Certifiable Software Applications 2: Support Processes explains the process to achieve a certifiable application. This concerns several major topics, skill management, data preparation, requirement management, software verification, and software validation. In addition, analysis of the impact of the use of COTS and pre-existing software on certifiable software is presented. Finally, the last support process concerns the management of commercial tools, the creation of a specific tools, and therefore the qualification of tools, which is based on their impact on the final software.
The End of Wisdom? The Future of Libraries in a Digital Age assembles opinion pieces, forecasts, strategy options, and case studies from leading worldwide politicians, academics, educators, authors, publishers, captains of industry, senior public sector workers, library directors, IT gurus and other key players in the field of information provision who discuss their views on the hypothesis surrounding the "end of libraries" and the "death of books." The contributions – ranging in length from 500 to 2000 words are analyzed and summarized to create a rich picture of current trends and likely futures for libraries of all types, with digital options discussed in detail.
E-Government in Asia offers a thorough examination of e-governance in Asia, including the uses of the Internet to mediate interactions between Asian governments and their citizens. The book examines how the Internet is reshaping these interactions in the region and summarizes the nature of e-government, the growth of the Internet in Asia, issues of the digital divide, and how the Internet is affecting the ways in which public services are provided, how Asians acquire information, and other issues.
Advanced Persistent Security covers secure network design and implementation, including authentication, authorization, data and access integrity, network monitoring, and risk assessment. Using such recent high profile cases as Target, Sony, and Home Depot, the book explores information security risks, identifies the common threats organizations face, and presents tactics on how to prioritize the right countermeasures. The book discusses concepts such as malignant versus malicious threats, adversary mentality, motivation, the economics of cybercrime, the criminal infrastructure, dark webs, and the criminals organizations currently face.
Handbook of Macroeconomics surveys all major advances in macroeconomic scholarship since the publication of Volume 1 (1999), carefully distinguishing between empirical, theoretical, methodological, and policy issues. It courageously examines why existing models failed during the financial crisis, and also addresses well-deserved criticism head on. With contributions from the world's chief macroeconomists, its reevaluation of macroeconomic scholarship and speculation on its future constitute an investment worth making.
Handbook of Macroeconomics surveys all major advances in macroeconomic scholarship since the publication of Volume 1 (1999), carefully distinguishing between empirical, theoretical, methodological, and policy issues. It courageously examines why existing models failed during the financial crisis, and also addresses well-deserved criticism head on. With contributions from the world's chief macroeconomists, its reevaluation of macroeconomic scholarship and speculation on its future constitute an investment worth making.
In April 2010 Europe was shocked by the Greek financial turmoil. At that time, the global financial crisis, which started in the summer of 2007 and reached systemic dimensions in September 2008 with the Lehman Brothers’ crash, took a new course. An adverse feedback loop between sovereign and bank risks reflected into bubble-like spreads, as if financial markets had received a wake-up call concerning the disregarded structural vulnerability of economies at risk.These events inspired the SYRTO project to “think and rethink” the economic and financial system and to conceive it as an “ensemble” of Sovereigns and Banks with other Financial Intermediaries and Corporations. Systemic Risk Tomography: Signals, Measurement and Transmission Channels proposes a novel way to explore the financial system by sectioning each part of it and analyzing all relevant inter-relationships. The financial system is inspected as a biological entity to identify the main risk signals and to provide the correct measures of prevention and intervention.
The Wine Value Chain in China: Global Dynamics, Marketing and Communication in the Contemporary Chinese Wine Market presents information on China and its role as a relevant player in the international wine industry, both as supplier and consumer. The book provides new insights into the global dynamics of the wine industry, expanding the knowledge of academics, practitioners, and students on the growing demand for wine in China. Special attention is paid to the supply and demand changes, their impacts on Western wine supply chains, and new market opportunities. The book contributes the latest research findings to increase the understanding of the context of wine consumption in China and the most suitable marketing and communication approaches. The book aims to provide academics with the most adequate methodological tools to study a novice market, with both conceptual and empirical chapters included. The book covers a range of topics, including the behavior of Chinese consumers and their attitudes towards wine, the cultural context of wine in China, the characteristics of the wine supply chain in China and its development, the impact of China on Western wine supply chains, wine marketing and communication in China, wine branding in China, including counterfeiting, wine education in China, the links between wine, food, luxury, and Western products in China, and wine tourism.
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging synthesizes the economic literature on aging and the subjects associated with it, including social insurance and healthcare costs, both of which are of interest to policymakers and academics. These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s, including information from general economics journals, from various field journals in economics, especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor markets and human resource issues, from interdisciplinary social science and life science journals, and from papers by economists published in journals associated with gerontology, history, sociology, political science, and demography, amongst others.
Media and Information Literacy in Higher Education: Educating the Educators is written for librarians and educators working in universities and university colleges, providing them with the information they need to teach media and information literacy to students at levels ranging from bachelor to doctoral studies. In order to do so, they need to be familiar with students’ strengths and weaknesses regarding MIL. This book investigates what university and college students need to know about searching for, and evaluating, information, and how teaching and learning can be planned and carried out to improve MIL skills. The discussions focus on the use of process-based inquiry approaches for developing media and information literacy competence, involving students in active learning and open-ended investigations and emphasizing their personal learning process. It embraces face-to-face teaching, and newer forms of online education.