Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells: Principles, Design, and Applications brings together the latest developments in terms of materials, design, fabrication techniques, and applications, providing the reader with a thorough inter-disciplinary understanding of this technology, as well as addressing challenges and identifying future opportunities. The book begins by introducing the basics of fuel cell systems, thermodynamics, Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells, materials, and electrochemical reactions. This is followed by in-depth chapters that examine cell, stack and system level modelling, transport of charged particles, performance characterization techniques, degradation, system design and application, and stack manufacturing cost. A step-by-step approach is supported throughout with practical examples and case studies. A dedicated chapter focuses on applications, before further chapters explore future directions and research opportunities, environmental impact and sustainability, and safety and risk assessment. This is a useful resource for researchers, students, faculty, engineers, R&D, scientists, policy makers, and professionals with an interest in fuel cells, energy storage, renewable energy, or the broad energy sector; and from a range of disciplines, including energy, materials science, chemistry, physics, transportation, and engineering.
Industrial Decarbonization and the Energy Transition: Innovative Solutions for a Carbon-Free, Sustainable, and Clean Environment provides detailed information on a range of cutting-edge solutions, supporting decarbonization, clean energy production, and energy transition. Sectors covered include chemical and photochemical, cement and concrete, class, pulp and paper, steel and iron-making, fertilizer, clay, methanol, refineries, sugar, and thermal power plants. Technology, regulations, climate impact, and finance are considered for each sector, and throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the industry perspective and expertise, with thorough techno-economic analysis and in-depth discussion of other key considerations such as scale-up, cost reductions, waste, and future possibilities.This book is of interest to engineers, R&D, and other professionals involved in energy transition and decarbonization of industrial processes and plants across a range of industrial sectors, as well as academic researchers, scientists, and advanced students in energy transition, renewable energy, engineering, decarbonization, and sustainability.</p>
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: Fundamentals, Design, Performance, Applications, and AI-Driven Commercialization provides an authoritative resource on hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (HFCEVs), covering fundamentals, methods, and applications, and addressing the latest advances and changes in related technologies, and in the market. Sections introduce the key concepts of hydrogen fuel cell technology, classification, and types, along with operational characteristics, advantages, limitations, and discussions on hydrogen production and infrastructure. Other sections focus on HFCEVs, with in-depth chapters on components, performance, efficiency, applications, challenges, future perspectives, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and international regulations and standards.Case studies that demonstrate real-world implementations and pilot projects, along with lessons learned and best practice guidance are also included. Finally, example codes for intelligent control methodologies for HFCEVs are provided in the appendix.
Fuelling the Future: Intelligent Approaches for Harnessing Hydrogen Energy presents insights into the use of machine learning tools to optimize hydrogen-based energy systems. This comprehensive guide explores the dynamic synergy between hydrogen energy solutions and machine learning applications, offering a roadmap for a sustainable and intelligent energy future. The book navigates the evolving landscape of hydrogen technologies, from production and storage to transportation and industrial applications with machine learning algorithms in optimizing efficiency, predictive analytics, and decision-making processes across the hydrogen value chain. The book presents a thorough examination of several machine learning algorithms applicable to hydrogen energy applications. A full explanation is given on how each strategy can be effectively used, allowing readers to pick and adopt the most appropriate approach for their circumstance. A series of real-world case studies demonstrates effective machine-learning applications in various hydrogen energy projects. These instances provide readers with useful insights into implementation tactics, problems encountered, and outcomes obtained, allowing them to draw practical lessons for their initiatives. Moreover, industry standards are integrated throughout the book, advising readers on compliance and best practices by recognizing the need to align with existing industry standards and regulations, helping professionals navigate the complicated regulatory landscape and modify machine learning solutions to suit industry standards. Fuelling the Future: Intelligent Approaches for Harnessing Hydrogen Energy serves as a strategic guide for students, researchers, and professionals to understand and capitalize on the transformational potential of incorporating machine learning into hydrogen technology.
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Concept, Methods, and Challenges provides a concise guide to the modeling of PEM fuel cells. The book offers detailed methodologies, codes, and algorithms on every aspect of PEM fuel cells, from cold start to degradation. Chapters cover the development, basic principles, and components of PEM fuel cells, discuss the transport phenomena and mathematical formulation of macro-scale PEM fuel cell models, single cell and stack-level models, and model validation, and explain multi-phase transport modeling in PEM fuel cells, including different multiphase models like flow in gas flow channels, porous electrodes, and multi-phase model validation.The book also addresses multiphase mixture formulation, finite-volume, direct numerical simulation, Lattice Boltzmann, and pore network models, along with a section on modeling the cold start process of PEM fuel cells, including the non-isothermal transient cold start model, reduced-dimensional transient model, and the impact of different parameters on the cold start performance. Final sections cover the degradation and lifetime modeling of PEM fuel cells, including stress-induced degradation mechanisms, physics-based and data-driven modeling methods, and coupled performance-degradation models. Finally, recent progress on multi-scale and multi-dimensional modeling of PEM fuel cells, including micro and nano-scale modeling and multi-scale coupled models, is covered.
