Soil rheology is a branch of soil mechanics investigating the origin of, and the time-dependent changes in the stressed and strained state of soil. The author of this book however interprets rheology as being the science concerned on the one hand with how the state of stress and strain is formed and altered in a body, and on the other, with the particulars of the body's behaviour failing to fit the traditional concepts of elasticity and plasticity. There are many instances where the actual behaviour of soil differs substantially from schematized concepts and by taking into account all the peculiarities of soil deformation, precise knowledge of soil properties can be obtained and analytical prediction thus improved. Such problems are tackled in this book.This book comprises three main parts. The first part deals with basic rheological concepts and terms, the physics of soil, principles of stress-strain theory, elasticity, plasticity and viscosity - all cardinal rheological properties. The second part explains the rheological processes taking place in soils, such as creep and long-term strength, which are examined by the author with allowance for nonlinear deformation. Along with the known phenomenological theories, attention is paid to the novel kinetic (physical) theory of deformations and long-term strength. The third part outlines the generalized theory of soil deformation. It explains why soil offers different resistances to tensional and compressional deformations and derives the generalized rheological equation of state, enabling the effect of the three stress tensor invariants on the changes in shape and volume to be taken into account. From the standpoint of the theory discussed, the penultimate chapter gives examples of solutions to some problems facing soil mechanics. The final chapter reviews mathematical models representing the actual behaviour of soil under load and provides numerical solutions for engineering problems obtained with the aid of computer models.Thus the book provides a wealth of information which will be of interest both to the practising geotechnical engineer as well as to teachers and students.
The subject of stability problems for viscoelastic solids and elements of structures, with which this book is concerned, has been the focus of attention in the past three decades. This has been due to the wide inculcation of viscoelastic materials, especially polymers and plastics, in industry. Up-to-date studies in viscoelasticity are published partially in purely mathematical journals, partially in merely applied ones, and as a consequence, they remain unknown to many interested specialists. Stability in Viscoelasticity fills the gap between engineers and mathematicians and converges theoretical and applied directions of investigations.All chapters contain extensive bibliographies of both purely mathematical and engineering works on stability problems. The bibliography includes a number of works in Russian which are practically inaccessible to the Western reader.
More than 900 authors from over 35 countries contributed to the 1992 International Congress on Rheology. These proceedings volumes comprise 17 plenary and keynote papers, 250 oral contributions and some 200 poster presentations. All relevant aspects of rheology are covered, e.g., theoretical rheology, molecular theories, fluid mechanics, rheometry, experimental methods, foams, polymer solutions, polymer melts, rubber, solids, composites, biorheology, industrial rheology, polymer processing, food rheology and electrorheology, reflecting the development of rheology into a broad, multidisciplinary field of recognized academic and industrial relevance.
The subject matter covered in this volume covers a wide scope. It contains critical reviews in many frontier areas of interest to engineers and applied scientists. Multiphase transport ranging from floc breakage to flow through multiphase media is discussed. Difficult problems of bubble growth and devolatilisation from polymeric melts are treated. The question of solid-liquid phase change with flow is considered and the emerging quantitation of web drying technology through mathematical modeling is covered. Transport phenomena in high-tech materials ranging from zeolite catalysts to liquid crystalline materials are covered and formidable problems of transport of gases in porous media, which have implications in many different technologies, are also addressed. Finally, applications of newer techniques in numerical computation of transport processes are highlighted.These authorative, evaluative and timely reviews of topics of current and potential interest will serve the needs of practising engineers as well as academic and industrial researchers.
Rheology: Theory and Applications, Volume II deals with the specific rheological subjects, such as deformational behavior in relation to the classic subjects and topics of rheology. This volume is divided into 13 chapters. Considerable chapters are devoted to the theory and aspects of viscoelastic and relaxation phenomena, as well as the applied theory concerning substances related to these phenomena, including elastomers, gelatins, and fibers. Other chapters cover the general principles of geological deformations derived from the study of less ""immobile"" objects. The remaining chapters present the methods and instrumentation in rheology. Researchers, teachers, and students who are interested in deformational behavior of materials will find this book invaluable.
