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Books in Business

Virtual Business Models

  • 1st Edition
  • February 5, 2016
  • Karin Bryder + 2 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 1 0 0 1 4 1 - 7
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 1 0 0 1 8 2 - 0
Virtual Business Models: Entrepreneurial Risks and Rewards focuses on companies with technology development, offering inspiration, guidance, and hands-on advice on how to utilize the potential of a virtual company format. The book provides an overview of key aspects of the company's activities, putting them into a comprehensive structure. In addition, both the rewards and risks of using the virtual company format are explored. The virtual company format is here defined as a company with a small dedicated core staff. The company's development is performed by strategic alliances with external resource providers. In this way, the utilization of financial resources can be optimized with cost-effective product development. The book explores this concept and why it is attractive in a start-up phase for both companies who want to remain virtual and those that eventually want to develop into integrated traditional companies.

Chinese Migrant Entrepreneurship in Australia from the 1990s

  • 1st Edition
  • August 7, 2015
  • Jia Gao
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 8 4 3 3 4 - 7 8 4 - 2
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 0 6 3 - 4 6 5 - 4
For more than two decades Australia has not only prospered without a recession but has achieved a higher growth rate than any Western country. This achievement has been credited to Australia’s historic shift to Asia; the transformation of the relationship between these two countries is one of the most important changes in the Asia-Pacific region. However, the role of new Chinese migrants in transforming Sino-Australian relations through their entrepreneurial activities has not been deeply explored. Chinese Migrant Entrepreneurship in Australia from the 1990s adds new theoretical considerations and empirical evidence to a growing interest in entrepreneurship, and presents an account of a group of new Chinese migrant entrepreneurs who have succeeded in their business ventures significantly contributing to both Australia and China. The first chapter introduces the history between Australia and China, followed by chapters focusing on post-migration realities, economic opportunities, Chinese outbound tourism and the use of community media. The final chapter concludes with a summary.

Enterprise Risk Management

  • 1st Edition
  • August 6, 2015
  • Philip E. J. Green
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 0 6 3 3 - 7
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 0 6 7 6 - 4
Enterprise Risk Management: A Common Framework for the Entire Organization discusses the many types of risks all businesses face. It reviews various categories of risk, including financial, cyber, health, safety and environmental, brand, supply chain, political, and strategic risks and many others. It provides a common framework and terminology for managing these risks to build an effective enterprise risk management system. This enables companies to prevent major risk events, detect them when they happen, and to respond quickly, appropriately, and resiliently. The book solves the problem of differing strategies, techniques, and terminology within an organization and between different risk specialties by presenting the core principles common to managing all types of risks, while also showing how these principles apply to physical, financial, brand, and global strategy risks. Enterprise Risk Management is ideal for executives and managers across the entire organization, providing the comprehensive understanding they need, in everyday language, to successfully navigate, manage, and mitigate the complex risks they face in today’s global market.

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities

  • 8th Edition
  • July 28, 2015
  • Donald DePamphilis
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 2 4 5 3 - 9
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities is unique in that it is the most current, comprehensive, and cutting-edge text on M&A and corporate restructuring available. It is current in that it includes many of the most up-to-date and notable deals (e.g., Facebook’s takeover of WhatsApp, the Dell privatization, and Verizon’s mega buyout of Vodafone’s share of Verizon Wireless), precedent setting judicial decisions (e.g., efforts to overturn defenses at Airgas and Sotheby’s), new regulations (e.g., expediting backend mergers), trends (e.g., increasing role of activist investors in takeovers), and new tactics (e.g., two-tiered poison pill) employed in M&As. Most integrative case studies are new for this edition and involve transactions that have been announced or completed since 2013. It is comprehensive in that nearly all aspects of M&As and corporate restructuring are explored. It is cutting edge in that conclusions and insights are anchored by the most recent academic research, with references to more than 200 empirical studies published in leading peer-reviewed journals just since 2012. And the substantially updated content is illustrated with numerous practical exhibits, case studies involving diverse transactions, easy-to-understand numerical examples, and hundreds of discussion questions and practice exercises. The highlights of the new edition are listed here: · New Chapters: Two new chapters: Chapter 9 and 14. Chapter 9 discusses the basics of applying financial modeling methods to firm valuation and assists the reader in understanding the power (and limitations) of models in analyzing real world situation. Chapter 14 illustrates how complex financial models often are used to support the deal structuring process during M&A negotiations. · New Cases: Ninety percent of the nearly forty case studies are new and involve transactions announced or completed during the last three years. These cases represent friendly, hostile, highly leveraged, and cross-border deals in ten different industries, involving public and private firms as well as firms experiencing financial distress. All end of chapter case studies begin with a "Key Objectives" section indicating what the student should learn from the case study and include discussion questions and solutions available in the online instructors’ manual. · Latest Research: This edition focuses on the most recent and relevant academic studies, some of which contain surprising insights changing the way we view this subject matter. Recent research has significant implications for academicians, students, M&A practitioners, and government policy makers shedding new light on current developments and trends in the ever-changing mergers and acquisitions market. The market for corporate control and corporate restructuring strategies are constantly changing, reflecting the ongoing globalization of both product and capital markets, accelerating technological change, escalating industry consolidation, changing regulatory practices, and intensifying cross-border competition. While continuing to be relevant, empirical research covering the dynamics of the M&A markets of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s may be less germane in explaining current undercurrents and future trends.

