Research and Methods in Cell and Tissue BiologyActa Histochemica is a classic scientific journal established in 1954 currently focused on basic research and methodological innovations in cell and tissue biology. The aim of the journal is to promote the peer-reviewed publication of original articles and short communications reporting novel results and experimental approaches in the field, as well as comprehensive reviews, letters to the editor and meeting reports, serving as an open forum for the cell and histochemical research community. Manuscripts analysing the mechanisms of functional regulation of living systems at a cell/tissue level, in physiological or pathological conditions, or reporting new techniques and methodological approaches to quantify/visualize cellular activities are particularly welcomed.
Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles in ecology. We encourage studies in all areas of ecology, including ecosystem ecology, community ecology, population ecology, conservation ecology and evolutionary ecology. There is no bias with respect to taxon, biome or geographic area. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, but combinations are particularly sought. Priority is given to papers based on explicitly stated hypotheses. Acta Oecologica also accepts review papers.The forum section is reserved for short papers with critical discussion of current issues in ecology, as well as comments and viewpoints on previously published papers. Acta Oecologica does not publish book reviews, but comments on new books are welcome in the forum section.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Acta Tropica is an international journal on infectious diseases that covers public health sciences, medical and veterinary entomology, and biomedical research with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal health.Its scope includes the biology of pathogens and vectors, host-parasite relationships, mechanisms of pathogenicity, clinical disease and chemotherapy. We welcome contributions in basic or applied research in disciplines such as epidemiology, disease ecology, diagnostics, interventions and control, drug and insecticide resistance, mathematical modelling, public health and social sciences, climate change, parasite and vector taxonomy, biology, ecology and behaviour, host and parasite genomics, biochemistry, immunology, and vaccine testing.Contributions may be in the form of original research papers, review articles, short communications, opinion articles, or letters to the Editors.Only manuscripts of high scientific significance and innovation will be considered for publication. Criteria for rejection without review:• Out of scope.• Manuscripts of minimal international relevance, including regional reports and studies of local interest.• Case reports.• Parasite and vector control strategies at very early inconclusive laboratory stages of development. For vector control studies, field validation is required.• Field studies not replicated at least over two years. • Studies dealing with natural products (e.g., plant extracts) not characterized from a chemical point of view.• Ethical issues, including plagiarism, submission of the manuscript to multiple journals, and lack of ethical approval where needed.Important Guidelines for AcceptanceEditors and the Editorial Board of Acta Tropica provide the following guidelines to help authors prepare manuscripts of high quality that can be considered for publication. Maximize your chances of acceptance by making sure your manuscript:• Matches the scientific scope of the journal,• Follows the instructions specified in Acta Tropica guide for authors,• Presents results that significantly advance science including innovative new approaches,• Meets quality standards of presentation and literature citation,• Demonstrates potential health or biomedical impact.The above points are critical for the publication of original papers. Be aware Editors carefully evaluate initial manuscript submissions and only those meeting the above criteria will be forwarded to review. If reviewed favourably and the authors seriously address all concerns, then chances of acceptance are increased. Review and Opinion articles may be invited by the Editors in Chief or submitted by authors responding to a recognized need. Reviews are expected to carefully synthesize and discuss the literature and make recommendations to advance respective scientific fields. Reviews and Opinions submitted by authors without research experience on the topic covered by the manuscript will not be considered. Systematic reviews adhering to PRISMA guidelines and meta-analyses are welcome. For any inquiry about Reviews and Opinions please contact our Special Content Editor, Prof. John Beier.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advanced Agrochem is devoted to a wide range of sub-fields in agricultural chemistry. Articles of an interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. The journal publishes timely and in-depth reviews, insightful perspectives, highlights, high-quality original research results and communications.Topics covered by Advanced Agrochem include, but are not limited to:AgrochemicalsAgricultural analytic chemistry and food safetyAgriculture biochemistryChemical biologyAgriculture biotransformationAgriculture biotechnologyPesticide science and plant protectionHigh-value transformation and use of agricultural outputsThe journal also encourages submissions on the application of emerging science and biotechnology in agriculture, including nanotechnology, gene editing, chemical probes, proteomics, fluorescent labelling, mass spectrometry and in vivo imaging.Editorial Board
Advanced Bionics (ABS) is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, letters, editorials, highlights, perspectives, comments and news.ABS focuses on the study of novel principles and functions observed in biological systems, as well as the application of this knowledge to address real-world scientific challenges.ABS aims to lead advancements in fundamental bionic research, pushing the boundaries of novel bionic investigations and fostering disruptive technologies within the field. Submissions to the journal are expected to provide fresh insights, possess scientific impact and a high level of quality, as well as contribute to shaping the future of bionic research.As an interdisciplinary journal, ABS covers a wide array of topics, including but not limited to:(1) Bionic Robotics, Electronics, and Intelligent Devices (2) Bio-inspired Artificial Intelligence (3) Biomechanics and Bionic Healthcare Engineering (4) Bio-inspired Functional Surfaces/Interfaces (5) Bio-inspired Functional Materials and Biosensors (6) Bio-inspired Energy System (7) Bio-manufacturing and Bionic Manufacturing (8) Bio-inspired structures and designEditorial Board
The aim of the Journal is to provide a forum for the critical analysis of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their applications in human and veterinary medicine. The Journal has a broad scope, covering the key issues for effective drug and gene delivery, from administration to site-specific delivery.In general, the Journal publishes review articles in a Theme Issue format. Each Theme Issue provides a comprehensive and critical examination of current and emerging research on the design and development of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their application to experimental and clinical therapeutics. The goal is to illustrate the pivotal role of a multidisciplinary approach to modern drug delivery, encompassing the application of sound biological and physicochemical principles to the engineering of drug delivery systems to meet the therapeutic need at hand. Importantly the Editorial Team of ADDR asks that the authors effectively window the extensive volume of literature, pick the important contributions and explain their importance, produce a forward looking identification of the challenges facing the field and produce a Conclusions section with expert recommendations to address the issues.Articles review the current status of a specific topic, giving equal emphasis to the identification of major conceptual and technological challenges to successful drug and gene delivery, to an evaluation of triumphs as well as shortcomings in current conceptual and technical approaches, and to a discussion of their possible solution.Theme issues are commissioned by one of the Executive Editors or the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal does not publish stand alone manuscripts. If you wish to submit a theme issue topic for consideration, please contact one of the editors.