Modern Developments in the Mechanics of Continua presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Rheology, held in Pinebrook, New York, on August 23–27, 1965. This book promotes the national and international interest in mechanics of continua. Comprised of 16 chapters, this compilation of papers starts with an overview of the fundamental aspects of thermodynamics. This text then examines the divergence between the molecular theory of liquids and continuum mechanics. Other chapters explore the theory of the activation volume of liquids and the potential applications in rheology. This book discusses as well the characteristics of shear wave propagation, which are related to the viscoelastic properties of the supporting medium. The final chapter deals with the study of diffusion of benzoic acid at constant temperature into kaolinite slurries of changing concentrations. This book is a valuable resource for physicists, biophysicists, mathematicians, and engineers interested in the mechanics of continua.
Numerical Simulation of Non-Newtonian Flow focuses on the numerical simulation of non-Newtonian flow using finite difference and finite element techniques. Topics range from the basic equations governing non-Newtonian fluid mechanics to flow classification and finite element calculation of flow (generalized Newtonian flow and viscoelastic flow). An overview of finite difference and finite element methods is also presented. Comprised of 11 chapters, this volume begins with an introduction to non-Newtonian mechanics, paying particular attention to the rheometrical properties of non-Newtonian fluids as well as non-Newtonian flow in complex geometries. The role of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics is also considered. The discussion then turns to the basic equations governing non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, including Navier Stokes equations and rheological equations of state. The next chapter describes a flow classification in which the various flow problems are grouped under five main headings: flows dominated by shear viscosity, slow flows (slightly elastic liquids), small deformation flows, nearly-viscometric flows, and long-range memory effects in complex flows. The remainder of the book is devoted to numerical analysis of non-Newtonian fluids using finite difference and finite element techniques. This monograph will be of interest to students and practitioners of physics and mathematics.
More than possibly any other scientific discipline, rheology is easily visualized and the relevant literature contains many excellent photographs of unusual and often bizarre phenomena. The present book brings together these photographs for the first time. They are supported by a full explanatory text. Rheological Phenomena in Focus will be an indispensable support manual to all those who teach rheology or have to convince colleagues of the practical relevance of the subject within an industrial setting. For those who teach fluid mechanics, the book clearly illustrates the difference between inelastic fluids and viscoelastic fluids in a number of important flow fields. For example, the influence of the configuration of molecules in an entry flow, the influence of rounding corners, the reluctance of elastic liquids to turn corners, and the sensitivity of elastic fluids to asymmetries in the flow are clearly illustrated. In addition many flow instabilities, where fluid elasticity is clearly the dominant variable, are shown.
This is the first single-volume handbook with the information a researcher needs to select the best rheology modifiers for his/her project. Information on 20 different types of rheology modifiers manufactured by 26 companies worldwide is described. These range from Acrylic Polymers to Xanthan Gum. This handbook was written because, in the authors' experience, the selection of a rheology modifier for specific applications is an arduous task. It requires researching the technical literature of numerous suppliers, contacting them for current information and recommendations, and paring the list of candidates from hundreds to a few dozen. This book will enable readers to easily identify the best candidates for an application with a minimum investment of time.The book is divided into four sections. Part I reviews rheology fundamentals. Part II presents details on the products available from the 26 represented companies. Part III focuses on the selection of suitable rheology modifier candidates. Part IV is a formulary containing the contributions of the suppliers.
The science of rheology remains a mystery to most people, even to some scientists. Some respectable dictionaries have been quite cavalier in their attitude to the science, the small Collins Gem dictionary, for example, being quite happy to inform us that a Rhea is an three-toed South American ostrich, whilst at the same time offering no definition of rheology. This maybe due to the fact that the science is interdisciplinary and does not fit well into any one of the historical disciplines.This book contains an in-depth study of the history of rheology, beginning with the statements of Heraclitus, Confucius and the prophetess Deborah. It also emphasises the distinctive contributions of Newton, Hooke, Boltzmann, Maxwell, Kelvin and others, and culminates in the flourishing activity in the second half of this century.Features of this book:• Is the only book on the subject• Prevents the rediscovery of results already made• Will educate newcomers to the field to the rich heritage in even a relatively recent science like rheology.The book will be invaluable for science and scientific history libraries and will also be of interest to rheologists, and scientists working in the polymer processing, food, lubrication, detergent and similar industries.