Underground Hydrogen Storage: Prospects, Opportunities, and Challenges presents a comprehensive analysis of the technical and economic aspects of underground hydrogen storage. In addition to providing a detailed examination of the fundamentals, properties, storage options, reaction kinetics, modeling, and economics of underground hydrogen storage, the book offers pragmatic solutions to the demand-supply gap caused by conventional hydrogen storage systems and intermittency challenges associated with renewable energy sources. In addition, users will find this to be a foundational introduction to underground hydrogen storage and a detailed review of the properties of hydrogen.Other sections are dedicated to depleted gas reservoirs, oil reservoirs, aquifers (including saline aquifers), salt caverns, coal mines, lined hard rock caverns, and refrigerated mined caverns. Influencing parameters such as permeability, density and viscosity, interfacial tension and surface tension, wettability, capillary pressure, absorption, desorption, solubility, and diffusivity are also covered as are reaction kinetics, including methanogenesis, acetogenesis, sulphate reduction, and iron reduction, and much more.
The Decentralized Hydrogen Revolution Using Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Blockchain is a unique and comprehensive resource that addresses the dynamic intersection of decentralized hydrogen communities and advanced technologies. The book provides a guide to understanding the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and blockchain in the context of decentralized hydrogen, from foundational principles to advanced applications. It provides practical insights into addressing environmental concerns, integrating innovative technologies, and formulating effective policies. The book begins by introducing decentralized hydrogen communities, their principles, and significance in sustainable energy. It differentiates hydrogen from fossil fuels, highlighting environmental benefits and the inclusive nature of decentralized hydrogen production. The exploration continues with electrolysis for hydrogen generation, types of electrolyzers, working principles, technological advancements, and their environmental and economic impacts. The role of fuel cells in clean energy is covered next, detailing types, advancements, integration in various applications, and environmental and economic impacts. The discussion then shifts to advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms in hydrogen production, focusing on AI integration, smart production mechanisms, predictive analytics, and cybersecurity challenges. Blockchain trust in hydrogen networks is examined, emphasizing blockchain integration, trust and transparency, and smart contracts. The book also discusses Internet of Things connectivity for optimizing hydrogen systems and technologies, covering IoT integration, devices, real-time monitoring, and future trends. Economic considerations and policy frameworks in hydrogen production are addressed, including economic viability, policy implications, financial incentives, and regulatory challenges. Finally, the book summarises key insights, benefits, challenges, and the role of decentralized hydrogen communities in global energy. Decentralized Hydrogen: Using Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Blockchain is an invaluable reference for researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and policymakers involved in the hydrogen economy and will also be of interest to students seeking an overview of the subject.
Photochemical Splitting of Water: Fundamentals to Applications brings together information on photochemical water splitting for hydrogen production, covering basic concepts, mechanisms, instrumentation, experimental set-up, analysis, materials used as catalysts, innovative methods, and future opportunities. The book introduces the role of water splitting and hydrogen production in the current and future global energy mix and provides a basic understanding of the theories behind photochemical water splitting, instrumentation, experimental set-up, and the criteria for materials selection. Other sections offers thorough coverage of the use of specific cutting-edge active materials in photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic water splitting processes, discussing recent advances and future opportunities.The final chapters of the book focus on challenges, emerging trends, and key opportunities for the future, including tandem approaches that combine a solar cell with a suitably formulated water splitting cell. A glossary of technical terms is also included, providing a clear explanation of the main concepts.
Computational Analysis of Transport Phenomena and Performance of PEMFC presents a practical guide to the mathematical modeling and simulation of PEMFCs for all transport processes of mass, momentum, energy, ions, and electrons. Tackling one of the most important aspects of next-generation PEMFC technologies, the book brings together the state-of-the-art to model and simulate phenomena and processes at various scales, including catalyst layers, electrodes, membranes, and bipolar plates of PEMFC unit cells and stacks.Chapters introduce PEM fuel cells and explain the underlying electrochemical and thermodynamic concepts involved, present a detailed breakdown of the governing equations for overall mass, momentum, and energy conservation, charge (ions and electrons) conservation, water generation and its transport, heat generation, and heat transfer and cooling methods, offer an in-depth analysis of the various single and multi-dimensional modelling approaches and considerations, including lattice Boltzmann approach, artificial neural networks, exergy and energy analysis, estimation of fuel and oxidant consumption, the differences between cell-scale, stack-scale, and system-scale approaches, and more.
Biofuel Cells and Energy Generation analyzes the current state-of-the-art and offers solutions to key challenges in developing carbohydrate-based biofuel cell technology. The book provides a critical review of biofuel cell technology, including principles, components, applications, obstacles, and prospects, and assesses the economic, safety, health, and environmental implications. Sections focus on the diversity of biomass resources, the fundamental characteristics of biomass, the major effects of biomass composition variations on biofuel cell technology, and a thorough review of the research literature on approaches for decreasing the detrimental impacts of biomass variability on fuel cells.In addition, a comprehensive examination of biofuel cell technology's current state and applications is presented that is supported by an explanation of the fundamentals, concepts, mechanisms, characteristics, optimal parameters, analytical characterization techniques, diverse types, all-category materials, catalysts, engineering designs, implantable biofuel cells, applications, and critical criteria. A variety of applications are addressed, including power implanted devices in biomedical applications, biosensors for smart communities, and nanomaterials for biofuel cells, among others. For each application, unresolved issues are identified, and solutions proposed.