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Biological Regulation (formerly Advances in Enzyme Regulation) reports cutting edge scientific progress on regulation at the molecular level, covering:The molecular biology of control of gene expression by hormones, drugs and growth factors in cancer cells and in clinical situations of metabolic diseases, inborn errors of metabolism and neoplasia.Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine issuesRegulatory networks, mainly in cellular signalling, differentiation, cell cycle & growth control, structure-function relationships, cell fate and lineage commitment or assembly mechanisms in cellsViruses, or supramolecular constructs, and signaling mechanisms mediating transcriptionGenomic, proteomic, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to identify and characterize steps of biological control in cells.Complex cellular, pathogenic, clinical, or animal model systems studied by biochemical, molecular, genetic, epigenetic or quantitative ultrastructural approaches
Advances in Medical Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed journal that welcomes original research articles and reviews on current advances in life sciences, preclinical and clinical medicine, and related disciplines.The Journal’s primary aim is to make every effort to contribute to progress in medical sciences. The strive is to bridge laboratory and clinical settings with cutting edge research findings and new developments.Advances in Medical Sciences publishes articles which bring novel insights into diagnostic and molecular imaging, offering essential prior knowledge for diagnosis and treatment indispensable in all areas of medical sciences. It also publishes articles on pathological sciences giving foundation knowledge on the overall study of human diseases. Through its publications Advances in Medical Sciences also stresses the importance of pharmaceutical sciences as a rapidly and ever expanding area of research on drug design, development, action and evaluation contributing significantly to a variety of scientific disciplines.The journal welcomes submissions from the following disciplines:General and internal medicine,Cancer research,Genetics,Endocrinology,Gastroenterology,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Immunology and Allergy,Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Cell and molecular Biology,Haematology,Biochemistry,Clinical and Experimental Pathology.Only review articles from experts in the field will be considered for publication. The journal does not accept case reports.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Advances in Medical Sciences, founded in 1955, is the official journal of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland.
An official journal of the American Society for Radiation OncologyAdvances in Radiation Oncology is a peer reviewed, wide-ranging open access journal from the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). Included in PubMed Central, Advances complements the research in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics and Practical Radiation Oncology. The mission of Advances in Radiation Oncology is to provide original clinical research aimed at improving the lives of people living with cancer and other diseases treated with radiation therapy. The purpose of Advances is to provide information for clinicians who use radiation therapy by publishing:Clinical trial reports and reanalyses.Basic science original reports.Manuscripts examining health services research, comparative and cost effectiveness research, and systematic reviews.Case reports documenting unusual problems and solutions.High quality multi and single institutional series, as well as other novel retrospective hypothesis generating series.Timely critical reviews on important topics in radiation oncology, such as side effects.Articles reporting the natural history of disease and patterns of failure, particularly as they relate to treatment volume delineation.Articles on safety and quality in radiation therapy.Essays on clinical experience.Articles on practice transformation in radiation oncology, in particular:Aspects of health policy that may impact the future practice of radiation oncology.How information technology, such as data analytics and systems innovations, will change radiation oncology practice.Articles on imaging as they relate to radiation therapy treatment.Advances is a gold open access journal, so authors, readers and patients have free access to all articles. All work published by this journal is thoroughly peer reviewed by the editorial board and expert reviewers in radiation oncology. Authors retain copyright of their articles and reuse is governed under a Creative Commons license so that readers can freely and easily share information. Learn more about the types of articles sought by the editorial team.Disclaimer The views expressed in Advances in Radiation Oncology (the "Journal") are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) or the Publisher. The information contained in the Journal is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the judgment of a practitioner with respect to particular patients, procedures, or practice. No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher nor by the Society for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a result of (i) any actual or alleged libellous statements or infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights, (ii) product liability or negligence; (iii) an author's statements or other materials; or (iv) the use or operation of any ideas, instructions, procedures, products, or methods contained in the Journal. Due to rapid advances in the medical sciences, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should always be made. In any jurisdiction that does not permit such a disclaimer of liability, the liability of ASTRO and the Publisher shall be limited to the greatest extent allowed by applicable law.Publication of an advertisement in the Journal does not constitute on the part of the Publisher or the Society a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of the advertised products or services described therein or of any of the representations or the claims made by the advertisers with respect to such products or services.
An official Journal of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine and the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe An Affiliate Journal of the International Society for Free Radical Research (SFRRI)Advances in Redox Research is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which provides a platform for quality original research papers, short communications, invited reviews, and hypothesis papers focused on the broadest range of studies in oxidation-reduction (redox) processes in biology, biological chemistry, and health and disease - if biologically relevant.Novelty, methodologic accuracy, and soundness of conclusions are indispensable criteria for submission of papers. Confirmative or largely descriptive observations without valid data are not suitable for submission. Studies involving screening of food/plant materials will only be considered if the active component is both identified and quantified.There are no restrictions on length of articles. The journal aims to provide rapid and helpful peer-review to enable as many investigators as possible to publish their high-quality work.