High Temperature Miniature Specimen Test Methods focuses on a comprehensive and thorough introduction to a range of high temperature, miniaturized test methods at elevated temperatures which are used to obtain “bulk” creep or fatigue properties from a small volume of material. The book will be of use to a wide range of audience of engineers (e.g., designers, manufacturers, metallurgists, stress analysts), researchers (e.g., materials scientists) and students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in the field of high-temperature material and structural integrity assessment. Specific novel features include 1] theoretical basis of each method; 2], data interpretation method of each test, and 3] specific applications.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is an activity closely related to the quality and reliability of products, and to the reliable and safe operation of industrial plants. Physical measuring techniques are used to examine parts of constructional assemblies for hidden imperfections and defects. A wide choice of measuring techniques is available to meet the demand of examining a wide variety of materials such as metals, plastics, rocks, as well as different structures and sizes ranging from semiconductor chips to nuclear reactors and off-shore oil platforms.Activities in the field of NDT encompass: Fundamental research to understand and describe the way in which reactions of certain imperfections to a physical measuring technique can be optimized and used to assess type and grade of imperfection; Methods to characterize materials and materials properties; Applications in product quality control; Applications in plant inspection to ensure a reliable operation of components, avoiding damage to both man and environment, as well as financial losses; Personnel education and qualification schemes; The spread of NDT applications to newly industrialized countries.The two proceedings volumes contain over 400 review and specialist papers. The most recent developments in the field of NDT are presented with contributions by outstanding experts from all over the world. Papers are grouped according to technique for those dealing with fundamental research and to field of application for the more practical oriented ones. In this way each chapter provides an easy overview of related current research. Extensive keyword indexes have been included to facilitate the retrieval of information according to individual requirements.The high technical level of the papers and their up-to-date content will make them an indispensable source of information for students, researchers and professionals in the areas covered.
Applied Dimensional Analysis and Modeling provides the full mathematical background and step-by-step procedures for employing dimensional analyses, along with a wide range of applications to problems in engineering and applied science, such as fluid dynamics, heat flow, electromagnetics, astronomy and economics. This new edition offers additional worked-out examples in mechanics, physics, geometry, hydrodynamics, and biometry.
The surface characterizations of engineering materials effects their scratch/abrasion/Mar resistance, coating adhesion/strength, and abrasive wear mechanism. Scratching of Materials and Applications has chapters devoted to direct industrial application and contains some of the important works that are being conducted. Scratch testing of materials has grown extensively since the earlier days of the Mohs Scale for ranking minerals according to their relative scratch resistance. This test has been used on metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers and coatings of various types and thicknesses.The chapters are grouped according to the type of the engineering materials used. The beginning chapters relate mostly to bulk polymers, which are followed by different types of coatings (hard wear resistant to the diamond-like carbon coatings) and finally, chapters on the application of scratching technique to metals and ceramics are included at the end of the book. Thus, the book covers a fairly wide spectrum of engineering materials which are useful to engineers and researchers.
The topic of Random Vibrations is the behavior of structural and mechanical systems when they are subjected to unpredictable, or random, vibrations. These vibrations may arise from natural phenomena such as earthquakes or wind, or from human-controlled causes such as the stresses placed on aircraft at takeoff and landing. Study and mastery of this topic enables engineers to design and maintain structures capable of withstanding random vibrations, thereby protecting human life.Random Vibrations will lead readers in a user-friendly fashion to a thorough understanding of vibrations of linear and nonlinear systems that undergo stochastic—random—excitation.
Machine component wear is one of the costliest problems within industry. In fact, a 1997 survey in the UK placed wear costs at 25% of turnover, or approximately $1 billion. In many cases, making design and or material changes can reduce this cost by 50% or more! This handbook reviews component wear, and guides the reader through solutions to wear problems, testing methods for materials and wear mechanisms, and information on wear performance of different materials for components. The bottom line is that it helps to reduce ""the bottom line"" removing risks associated with changes to machinery.This book is based on practical use. It outlines the following practices: reviews of wear mechanisms that occur in various types of machinery and solutions to industrial wear problems; guides to relative wear performance of different component materials; comparison of the wear performance of those materials; reviews of laboratory tests to simulate wear, and selection of appropriate tests; identification of improved materials, and; examination of worn surfaces.
