Emerging Trends in ICT Security, an edited volume, discusses the foundations and theoretical aspects of ICT security; covers trends, analytics, assessments and frameworks necessary for performance analysis and evaluation; and gives you the state-of-the-art knowledge needed for successful deployment of security solutions in many environments. Application scenarios provide you with an insider’s look at security solutions deployed in real-life scenarios, including but limited to smart devices, biometrics, social media, big data security, and crowd sourcing.
The Building Envelope: Applications of New Technology Cladding provides an introduction to the state of the art in cladding systems. The goal is to show a precedent, and thus imbue confidence in architects so that they can approach a manufacturer with a reasonable working knowledge of what is feasible. This book contains 33 case studies of buildings which incorporate newer forms of construction technology. The buildings discussed include the Bandstand at Haarlem, Holland; Benthem and Crouwel's House at Almere, a town near Amsterdam, Holland; the Burrell Gallery in Glasgow, Scotland; Clarke Ascot House, Brisbane, Australia; the Conservatory at Kew, southwest London; and the Johnson and Johnson World Headquarters, New Brunswick, New Jersey. This book is intended to give at least some inspiration to designers wishing to improve their technical understanding of the newer building processes with which they are now involved and have the information available if they care to seek it.
Modern Electrical Installation for Craft Students, Volume 2, Third Edition discusses several topics concerning electrical installations. The book is comprised of eight chapters that deal with craft theory, associated subjects, and electrical industries. Chapter 1 covers inductors and inductance, while Chapter 2 tackles capacitors and capacitance. Chapter 3 deals with inductance and capacitance in installation work. The book also discusses cells, batteries, and transformers. The electrical industries, control and earthing, and testing are also dealt with. The last chapter discusses the basic electronics technology. The text will be of great use to craft students and other professionals dealing with electrical installations.
Solar energy conversion requires a different mind-set from traditional energy engineering in order to assess distribution, scales of use, systems design, predictive economic models for fluctuating solar resources, and planning to address transient cycles and social adoption. Solar Energy Conversion Systems examines solar energy conversion as an integrative design process, applying systems thinking methods to a solid knowledge base for creators of solar energy systems. This approach permits different levels of access for the emerging broad audience of scientists, engineers, architects, planners, and economists. Traditional texts in solar energy engineering have often emerged from mechanical or chemical engineering fields. Instead, Solar Energy Conversion Systems approaches solar energy conversion from the perspectives of integrative design, environmental technology, sustainability science, and materials science in the wake of amazing new thin films, polymers, and glasses developed by the optoelectronics and semiconductor industries. This is a new solar text for the new generation of green job designers and developers. It’s highlighted with vignettes that break down solar conversion into useful stories and provides common points of reference, as well as techniques, for effective estimation of evolving technologies.Â
This book bridges the technology and business aspects of thermosets, providing a practical guide designed for engineers working in real-world industrial settings. The author explores the criteria for material selection, provides information on material properties for each family of thermosets, and discusses the various processing options for each material type. He explains advantages and disadvantages of using thermosets and composites in comparison to competing materials and assesses cost aspects, enabling the reader to balance out technical and economic constraints when choosing a thermoset and processing technology for a given application.This second edition contains a new section on composites solutions for practical problems, gathering information on trends contributing to the breakthrough of composites in various sectors. Other new sections on specific crosslinking processes, processing trends, machinery and equipment manufacturers, applications, bio-sourced thermosets and natural fibers, and recycling of thermosets and composites are included. Case studies are provided, illustrating many design and production challenges. Furthermore, new market data and information about health and safety will be added. All data is fully updated throughout, with pricing in USD and EUR, and both ASTM (North American) and European standards.Thermosets and Thermoset Composites, Second Edition is the only book that gives in-depth coverage of a wide range of subject matters and markets, yet in brevity and concision in a single volume, avoiding the need of consulting a series of other specialized books. By providing the knowledge necessary for selecting a fabrication process, thermoset material and methods for determining the all important cost of thermoset parts this new edition is an invaluable decision-making aid and reference work for practitioners in a field with growing importance.
Social networks, particularly public ones, have become part of the fabric of how we communicate and collaborate as a society. With value from micro-level personal networking to macro-level outreach, social networking has become pervasive in people’s lives and is now becoming a significant driving force in business. These new platforms have provided new approaches to many critical enterprise functions, including identifying, communicating, and gathering feedback with customers (e.g., Facebook, Ning); locating expertise (e.g., LinkedIn); providing new communication platforms (e.g., Twitter); and collaborating with a community, small or large (e.g., wikis).However, many organizations have stayed away from potential benefits of social networks because of the significant risks associated with them. This book will help an organization understand the risks present in social networks and provide a framework covering policy, training and technology to address those concerns and mitigate the risks presented to leverage social media in their organization. The book also acknowledges that many organizations have already exposed themselves to more risk than they think from social networking and offers strategies for "dialing it back" to retake control.
Progress in Ceramic Science, Volume 4 is a collection of papers reviewing the electrical and magnetic properties of ceramics, the fabrication techniques, and the effects of radiation on glasses. The book discusses the radiation effects in quartz, silica, and glasses focusing on the following: 1) the basic Si-O network; 2) impurities substitutional for silicon; and 3) alkali and hydrogen as the prime sources for ""non-bridging oxygen"". The text then explains the process of pressure sintering of ceramics to achieve pressure bonding, microstructural control, composite fabrication, and enhanced densification. One paper also discusses the theory on the relationship between the magnetic properties of non-metallic transition metal oxides and crystal chemistry. The book evaluates the non-stoichiometric or flux, melt techniques that are used in growing high quality single crystals found in electronic devices. This topic includes the benefits of the techniques and an outline of the principles of flux growth. The electrical conduction mechanisms in oxides are then addressed, emphasizing the chemical approach through equations that are commonly found in chemistry. The book therefore addresses ionic conduction and mixed electrolytic and electronic conductors, and then reviews the fundamental equation that applies to all conduction processes. The book can prove valuable for chemists, glass-ceramics materials engineers, ceramics technologists, and researchers in allied physics subjects.
The Functional Anatomy of the Spermatozoon is the 23rd volume of the series Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium Series, documenting the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Comparative Spermatology, held in August 1973. This volume mainly focuses on the understanding of the early events at fertilization and the preliminaries of this biological process. This text specifically tackles the sperm at fertilization of lower animals and mammals, sperm motility and diversity, and spermatogenesis. This book concludes with discussions on capacitation and maturation of mammalian spermatozoa. This compendium will be valuable to morphologists, physiologists, immunologists, and biochemists, as well as to academicians interested in the study of functional anatomy of the spermatozoon.
Environmental Science, Volume 2: Sensory Assessment of Water Quality presents the methods for sensory water quality assessment. This book discusses the various aspects of the problem of impaired taste and odor of water. Organized into seven chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the significance attributed to sensory assessment of water quality. This text then examines the results obtained on sensory water quality assessment and on general water quality appraisal. Other chapters describe the 20 types of drinking water and consider the effects of the sensory water quality assessment factors on water consumption. This book discusses as well the types of chemical compounds present and their relation to water taste. The final chapter deals with the number of applications and recommendations to assess sensory water quality aspects at least weekly in the case of surface water supplies by making an inquiry among the consumers located in the area served. This book is a valuable resource for chemists.