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The surface characterizations of engineering materials effects their scratch/abrasion/Mar resistance, coating adhesion/strength, and abrasive wear mechanism. Scratching of Ma… Read more
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BSc(Eng.) (Metallurgical Engineering) from the National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India in 1988 and after working for a brief period in industry, he joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore for graduate studies obtaining a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1991. He received his PhD degree from Imperial College, UK in 1994 and an MBA from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 1999. Dr. Sinha has worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), Maryland, USA and at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan. He has published widely in tribology journals, conference proceedings and books, and, currently is on the editorial board of Tribology International. He has edited or co-edited two special issues of Tribology International and one book. Dr. Sinha has co-chaired one international conference and been invited to present technical talks at three international conferences. Dr. Sinha's main research interests include wear and friction studies of polymers and their composites, thin polymer coatings and hard coatings on metallic and non-metallic surfaces. Personal homepage: