Excellence paves the way With Current Opinion in Plant BiologyPlease note that review articles in Current Opinion in Plant Biology are by invitation only.Current Opinion in Plant Biology builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing and long-standing commitment to communicating high quality reproducible research. It is part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals. All CO+RE journals leverage the Current Opinion legacy - of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach - to ensure they are a widely read resource that is integral to scientists' workflow.Expertise: Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of expertise and experience to the journal.Discoverability: Articles get high visibility and maximum exposure on an industry-leading platform that reaches a vast global audience.The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. In Current Opinion in Plant Biology, we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner:1. The views of experts on current advances in plant biology in a clear and readable form. 2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publications.Division of the subject into sections: The subject of plant biology is divided into themed sections which are reviewed regularly to keep them relevant. Presently they are: Growth and development - Genome studies and molecular genetics (+ Plant biotechnology every other year) - Cell biology and cell signaling - Epigenetics and gene regulation - Physiology and metabolism (+ Abiotic stress every other year) - Biotic interactionsSelection of topics to be reviewed: Section Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors of the journal. They divide their section into a number of topics, ensuring that the field is comprehensively covered and that all issues of current importance are emphasised. Section Editors commission reviews from authorities on each topic that they have selected.Reviews: Authors write short review articles in which they present recent developments in their subject, emphasising the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.Editorial Overview: Section Editors write an Introduction at the beginning of the section to give an overview about the topic and introduce the reviews and to draw the reader's attention to any particularly interesting developments.Ethics in Publishing - General Statement: The Editor(s) and Publisher of this Journal believe that there are fundamental principles underlying scholarly or professional publishing. While this may not amount to a formal 'code of conduct', these fundamental principles with respect to the authors' paper are that the paper should: i) be the authors' own original work, which has not been previously published elsewhere, ii) reflect the authors' own research and analysis and do so in a truthful and complete manner, iii) properly credit the meaningful contributions of co-authors and co-researchers, iv) not be submitted to more than one journal for consideration, and v) be appropriately placed in the context of prior and existing research. Of equal importance are ethical guidelines dealing with research methods and research funding, including issues dealing with informed consent, research subject privacy rights, conflicts of interest, and sources of funding. While it may not be possible to draft a 'code' that applies adequately to all instances and circumstances, we believe it useful to outline our expectations of authors and procedures that the Journal will employ in the event of questions concerning author conduct. With respect to conflicts of interest, the Publisher now requires authors to declare any conflicts of interest that relate to papers accepted for publication in this Journal. A conflict of interest may exist when an author or the author's institution has a financial or other relationship with other people or organizations that may inappropriately influence the author's work. A conflict can be actual or potential and full disclosure to the Journal is the safest course. All submissions to the Journal must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest. The Journal may use such information as a basis for editorial decisions and may publish such disclosures if they are believed to be important to readers in judging the manuscript. A decision may be made by the Journal not to publish on the basis of the declared conflict.
This journal aims to acknowledge and encourage interdisciplinary research in fundamental plant sciences with scope to address crop improvement, biodiversity, stress response, nutrition and human health. It publishes review articles, original research papers, method papers and short articles in plant research fields, such as systems biology, cell biology, genetics, epigenetics, mathematical modeling, signal transduction, plant-microbe interactions, synthetic biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, biotechnologies, bioinformatics and plant genomic resources.To further encourage collaboration in the community, all accepted authors of Research articles are required to make their data accessible to the public. This will avoid duplicate projects and speed up the progress of science. The journal will actively link and cooperate with some of these databases, as well as with computational infrastructure. Data should always be submitted in raw data format, and should be submitted preferentially in publicly accessible resources maintained by for example EBI, EMBL, or NCBI data. Which data repository is used is up to the authors, however please visit https://www.elsevier.com/databaselinking for more information on depositing and linking your data with a supported data repository. For datatypes for which no such repositories exist, data should be made available through the supplementary information or the authors own website. If the data has been processed into e.g. pathways or models, then this should be made available also during the review process.For more submission information, see our Guide for Authors.The editorial and publishing team of the journal is dedicated to being efficient in the manuscript handling. The resulting publications will be open access.
