Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics: Theories, Applications, and Policies presents a macroeconomic framework for understanding and analyzing the global economy from the perspectives of emerging economies and developing countries. Unlike most macroeconomic textbooks, which typically emphasize issues about developed countries while downplaying issues related to developing countries, this book emphasizes problems in emerging economies, including those in Latin American countries. It also explains recent developments in international finance that are essential to a thorough understanding of the effects and implications of the recent financial crisis.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale is the most widely used intelligence test for children worldwide. WISC-V introduces new subtests, composite scores, process scores, error scores, and scaled scores as a more complex and accurate means of assessing cognitive abilities. WISC-V Assessment and Interpretation provides practical information for clinicians on selection of subtest measures, administration, and interpretation. New subtests are described along with tips for accurate administration and scoring. Full Scale IQ is identified as important for predicting relevant behaviors, and primary index scores for characterizing the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Classroom indicators of low scores on each of these abilities are identified, with suggested interventions, accommodations, and instructional strategies for low scorers. Coverage includes ethnic differences for the Full Scale IQ and each primary index score, along with evidence of the profound influence of parental attitudes and expectations. Several other societal and contextual factors relevant to understanding racial/ethnic differences are presented. Two chapters review use of the WISC-V for identifying learning disabilities, testing of individuals with dyslexia, and best-practice recommendations to ensure accurate diagnosis and intervention. Concluding chapters describe advances in the Q-interactive system platform allowing administration of the WISC-V on iPads and other tablets and how clinicians can tailor assessment using select WISC-V subtests and features.
Psychology of Learning and Motivation publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in cognitive and experimental psychology, ranging from classical and instrumental conditioning to complex learning and problem solving. Each chapter thoughtfully integrates the writings of leading contributors, who present and discuss significant bodies of research relevant to their discipline. Volume 63 includes chapters on such varied topics as memory and imagery, statistical regularities, eyewitness lineups, embodied attention, the teleological choice rule, inductive reasoning, causal reasoning and cognitive and neural components of insight.
Depuis 25 ans, l'Atlas d'anatomie humaine Netter est l'atlas de référence internationale. Le succès de cet ouvrage réside dans la qualité et la beauté du travail du Dr Netter. D'une part, dans la très grande qualité iconographique, scientifique et pédagogique des quelque 900 illustrations et, d'autre part, dans le choix des coupes anatomiques qui rendent compte du point de vue du clinicien. De plus, le choix des couleurs, l'utilisation de la terminologie anatomique internationale, l'illustration par de nombreux clichés d'imagerie moderne (TDM et IRM) ainsi que des commentaires didactiques facilitent la compréhension et la mémorisation de l'anatomie humaine. L'ouvrage est divisé en huit sections, qui font chacune le tour complet d'une grande région anatomique. Cette 6e édition, entièrement révisée, s'enrichit d'une vingtaine de nouvelles planches d'anatomie et d'imagerie et plus de la moitié des planches ont été révisées (légendes, dessins). À la fin de chaque section, un tableau récapitulatif des muscles donne pour chacun d'eux : le détail de son attache proximale et distale, son innervation, ses principales actions, sa vascularisation artérielle ainsi que son appartenance aux groupes musculaires. Outre les compléments en ligne français – planches à légender, QCM avec réponses commentées ainsi que 100 cas cliniques QCM – cette nouvelle édition offre également l'accès à l'ensemble des compléments en ligne américains via le site Student Consult – tridimensionnels (3D), vidéos de dissections, planches de dissections commentées ainsi que 54 planches supplémentaires. L'Atlas d'anatomie humaine Netter est l'ouvrage de référence indispensable à tous les étudiants en médecine ; il les accompagnera durant toutes leurs études.
Providers serving older adults face a growing problem. Older adults are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with service quality citing deficits in provider communication and relationship skills. The author argues this dissatisfaction is largely related to three widespread issues: ageism, use of professional jargon, and age-related changes in the older adult. To address these concerns, Dr. Storlie advocates adoption of an evidence-based, person-centered approach to communication. The benefits of person-centered communication are many. They can increase older adult satisfaction with provider services, enhance mutual respect and understanding, improve accuracy of information exchanged, positively impact service outcomes, increase compliance with provider recommendations, and reduce the frustration and stress often experienced by both provider and older adult. Rare to this genre, readers are introduced to several under-explored topics within the field of communication, along with methods for applying concepts from research findings into these topics to enhance the quality of interpersonal communication. Topics include the role of mental imagery in the communication process, the influence of neurocardiology on relationships, and controversial findings from research into quantum physics. The book concludes by highlighting progress made in narrowing the interpersonal communication gap and forecasts how communications-oriented technological advances might improve quality of life for 21st century older adults and the providers who serve them. Utilizing interdisciplinary case studies to illustrate common problematic situations, this book provides detailed exercises that explain how providers can integrate person-centered communication into their practices to improve provider-older adult interactions. Written in a style designed to maximize learning, it helps providers find the information they need, understand what they read, and apply what they’ve learned to improve professional communication. Person-Centered Communication with Older Adults is an essential guide for today’s healthcare professionals and other aging-services providers, and also for the educators who help to prepare the providers of tomorrow.
The Analysis of Burned Human Remains, Second Edition, provides a primary source for osteologists and the medical/legal community for the understanding of burned bone remains in forensic or archaeological contexts. It describes in detail the changes in human bone and soft tissues as a body burns at both the chemical and gross levels and provides an overview of the current procedures in burned bone study. Case studies in forensic and archaeological settings aid those interested in the analysis of burned human bodies, from death scene investigators to biological anthropologists.
Drawing upon the expertise of world-renowned researchers and experts, The Cloud Security Ecosystem comprehensively discusses a range of cloud security topics from multi-disciplinary and international perspectives, aligning technical security implementations with the most recent developments in business, legal, and international environments. The book holistically discusses key research and policy advances in cloud security – putting technical and management issues together with an in-depth treaties on a multi-disciplinary and international subject. The book features contributions from key thought leaders and top researchers in the technical, legal, and business and management aspects of cloud security. The authors present the leading edge of cloud security research, covering the relationships between differing disciplines and discussing implementation and legal challenges in planning, executing, and using cloud security.
Managing Your Brand: Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians sets out guidelines for developing career pathways, including options for career change and the exploration of community service, as an avenue that can provide new opportunities. The text allows librarians at all levels to maximize their talents, providing them with career planning strategies that will facilitate professional development and personal satisfaction. Early chapters provide advice and strategies to readers, with later chapters addressing working relationships, librarianship, scholarship, and other forms of service.
Introduction to Homeland Security: Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management, Fifth Edition, provides users with a substantially updated version of previous versions, clearly delineating the bedrock principles of preparing for, mitigating, managing, and recovering from emergencies and disasters, while also offering a balanced account of all aspects of homeland security. This new edition features coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, analysis of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework for critical infrastructure protection, and examines the DHS “Blue Campaign” to stop human trafficking. To provide added perspective, this edition features additional “another voice” sections and examines the emergence of social media as a tool for reporting on homeland security issues.