applications including gas- and liquid-phase reactions, heterogeneously catalyzed reactions involving adsorption either in the Henry regime or at full saturation of the catalyst or combined homogeneous-heterogeneous reactions.Elementary Kinetic Modelling in Catalytic Reaction Engineering is written primarily for graduate students and postdoc researchers in chemical engineering or applied industrial chemistry studying chemical reaction engineering and catalysis, as well as physical chemists studying kinetics.
Thermal and Catalytic Cracking of Hydrocarbons for the Production of Light Olefins reviews thermal and catalytic cracking processes of hydrocarbons for the production of light olefins. The book completely reviews and discusses all aspects of the process, including the olefin market, process description, kinetics of reactions, mathematical modeling and simulation of different parts of the process, along with optimal design and operation, and process control of olefin production plants. Further it presents some of the commercial software packages in the market for the simulation and optimization of the process.This is an indispensable resource for researchers in R&D and operators of olefin plants who have to address challenges in simulation, modelling, and optimization of olefin plants.
Unlocking the Future of Renewable Energy and Chemistry through Catalysis provides a broad view of gaps and opportunities related to the ongoing energy and chemistry transition, particularly on science and technologies, along with complementary aspects, including the societal considerations needed to unlock the future of renewable energy and chemistry through catalysis. The book provides background and complementary aspects that are needed to understand future scenarios, to identify priorities and missing aspects in technologies and scientific background, and to create an open mind approach in science and technology to unlock the renewable energy and chemistry future.It focuses on catalysis and complements review articles that are currently available in the literature. Sections cover general knowledge, allowing the reader to understand the fast-evolving scenario, and in turn, identify opportunities and needs. Unlocking the Future of Renewable Energy and Chemistry through Catalysis is part of the SUNER-C/SUNERGY activities, with several contributions from the SUNERGY community. SUNERGY is a large EU initiative to go beyond fossil fuels and to unlock the renewable energy future (https://sunergy-initiative.eu/).
BiOX-based Photocatalysts for Dual Applications: Water Treatment and Energy Storage presents opportunities for finding balance between the progress in semiconductor materials and their seminal applications in cutting-edge areas of water treatment and energy storage, which mitigate environmental impact. This book provides an understanding of BiOX with respect to the relationship between materials’ structure and photoreaction performance, paving the way for a new direction of photocatalysis technology for the future of water treatment. Subsequently, the development of the next generation of BiOX would allow an efficient collection of sunlight to catalyze chemical reactions, promoting solar energy utilization as the cleanest and most sustainable energy source in the long-term. To reflect this novelty, the works presented in this book focuses on BiOX applications not only for water treatment, but also for energy storage and conversion.Written by world-class experts in their respective fields, this book will be an excellent resource for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers and academics in chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, and environmental science doing research on advanced oxidation process (AOP); technicians working in research and development on different uses of BiOX-based material for photocatalytic applications; and waste specialists in the waste and energy industries.
Photocatalytic Perovskite Materials: Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science (GSPCEES) contains up-to-date information on hot topics concerning perovskite-based photocatalysts. The book gives readers an in-depth glance at photocatalysis via perovskite semiconductors and their applications in a diverse range of industries. It provides an overview of the historical development of conventional catalysis and (perovskite) photocatalysis, its challenges, strategies for improvement, and methods for synthesis and selectivity enhancement. Users will find applications for solar hydrogen production, solar-driven fuel generation, volatile organic compounds, CO2 reduction, environmental remediation, degrading organic pollutants from wastewater, and organic reactions.In addition, the book deals with photocatalytic behavior of inorganic halide perovskites, organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite photocatalysts, organic-organic composite perovskite for photocatalysis, metal halide perovskite quantum dots, perovskite-based oxynitrides for photocatalysis, visible light active perovskites based photocatalysts, surface modification of perovskite materials to improve photocatalytic activity, and charge separation in perovskite nanostructures.
Advanced Electrochemical Materials and Devices for Clean Energy and Environment presents recent advancements, revolutionary breakthroughs, and unraveled challenges in the development of electrochemical materials and devices for energy and environmental applications. The book discusses the latest trends in synthesis, processing, fabrication, characterization, and properties of materials. In addition, it highlights novel sustainable materials such as natural polysaccharides, biochar, plant-waste, animal-waste, other waste materials as promising substitutes for use in next-generation electrochemical devices.The book also demonstrates crossroads research where the electrochemical removal of pollutants can be coupled with the electrical energy production, such as in biological fuel cells; desalination batteries/supercapacitors; and other integrated devices. This is a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, scientists, and professionals from a variety of sectors, including electrochemists, chemical engineers, environmental scientists, materials scientists, and energy researchers across academia and industry.