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Journals in Microbiological methodology

Clinical Microbiology Newsletter

  • ISSN: 0196-4399
Clinical Microbiology Newsletter is published bi-monthly to to provide consistent educational features and to keep pace with advances in the fast-moving field of Clinical Microbiology.Clinical Microbiology Newsletter aims to provide articles to enable you to streamline procedures and improve results. It publishes reviews on infectious disease pathogens, reports on changes that affect your work, including articles on new diagnostic techniques, regulatory and guideline changes, and challenging diagnostic dogmas, clinical cases focused on diagnostic approaches for both common and uncommon pathogens.The journal publishes three types of articles:Mini-reviews Case presentationsMicrobe SnapshotsThese articles cover topics including:Minireviews on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases,Practical articles on common and contemporary laboratory techniques,Indispensable updates on important clinical problems that impact the clinical laboratory,Editorials and opinions on controversial issues in laboratory medicine,Case-based articles focused on diagnostic approaches for infectious pathogens,Snapshots highlighting specific infectious pathogens,Helpful tips on improving the laboratory workplace.

Current Research in Microbial Sciences

  • ISSN: 2666-5174
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Current Research in Microbial Sciences publishes original papers and short communications, review articles as well as graphical reviews that cover all aspects of the broad field of microbiology, the study of microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of unicellular organisms and subcellular genetic material, and their biological interactions with human beings and other life. Topics covered include:• genetics; • metabolism: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses; • environmental microbiology; • host-microbe interactions; • antimicrobials; • microbial systems biology; • biofilms; • microbiota.Current Research in Microbial Sciences is a gold open access (OA) journal, which means articles are permanently and freely available. It is a companion to the highly regarded review journal Current Opinion in Microbiology and is part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals. All CO+RE journals leverage the Current Opinion legacy-of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach-to ensure they are a widely read resource that is integral to scientists' workflow.Current Research in Microbial Sciences builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing.Expertise - Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of expertise and experience to the journal.Speed - Submission and peer review is fast, and publication of final manuscripts is instantaneous.Discoverability - Articles get high visibility and maximum exposure on an industry-leading platform that reaches a vast global audience.

Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease

  • ISSN: 0732-8893
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease provides up to date and extensive articles on clinical microbiology.Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease aims to publish latest developments in clinical microbiology and the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. It publishes articles on studies in bacteriology, immunology, immunoserology.Submissions on new procedures, unusual cases, controversial issues, and important new literature. are particularly welcomed.The journal publishes topics including:Informed commentaries on new antibioticsRapid and cost-effective methods in the laboratoryInstructive case studies with emphasis on complex circumstancesInsightful editorials on important current issuesBook reviews that keep you up-to-date on recently published literatureLaboratory and clinical management of microbial diseasesEpidemiology and pathogenesis of infectionsAutomation in the diagnostic microbiology laboratoryAntibiotic susceptibility testing

Infection, Genetics and Evolution

  • ISSN: 1567-1348
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Infection, Genetics and Evolution welcomes articles dealing with genetics, population genetics, genomics, gene expression, population dynamics, mathematical modeling, bioinformatics, and any related area that contributes to improve our understanding of the genetics and evolutionary biology of hosts, pathogens and vectors, as well as coevolution processes among them in relation to infections and infectious diseases manifestations. All infectious models enter the scope of the journal, including pathogens of humans, animals, and plants, either parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses or prions.Please note the following topics are not within scope and will be immediately rejected:In silico vaccine developmentIn vitro testing of new drugs or compoundsClinical microbiology with no relationship to geneticsComputational re-analysis of gene expression dataInfection, Genetics and Evolution and its companion congress MEEGID (for Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases) are the main forum acting for the cross-fertilization between evolutionary science and biomedical research on infectious diseases.