The papers published in these peer-reviewed proceedings represent the latest developments in nondestructive characterization of materials and were presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials held on June 26 - 30, 2000 in Karuizawa, Japan. The symposium was held concurrently with three other symposia and one workshop. This symposium is the tenth in the series that began in 1983 and became an international meeting in 1986.The symposium started with a Plenary Lecture entitled 'Application of Non-contact Ultrasonics to Nondestrctive Characterization of Materials' by Professor R.E. Green, Jr. Various characterization methods were presented at the symposium, including ultrasonics, X-ray, eddy currents, laser, thermal wave, acoustic emission, optical fibers, optics, magnetics and ultrasonic microscope. Thin films and coatings as well as smart materials were also emphasized in this symposium.
This book is devoted to the discussion and studies of simple and efficient numerical procedures for large deflection and elasto-plastic analysis of steel frames under static and dynamic loading. In chapter 1, the basic fundamental behaviour and philosophy for design of structural steel is discussed, emphasising different modes of buckling and the inter-relationship between different types of analysis. In addition to this, different levels of refinement for non-linear analysis are described. An introduction is also given to the well-known P-&dgr; and P-&Dgr; effects. Chapter 2 presents the basic matrix method of analysis and gives several examples of linear analysis of semi-rigid pointed frames. It is evident from this that one must have a good understanding of first-order linear analysis before handling a second-order non-linear analysis. In chapter 3, the linearized bifurcation and second-order large deflection are compared and the detailed procedure for a second-order analysis based on the Newton-Raphson scheme is described. Chapter 4 introduces various solution schemes for tracing of post-buckling equilibrium paths and the Minimum Residual Displacement control method with arc-length load step control is employed for the post-buckling analysis of two and three dimensional structures. Chapter 5 addresses the non-linear behaviour and modelling of semi-rigid connections while several numerical functions for description of moment versus rotation curves of typical connection types are introduced. The scope of the work in chapter 6 covers semi-rigid connections and material yielding to the static analysis of steel frames. Chapter 7 studies the cyclic response of steel frames with semi-rigid joints and elastic material characteristics. In the last chapter the combined effects of semi-rigid connections and plastic hinges on steel frames under time-dependent loads are studied using a simple springs-in-series model. For computational effectiveness and efficiency, the concentrated plastic hinge concept is used throughout these studies.
Engineers need to be familiar with the fundamental principles and concepts in materials and structures in order to be able to design structurers to resist failures. For 4 decades, this book has provided engineers with these fundamentals. Thoroughly updated, the book has been expanded to cover everything on materials and structures that engineering students are likely to need. Starting with basic mechanics, the book goes on to cover modern numerical techniques such as matrix and finite element methods. There is also additional material on composite materials, thick shells, flat plates and the vibrations of complex structures. Illustrated throughout with worked examples, the book also provides numerous problems for students to attempt.
Data fusion is a rapidly developing technology which involves the combination of information supplied by several NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) sensors to provide a more complete and understandable picture of structural integrity. This text is the first to be devoted exclusively to the concept of multisensor integration and data fusion applied to NDT. The advantages of this methodology are widely acknowledged and the author presents an excellent introduction to data fusion processes. Problems are approached progressively through detailed case studies, offering practical guidance for those wishing to develop and explore NDT data fusion further. This book will prove invaluable to inspectors, students and researchers concerned with NDT signal processing measurements and testing. It shows the great value and major benefits which can be achieved by implementing multisensor data fusion, not only in NDT but also in any discipline where measurements and testing are key activities.