Sensors, Circuits, and Systems for Scientific Instruments: Back-Ends and Applications delves into the advanced world of sensors and circuits tailored for precision measurements. This text builds on foundational concepts from prior studies and focuses on the sophisticated processes in the later stages of measurement. From data converters to digital signal processing, and parameter estimation to machine learning, this volume provides students with critical insights into testing, verification, and system integration through practical case studies involving various scientific instruments.Designed for senior undergraduates and entry-level graduate students in electrical and computer engineering, applied physics, and biomedical engineering, this book bridges a gap between component-focused texts and broad surveys, offering a thorough understanding of back-end systems and applications.
Sensors, Circuits, and Systems for Scientific Instruments: Fundamentals and Front-Ends presents a unified treatment of modern measurement systems by integrating relevant knowledge in sensors, circuits, signal processing, and machine learning. It also presents detailed case studies of several real-life measurement systems to illustrate how theoretical analysis and high-level designs are translated into working scientific instruments.The book is meant for upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate students in electrical and computer engineering, applied physics, and biomedical engineering. It is designed to fill a gap in the market between books focused on specific components of measurement systems (semiconductor devices, analog circuits, digital signal processing, etc.) and books that provide a high-level "survey" or "handbook"-type overview of a wide range of sensors and measurement systems.
Formal Verification: An Essential Toolkit for Modern VLSI Design, Second Edition presents practical approaches for design and validation, with hands-on advice to help working engineers integrate these techniques into their work. Formal Verification (FV) enables a designer to directly analyze and mathematically explore the quality or other aspects of a Register Transfer Level (RTL) design without using simulations. This can reduce time spent validating designs and more quickly reach a final design for manufacturing. Building on a basic knowledge of SystemVerilog, this book demystifies FV and presents the practical applications that are bringing it into mainstream design and validation processes. Every chapter in the second edition has been updated to reflect evolving FV practices and advanced techniques. In addition, a new chapter, Formal Signoff on Real Projects, provides guidelines for implementing signoff quality FV, completely replacing some simulation tasks with significantly more productive FV methods. After reading this book, readers will be prepared to introduce FV in their organization to effectively deploy FV techniques that increase design and validation productivity.
Power Electronics and Motor Drives: Advances and Trends, Second Edition is the perfect resource to keep the electrical engineer up-to-speed on the latest advancements in technologies, equipment and applications. Carefully structured to include both traditional topics for entry-level and more advanced applications for the experienced engineer, this reference sheds light on the rapidly growing field of power electronic operations. New content covers converters, machine models and new control methods such as fuzzy logic and neural network control. This reference will help engineers further understand recent technologies and gain practical understanding with its inclusion of many industrial applications. Further supported by a glossary per chapter, this book gives engineers and researchers a critical reference to learn from real-world examples and make future decisions on power electronic technology and applications.
ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language carefully explains the concepts of assembly language programming, slowly building from simple examples towards complex programming on bare-metal embedded systems. Considerable emphasis is put on showing how to develop good, structured assembly code. More advanced topics such as fixed and floating point mathematics, optimization and the ARM VFP and NEON extensions are also covered. This book will help readers understand representations of, and arithmetic operations on, integral and real numbers in any base, giving them a basic understanding of processor architectures, instruction sets, and more. This resource provides an ideal introduction to the principles of 64-bit ARM assembly programming for both the professional engineer and computer engineering student, as well as the dedicated hobbyist with a 64-bit ARM-based computer.
Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor, Second Edition, provides practical instruction on how to use the OrCAD design suite to design and manufacture printed circuit boards. Chapters cover how to Design a PCB using OrCAD Capture and OrCAD PCB Editor, adding PSpice simulation capabilities to a design, how to develop custom schematic parts, how to create footprints and PSpice models, and how to perform documentation, simulation and board fabrication from the same schematic design. This book is suitable for both beginners and experienced designers, providing basic principles and the program's full capabilities for optimizing designs. Companion site
New to this edition: Updated to using OrCAD Release 17.2 and its new features; Coverage of PSPICE extra features: PSpice Designer, PSpice Designer Plus, Modelling Application, PSpice Part Search Symbol Viewer, PSpice Report, Associate PSpice model, New delay functions for Behavioural Simulation Models, New Models, Support for negative values in hysteresis voltage and threshold voltage; A new chapter on PSpice Advanced Analysis Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice, Second Edition provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Cadence/OrCAD family of Electronic Design Automation software for analog design and simulation. The book explains how to enter schematics in Capture, set up project types, project libraries and prepare circuits for PSpice simulation. There are chapters on the different analysis types for DC Bias point, DC sweep, AC frequency sweep, Parametric analysis, Temperature analysis, Performance Analysis, Noise analysis, Sensitivity and Monte Carlo simulation. Subsequent chapters explain how the Stimulus Editor is used to define custom analog and digital signals, how the Model Editor is used to view and create new PSpice models and Capture parts and how the Magnetic Parts Editor is used to design transformers and inductors. Other chapters include Analog Behaviorial models, Test Benches as well as how to create hierarchical designs. The book includes the latest features in the OrCAD 17.2 release and there are exercises with step by step instructions at the end of each chapter that enables the reader to progress based upon their experience and knowledge gained from previous chapters. The author worked for Cadence for over eight years and supported and delivered OrCAD PSpice training courses all over Europe. This book has been endorsed by Cadence. In addition, there are new chapters on the PSpice Advanced Analysis suite of tools: Sensitivity Analysis, Optimizer, Monte Carlo, and Smoke Analysis.The chapters show how circuit performance can effectively be maximised and optimised for variations in component tolerances, temperature effects, manufacturing yields and component stress.  
Produced in association with the Engineering Training Authority with contributions from dozens of people in the electronics industry. The material covers common skills in electrical and electronic engineering and concentrates mainly on wiring and assembly. 'Newnes Electronics Assembly Pocket Book' is for electronics technicians, students and apprentices.
Electronics Explained, Second Edition, takes a systems based approach to the fundamentals of electronics, covering the different types of electronic circuits, how they work, and how they fit together to create modern electronic equipment, enabling you to apply, use, select, operate and discuss common electronic products and systems. This new edition has been updated to show the latest technological trends with added coverage of: Internet of Things (IoT) Machine-to-Machine (M2M) technology Ethernet to 100 Gb/s Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other wireless technologies 5G New Radio cellular standards Microcontrollers and programming with the Arduino, BASIC Stamp and others
For the first time in a single reference, this book provides the beginner with a coherent and logical introduction to the hardware and software of the PIC32, bringing together key material from the PIC32 Reference Manual, Data Sheets, XC32 C Compiler User's Guide, Assembler and Linker Guide, MIPS32 CPU manuals, and Harmony documentation. This book also trains you to use the Microchip documentation, allowing better life-long learning of the PIC32. The philosophy is to get you started quickly, but to emphasize fundamentals and to eliminate "magic steps" that prevent a deep understanding of how the software you write connects to the hardware. Applications focus on mechatronics: microcontroller-controlled electromechanical systems incorporating sensors and actuators. To support a learn-by-doing approach, you can follow the examples throughout the book using the sample code and your PIC32 development board. The exercises at the end of each chapter help you put your new skills to practice. Coverage includes: A practical introduction to the C programming language Getting up and running quickly with the PIC32 An exploration of the hardware architecture of the PIC32 and differences among PIC32 families Fundamentals of embedded computing with the PIC32, including the build process, time- and memory-efficient programming, and interrupts A peripheral reference, with extensive sample code covering digital input and output, counter/timers, PWM, analog input, input capture, watchdog timer, and communication by the parallel master port, SPI, I2C, CAN, USB, and UART An introduction to the Microchip Harmony programming framework Essential topics in mechatronics, including interfacing sensors to the PIC32, digital signal processing, theory of operation and control of brushed DC motors, motor sizing and gearing, and other actuators such as stepper motors, RC servos, and brushless DC motors For more information on the book, and to download free sample code, please visit