International Journal of Food Microbiology

  • ISSN: 0168-1605
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5
An official journal of the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH) of the IUMSThe International Journal of Food Microbiology publishes papers dealing with all aspects of food microbiology. Articles must present information that is novel, has high impact and interest, and is of high scientific quality. They should provide scientific or technological advancement in the specific field of interest of the journal and enhance its strong international reputation. Preliminary or confirmatory results as well as contributions not strictly related to food microbiology will not be considered for publication.Full-length original research papers, review articles and book reviews in the fields of bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, and immunology as they relate to the production, processing, service and consumption of foods and beverages are welcomed. Within this scope, topics of specific interest include: (1) incidence and types of food and beverage microorganisms, microbial interactions, microbial ecology of foods, intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting microbial survival and growth in foods, and food spoilage; (2) microorganisms involved in food and beverage fermentations (including probiotics and starter cultures); (3) food safety, indices of the sanitary quality of foods, microbiological quality assurance, biocontrol, microbiological aspects of food preservation and novel preservation techniques, predictive microbiology and microbial risk assessment; (4) foodborne microorganisms of public health significance, and microbiological aspects of foodborne diseases of microbial origin; (5) methods for microbiological and immunological examinations of foods, as well as rapid, automated and molecular methods when validated in food systems; and (6) the biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of microorganisms as they directly relate to food spoilage, foodborne disease and food fermentations.Papers that do not have a direct food or beverage connection will not be considered for publication. The following examples provide some guide as to the type of papers that will not be admitted to the formal review process (for a more extensive list please refer to the journal’s Guide for Authors: Studies in animal models that determine the responses of probiotic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;Fundamental physiology and gene expression studies of food/ beverage microorganisms, unless they directly relate to the food/ beverage ecosystem;The isolation and characterization of antimicrobial substances such as essential oils, bacteriocins etc, unless their efficacy is tested and validated in the food/beverage ecosystem;Development of new methods for the analysis of microorganisms, unless the method is tested and validated in the food/beverage ecosystem.This journal also publishes special issues of selected, peer-reviewed papers from suitable meetings, workshops, conferences, etc, related to the field of food microbiology.

Journal of Microbiological Methods

  • ISSN: 0167-7012
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.7
The Journal of Microbiological Methods publishes scholarly and original articles, notes and review articles. These articles must include novel and/or state-of-the-art methods, or significant improvements to existing methods. Novel and innovative applications of current methods that are validated and useful will also be published. JMM strives for scholarship, innovation and excellence. This demands scientific rigour, the best available methods and technologies, correctly replicated experiments/tests, the inclusion of proper controls, calibrations, and the correct statistical analysis. The presentation of the data must support the interpretation of the method/approach.All aspects of microbiology are covered, except virology. These include agricultural microbiology, applied and environmental microbiology, bioassays, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biochemical microbiology, clinical microbiology, diagnostics, food monitoring and quality control microbiology, microbial genetics and genomics, geomicrobiology, microbiome methods regardless of habitat, high through-put sequencing methods and analysis, microbial pathogenesis and host responses, metabolomics, metagenomics, metaproteomics, microbial ecology and diversity, microbial physiology, microbial ultra-structure, microscopic and imaging methods, molecular microbiology, mycology, novel mathematical microbiology and modelling, parasitology, plant-microbe interactions, protein markers/profiles, proteomics, pyrosequencing, public health microbiology, radioisotopes applied to microbiology, robotics applied to microbiological methods,rumen microbiology, microbiological methods for space missions and extreme environments, sampling methods and samplers, soil and sediment microbiology, transcriptomics, veterinary microbiology, sero-diagnostics and typing/identification.The editors, editorial board members and scholarly reviewers are active scientists with an immense amount of collective experience that is used during the review and revision stages of articles. We encourage the submission of proposals for scholarly reviews and specials issues on emerging microbiological methods that are central to advancing microbiological knowledge. We look forward to receiving your proposals and articles.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Systematic and Applied Microbiology

  • ISSN: 0723-2020
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Systematic and Applied Microbiology deals with various aspects of microbial diversity and systematics of prokaryotes. It focuses on Bacteria and Archaea; eukaryotic microorganisms will only be considered in rare cases. The journal perceives a broad understanding of microbial diversity and encourages the submission of manuscripts from the following branches of microbiology:Systematics: Theoretical and practical issues dealing with classification and taxonomy, i.e. • New descriptions or revisions of prokaryotic taxa, including in particular descriptions of not-yet cultured taxa in the category Candidatus, • innovative methods for the determination of taxonomical and genealogical relationships • evaluation of intra-taxon diversity through multidisciplinary approaches • identification methods.Applied Microbiology: polyphasic studies combining multiple methods yielding in-depth data on the diversity and function of particular clades of Bacteria and Archaea in all aspects of agricultural, food, and industrial microbiology, including water and wastewater treatment. Also these studies must have a focus on prokaryotic systematics.Comparative biochemistry and genomics: studies concerning biochemical/metabolic and genomic diversity of cultured as well as yet-uncultured Bacteria and Archaea.Ecology: polyphasic descriptions of the microbial diversity and community composition of natural and man-made ecosystems; studies quantifying the size, dynamics, and function of prokaryotic populations; innovative research on the interaction of Bacteria and Archaea with each other and their biotic and abiotic environments. The description of candidate taxa is highly encouraged but should be based on high quality metagenomic information, as well as the in situ identification of the target bacterial or archaeal populations.