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Journals in Pharmaceutical sciences

Elsevier's Pharmaceutical Science collection helps pharmaceutical scientists striving to optimize drug design and improve healthcare outcomes by offering comprehensive coverage of every aspect of drug development, integrating disciplines like organic chemistry, biology, and biotechnology. Focused on safety, efficacy, and formulation design, it includes specialized fields such as Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Research, providing valuable insights into the latest advancements in drug discovery.

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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

  • ISSN: 0731-7085
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.1
This journal is an international medium directed towards the needs of academic, clinical, government and industrial analysis by publishing original research reports and critical reviews on pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. It covers the interdisciplinary aspects of analysis in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and clinical sciences, including developments in analytical methodology, instrumentation, computation and interpretation. Submissions on novel applications focusing on drug purity and stability studies, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring, metabolic profiling; drug-related aspects of analytical biochemistry and forensic toxicology; quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry are also welcome.Studies from areas of well established and poorly selective methods, such as UV-VIS spectrophotometry (including derivative and multi-wavelength measurements), basic electroanalytical (potentiometric, polarographic and voltammetric) methods, fluorimetry, flow-injection analysis, etc. are accepted for publication in exceptional cases only, if a unique and substantial advantage over presently known systems is demonstrated. The same applies to the assay of simple drug formulations by any kind of methods and the determination of drugs in biological samples based merely on spiked samples. Drug purity/stability studies should contain information on the structure elucidation of the impurities/degradants.Papers dealing with the analytical aspects of traditional folk medicines are acceptable if the results are expected to attract the interest of readers also outside the area of origin, i.e. they have a focus on innovative analytical approaches. Regional differences in the phytochemical content of traditional folk medicine will not be considered. Manuscripts reporting on the analysis of novel phytochemicals will only be considered if their biological activity has been previously published in an international medium. Pharmacokinetic studies of traditional folk medicine will only be considered if only the identified components have been demonstrated to be solely responsible for the pharmacological activity.Bioanalytical papers (pharmacokinetic, bioequivalence, protein and DNA binding studies) are accepted if the focus is on innovative analytical methodology. Manuscripts describing the pharmacokinetic profile of a single compound will not be considered for review. Pharmacokinetic studies will only be considered if they offer new profiles of a drug(s) and its metabolite(s) or new understandings of the mechanisms in drug disposition or response of existing drugs. Analytical studies on new investigational drugs that are currently in the preclinical phase are only acceptable if their pharmacological activity is well documented in an international medium.Human subjects research must provide ethical approval and should include the name of the approving committee and the name of the institution and reference number where approval was granted. Animal studies must be approved from their Institutions Animal Care and Use Committee or any equivalent ethics committee accompanied by the reference number. For blood sampling procedures in rodents, retro-orbital bleeding will only be considered if a minimum of 7 days is allowed between repeat sampling. Furthermore, in the evaluation of the manuscript the editors reserve the right to determine whether the animal experimental technique is appropriate.In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. In all submissions to the journal, authors must address the question of how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods. A substantial body of work cannot be fractionated into different shorter papers.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

  • ISSN: 1551-7411
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Widely recognized journal of the International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors (ICPJE) in comportment with the Granada Statements, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed content in health services research specifically as it relates to some aspects of the medication use process. The medication use process includes (but is not limited to) the prescribing, preparation, dispensing, administration, adherence to, evaluation, monitoring, and outcomes associated with legend or with over-the-counter medications, incorporating the concept of clinical pharmacy which optimize utilization of medicines to achieve person-centered and public health goals. The medication use process includes attitudes, perspectives, knowledge, and behaviors of any actor in this process, including prescribers, pharmacists, pharmacy personnel, other health practitioners, patients, and caregivers.In twelve issues per year, RSAP features original scientific reports, comprehensive review articles, proposed models, and provocative commentaries in the social and administrative pharmaceutical sciences.Topics of interest outcomes evaluation of drug products programs, or services pharmacoepidemiology medication adherencedisease managementmedication use policydrug marketingevaluation of educational paradigms that could impact practice and/or patient behaviorother topics related to public health in the context of pharmacy or medication use.RSAP proffers new models to guide existing research, make methodological arguments, or describe the results of rigorous theory-building research. Practice and education research are considered, with preference given to papers evaluating theoretical constructs and to those that might shape policy.The International Collaboration of Pharmacy Journal Editors - ICPJE The ICPJE shares commonalities and goals to improve the medication use process and the outcomes emanating from this endeavor. The ICPJE refers to ‘pharmacy’ as the medication use process. However, research articles, reviews, and commentaries, can refer to any actor involved, as well as any evaluation (e.g. pharmaceoepidemiological) of the drug products themselves or systems employed, to optimize the use process. Each journal of the ICPJE has an established niche and is optimally suited for certain types of manuscripts.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

World Patent Information

  • ISSN: 0172-2190
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.2
The journal for intellectual property information and its retrieval, documentation, classification, search, analysis and IP managementWorld Patent Information aims to encompass the world of IP information; and focus the journal towards IPRs for industrially applicable innovations; and their management, analysis; big data analysis; policy; education. IPRs - patents, utility models; copyright, trademarks, registered design; design rights; trade secrets; database rights; traditional knowledge; indigenous knowledge; geographical indications may all be considered.World Patent Information publishes articles regarding best practice in legal and commercial patent search and analysis; articles which focus on particular types of search such as freedom to operate, FTO, clearance, state of the art, invalidity, validity, prior art, technical, landscaping, scouting, forecasting, patentability, decision searching, competitive intelligence using patent information. We are also interested in articles researching into meta data relating to IPRs such as legal status data for IPR; classifications and bibliographic data. We are interested in IP documentation, search, documentation, classification and IP information news from IP Offices.Always welcome are reviews of state of the art in a particular industry, reviews of patent, and other IP and scientific and technical databases, search and analysis for IP purposes.Research and review articles on information related to non- patent IPRs , trademarks, trade names, brands, designs, copyright, trade secrets, traditional knowledge, semiconductor rights, database rights, where these have impact for the technological innovation space. Best practice search and review articles, on sources of data. IP management information issues, inventions harvesting, IP services and intermediates and use of text mining and data mining for IP interests. Information retrieval (IR) relating to all aspects of IP published information not only text but also document specific, e.g. bibliographic, name, geographic; multi-lingual search, image search, tables, other non-text; text mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP); Information Extraction from patents e.g. – mathematical formulae, chemical, biological, plant, related data; Machine Translation, Machine learning, automated intelligence focused towards improving IP search and analysis; System Evaluation and Benchmarking, Data collections for IR experiments; Best practice for IP; IP management of Patents, Trademarks,. designs, know-how, copyright, trade secrets; organization of IP tasks in companies and research institutions; Innovation management -impact of patent and IP management; information management for IP best practice, TRIZ and its implementation for innovation processes; Technology management –characteristics and dynamics of technologies in IP perspective, IP portfolio benchmarking, valuation, geographic, expiries, technological, Advanced analysis –market, corporate, policy level, statistical analysis, Business methods patenting, Standards - standard essential patents – patent pools.
World Patent Information