Strategic Human Resource Planning for Academic Libraries

  • 1st Edition
  • July 9, 2015
  • Michael A. Crumpton
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 8 4 3 3 4 - 7 6 4 - 4
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 0 6 3 - 4 4 5 - 6
Strategic Human Resources Planning for Academic Libraries: Information, Technology and Organization provides an in-depth discussion of human resources as a strategic element of a library organization, especially as staffing needs and competencies change. The book focuses on the impact of human resource practices in a library setting, discussing several aspects, including the role of human resources when the library is part of a larger organization, along with information on how to identify strategic objectives that are expected and related to workforce issues. In addition, the book reviews hiring practices, reorganizations of staff, use of temps or time-limited positions, and how students, volunteers, and internships can make a strategic difference overall.

Business Espionage

  • 1st Edition
  • March 18, 2015
  • Bruce Wimmer CPP
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 2 0 0 5 4 - 8
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 2 0 0 5 9 - 3
Business Espionage: Risk, Threats, and Countermeasures provides the best practices needed to protect a company's most sensitive information. It takes a proactive approach, explaining the measures and countermeasures that can be enacted to identify both threats and weaknesses. The text fully explains the threat landscape, showing not only how spies operate, but how they can be detected. Drawn from the author’s 40 years of experience, this vital resource will give readers a true understanding of the threat of business spying and what businesses can do to protect themselves. It is ideal for use as a tool to educate staff on the seriousness of the threat of business espionage.

The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms

  • 1st Edition
  • March 10, 2015
  • Alice de Jonge
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 0 6 3 - 3 4 3 - 5
This book is about women directors in China and India. The aim of the book is to understand more clearly where women are present on corporate boards, and the reasons for their continued absence from most listed company boards. The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms is written at a time of increasing awareness, particularly in Europe, of the benefits of gender equity at the boardroom table, and of the costs of women’s continued exclusion from corporate decision-making. Norway’s gender equity legislation has now been instrumental in ensuring that women occupy over 40% of all company board seats in that country. France, Italy and Spain are amongst those countries now following the same path towards equity. But Asia in general, and the world’s two largest nations in particular, still lag well behind. In China while women enjoy greater social and economic equality than many of their sisters in other parts of Asia, the male-dominated nature of the Party-state apparatus makes it unlikely that legislative change will be achieved any time soon. In India, while the country’s 2013 Corporations Law now requires all major listed firms to have at least one woman director, the real challenges for women are social and economic, where much work remains to be done.

Doing Business in India

  • 1st Edition
  • February 26, 2015
  • Chandrashekhar Lakshman
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 8 4 3 3 4 - 7 7 4 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 0 6 3 - 4 5 5 - 5
A comprehensive look at understanding India with a strategic framework that can be readily used for doing business in this market is needed. Doing Business in India discusses the cultural and consumer profile of the people of India and how these fit into the macroeconomic context. The analytical framework provided and illustrated with real case examples spans domains such as the institutional context of the country (full of voids and amazing peculiarities) and the interesting federalist political framework in a country with many states. Based on this foundation, the book introduces the business strategies appropriate for both rural and urban markets in India. The following chapters cover the successful implementation of these strategies in India. The remaining chapters focus on successful cross-cultural management of Indian managers and employees, the appropriate types of leadership required for managing the Indian workforce, the types of managerial control systems likely to be successful in this country, and the HRM practices that can help companies to win in this market.

The Complete Business Process Handbook

  • 1st Edition
  • December 6, 2014
  • Mark Von Rosing + 2 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 7 9 9 9 5 9 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 0 0 4 7 2 - 2
The Complete Business Process Handbook is the most comprehensive body of knowledge on business processes with revealing new research. Written as a practical guide for Executives, Practitioners, Managers and Students by the authorities that have shaped the way we think and work with process today. It stands out as a masterpiece, being part of the BPM bachelor and master degree curriculum at universities around the world, with revealing academic research and insight from the leaders in the market. This book provides everything you need to know about the processes and frameworks, methods, and approaches to implement BPM. Through real-world examples, best practices, LEADing practices and advice from experts, readers will understand how BPM works and how to best use it to their advantage. Cases from industry leaders and innovators show how early adopters of LEADing Practices improved their businesses by using BPM technology and methodology. As the first of three volumes, this book represents the most comprehensive body of knowledge published on business process. Following closely behind, the second volume uniquely bridges theory with how BPM is applied today with the most extensive information on extended BPM. The third volume will explore award winning real-life examples of leading business process practices and how it can be replaced to your advantage.

The Changing Role of the Human Resource Profession in the Asia Pacific Region

  • 1st Edition
  • December 2, 2014
  • Jayantee Saha + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 8 5 7 0 9 - 4 7 5 - 9
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 8 5 7 0 9 - 4 7 6 - 6
The human resource (HR) profession has been on a long and challenging journey. Globalisation and sweeping policy changes have re-defined and re-aligned HR and its role. It is important for HR professionals to develop and become innovators in their respective industries. The Changing Role of the Human Resource Profession in the Asia Pacific Region is based on case-studies of retail, tourism, healthcare, security, education, and energy, spread across the greater Asia Pacific (AP) region. The book rests on the principle of the laws of attraction, that ‘thoughts become things’ and argues that acknowledging good human resource policies and practices can be a key influence on all aspects of an organisation. After an introduction, five chapters cover key topics: six major industries; changing HR practices across the AP; an insider’s view on best practices; the role of HR in sustaining growth across the AP; and a conclusion looking towards the future of HR in the Asian Pacific Region.