Molecular Plant is dedicated to serving the plant science community by publishing novel and exciting findings with high significance in plant biology. The journal focuses broadly on cellular biology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, development, plant-microbe interaction, genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular evolution.Molecular Plant publishes original research articles, reviews, correspondence, and spotlights on the most important developments in plant biology. Please see our information for authors for details. Other categories of papers, such as perspectives and meeting reports, can also be considered.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Molecular Plant - http://www.cell.com/molecular-plant/home
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology provides an International forum for original research papers, reviews, and commentaries on all aspects of the molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, histology and cytology, genetics and evolution of plant-microbe interactions.Papers on all kinds of infective pathogen, including viruses, prokaryotes, fungi, and nematodes, as well as mutualistic organisms such as Rhizobium and mycorrhyzal fungi, are acceptable as long as they have a bearing on the interaction between pathogen and plant.Research Areas Include:• Recognition in plant immunity • Cell biology of plant-microbe interactions • Plant molecular defense responses, including transcriptome, proteome, miRNA profiling, metabolome • Mechanisms of specific resistance, induced resistance and non-host -resistance • Plant hormones and regulators in plant-microbe interactions • Molecular biology of phytoalexins and other secondary metabolites of the host and their roles in resistance • Pathogen effectors involved in pathogenicity and interaction with the host • Pathogen infection mechanisms and host defense suppression • Novel approaches for disease control • Induction of plant immunity and biotechnology of resistance • Pathogen molecular diagnostic.
https://www.cell.com/plant-communications/home Plant Communications is dedicated to serving the global plant science community by providing a high-quality open access publishing platform. Plant Communications publishes original research results addressing either fundamental or applied aspects of plant sciences, important technical advances, highly useful research resources and outstanding review articles in all areas of plant sciences, including, but not limited to, the evolution, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, development, reproduction, metabolism, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, genomics, environmental interactions, biotechnology and breeding of both higher and lower plants, as well as their interactions with other organisms throughout the biosphere.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Plant Communications - http://www.cell.com/plant-communications/home
Trends in Plant Science is the original and leading monthly review journal in plant science, featuring broad coverage of basic plant science, from molecular biology through to ecology. Succinct and readable reviews and opinions on basic research topics provide instant overviews of current thinking and new developments in plant biology. Aimed at researchers, students and teachers, our articles are always authoritative, and are written by both leaders in the field and rising stars.Articles for Trends in Plant Science are generally invited by the editor, but proposals for articles are welcome. Prospective authors should use the presubmission enquiry form at https://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/presubmissionPlease note that Trends in Plant Science is not a primary research journal and thus cannot consider manuscripts that rely on unpublished data.ReviewsReview articles form the core of each monthly issue and are invited from leading researchers in a specific field. These articles offer a balanced account of newly emerging or rapidly progressing fields and provide a guide to the most relevant recent literature and prospects for future research.OpinionsOpinion articles present a personal viewpoint of a field- or research-related subject. They can cover timely controversial topics or debates, provide a new interpretation of an old problem or current issue, or speculate in depth on the implications of some recently published research or data. Opinion articles aim to stimulate debate rather than provide a comprehensive review of a topic.FrontmatterThe front section of the journal contains letters, forum articles, scientific life, spotlights, science and society type articles, and book reviews articles:Letters usually discuss a recent article in Trends in Plant Science or, very occasionally, a matter of general interest. Where letters discuss a Trends in Plant Science article, the author of that article will normally be invited to reply, thereby providing a forum for debate within the journal.Scientifc life are short essays written on topics relating to a scientist?s life and career aiming to provide commentary on broader issues relevant to the community.Forum articles featuring single-point hypotheses and novel models are intended to provide a forum for discussion of issues and advancements that are of broad significance to the plant science community. Possible topics can include future outlook essays that serve to introduce or encourage research in a new field, reflections and new insights on long-standing questions and debates, and general analyses of common scientific practices or tools used in a field.Spotlight articles are intended to provide a forum for discussion of events and advancements that are not limited to a discussion of previously published research articles. Possible topics can include both, future outlook essays that serve to introduce or encourage research in a new field and general analyses of common scientific practices or tools used in a field.Science and society type articles aim to discuss important issues at the interface of academic research and society, such as those relating to policy, environment or health. These articles will be aimed at a broad audience, written in a journalistic style and are intended to be provocative and to stimulate debate.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Trends in Plant Science - http://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/home