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Books in Applied geochemistry

11-20 of 20 results in All results

Geochemical Facies Analysis

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 11
  • November 12, 2012
  • Warner Ernst
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 0 1 8 1 - 0
Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics 11: Geochemical Facies Analysis summarizes research regarding geochemical analysis of sedimentary facies. It demonstrates the extent to which geochemical criteria can be used to interpret sedimentary facies and considers the physicochemical criteria that affect the sediments deposited, including salinity, temperature, and redox potential. It also examines element or isotope variations in sedimentary rocks that are associated with variations in the depositional environment. Organized into seven chapters, this volume begins by defining the facies. It also presents the prerequisites of geochemical facies analysis. This includes the permanence of the composition of the oceans through long periods of the Earth's history, along with climatic, tectonic, and biological influences. The book then discusses methodological prerequisites for the determination of geochemical facies. It provides the results of geochemical facies analyses, including those for hydrofacies, lithofacies, and biofacies. In addition, it explains the non-chemical methods of facies analysis. The book concludes by looking at practical applications and future importance of geochemical facies analysis. This is an invaluable source book for students, geochemists, and geophysicists.

Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 9
  • August 30, 2011
  • Colin E. Dunn
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 4 6 4 9 - 0
Significant refinements of biogeochemical methods applied to mineral exploration have been made during more than twenty years since the last major publication on this technique. This innovative, practical and comprehensive text is designed as a field handbook and an office reference volume. It outlines the historical development of biogeochemical methods applied to mineral exploration, and provides details of what, how, why and when to collect samples from all major climatic environments with examples from around the world. Recent commercialization of sophisticated analytical technology permits immensely more insight into the multi-element composition of plants. In particular, precise determination of ultra-trace levels of ‘pathfinder’ elements in dry tissues and recognition of element distribution patterns with respect to concealed mineralization. Data handling and interpretation are discussed in context of a wealth of previously unpublished information, including a section on plant mineralogy, much of which has been classified as confidential until recently. Data are provided on the biogeochemistry of more than 60 elements and, by case history examples, their roles discussed in assisting in the discovery of concealed mineral deposits. A look to the future includes the potential role of bacteria to provide new focus for mineral exploration. Analyses of samples from the controlled environment of Britain’s Eden Project are presented on an accompanying CD as part of a database that includes, also, the potential role of the halogens to assist in mineral exploration. Data on this CD provide a ‘hands-on’ approach for the reader to interrogate and personally assess real datasets from the burgeoning discipline of biogeochemical exploration.

Geochemistry of Earth Surface Systems

  • 1st Edition
  • September 27, 2010
  • Heinrich D Holland + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 6 7 0 6 - 6
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 6 7 0 7 - 3
Geochemistry of Earth Surface Systems offers an interdisciplinary reference for scientists, researchers and upper undergraduate and graduate level geochemistry students a sampling of articles on earth surface processes from The Treatise on Geochemistry that is more affordable than the full Treatise. For professionals, this volume will provide an overview of the field as a whole. For students, it will provide more in-depth introductory content than is found in broad-based geochemistry textbooks. Articles were selected from chapters across all volumes of the full Treatise, and include: Volcanic Degassing, Hydrothermal Processes, The Contemporary Carbon Cycle, Global Occurrence of Major Elements in Rivers, Organic Matter in the Contemporary Ocean, The Biological Pump, and Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks.

Readings from the Treatise on Geochemistry

  • 1st Edition
  • January 26, 2010
  • Heinrich D Holland + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 8 1 3 9 1 - 6
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 8 1 3 9 2 - 3
Readings from the Treatise on Geochemistry offers an interdisciplinary reference for scientists, researchers and upper undergraduate and graduate level geochemistry students that is more affordable than the full Treatise. For professionals, this volume will provide an overview of the field as a whole. For students, it will provide more in-depth introductory content than is found in broad-based geochemistry textbooks. Articles were selected from chapters across all volumes of the full Treatise, and include: The Origin and Earliest History of the Earth, Compositional Evolution of the Mantle, Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks, Soil Formation, Geochemistry of Groundwater, Geologic History of Seawater, Hydrothermal Processes, and Biogeochemistry of Primary Production in the Sea.

Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 11
  • October 12, 2006
  • Luigi Marini
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 6 6 8 8 - 0
The contents of this monograph are two-scope. First, it intends to provide a synthetic but complete account of the thermodynamic and kinetic foundations on which the reaction path modeling of geological CO2 sequestration is based. In particular, a great effort is devoted to review the thermodynamic properties of CO2 and of the CO2-H2O system and the interactions in the aqueous solution, the thermodynamic stability of solid product phases (by means of several stability plots and activity plots), the volumes of carbonation reactions, and especially the kinetics of dissolution/precipitation reactions of silicates, oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates. Second, it intends to show the reader how reaction path modeling of geological CO2 sequestration is carried out. To this purpose the well-known high-quality EQ3/6 software package is used. Setting up of computer simulations and obtained results are described in detail and used EQ3/6 input files are given to guide the reader step-by-step from the beginning to the end of these exercises. Finally, some examples of reaction-path- and reaction-transport-modeling taken from the available literature are presented. The results of these simulations are of fundamental importance to evaluate the amounts of potentially sequestered CO2, and their evolution with time, as well as the time changes of all the other relevant geochemical parameters (e.g., amounts of solid reactants and products, composition of the aqueous phase, pH, redox potential, effects on aquifer porosity). In other words, in this way we are able to predict what occurs when CO2 is injected into a deep aquifer.

Underground Injection Science and Technology

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 52
  • October 28, 2005
  • C-F. Tsang + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 7 9 0 - 1
Chapters by a distinguished group of international authors on various aspects of Underground Injection Science and Technology are organized into seven sections addressing specific topics of interest. In the first section the chapters focus on the history of deep underground injection as well regulatory issues, future trends and risk analysis. The next section contains ten chapters dealing with well testing and hydrologic modeling. Section 3, consisting of five chapters, addresses various aspects of the chemical processes affecting the fate of the waste in the subsurface environment. Consideration is given here to reactions between the waste and the geologic medium, and reactions that take place within the waste stream itself.The remaining four sections deal with experience relating to injection of, respectively, liquid wastes, liquid radioactive wastes in Russia, slurried solids, and compressed carbon dioxide. Chapters in Section 4, cover a diverse range of other issues concerning the injection of liquid wastes including two that deal with induced seismicity. In Section 5, Russian scientists have contributed several chapters revealing their knowledge and experience of the deep injection disposal of high-level radioactive liquid processing waste. Section 6 consists of five chapters that cover the technology surrounding the injection disposal of waste slurries. Among the materials considered are drilling wastes, bone meal, and biosolids. Finally, four chapters in Section 7 deal with questions relating to carbon dioxide sequestration in deep sedimentary aquifers. This subject is particularly topical as nations grapple with the problem of controlling the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Siberian river run-off in the Kara Sea

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 6
  • September 16, 2003
  • R. Stein + 4 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 5 1 4 2 - 3
Within the joint German-Russian research project "Siberian River Run-off (SIRRO)" multidisciplinary studies were carried out in the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and adjacent southern Kara Sea (Arctic Ocean). The overall goal of the project was to extend knowledge on understanding the freshwater and sediment input by the major Siberian rivers and its impact on the environments of the inner Kara Sea. The main results of oceanographical, biological, geochemical, geological and modelling studies are presented in four main chapters:(A) Modern Discharge: Data and modelling; (B) Discharge and biological processes, (C) Discharge and organic carbon cycle, and (D) Discharge and sediment records.

CO2 in Seawater: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Isotopes

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 65
  • October 15, 2001
  • R.E. Zeebe + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 0 9 4 6 - 8
Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas after water vapor in the atmosphere of the earth. More than 98% of the carbon of the atmosphere-ocean system is stored in the oceans as dissolved inorganic carbon. The key for understanding critical processes of the marine carbon cycle is a sound knowledge of the seawater carbonate chemistry, including equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties as well as stable isotope fractionation.Presenting the first coherent text describing equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties and stable isotope fractionation among the elements of the carbonate system. This volume presents an overview and a synthesis of these subjects which should be useful for graduate students and researchers in various fields such as biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, paleoceanography, marine biology, marine chemistry, marine geology, and others.The volume includes an introduction to the equilibrium properties of the carbonate system in which basic concepts such as equilibrium constants, alkalinity, pH scales, and buffering are discussed. It also deals with the nonequilibrium properties of the seawater carbonate chemistry. Whereas principle of chemical kinetics are recapitulated, reaction rates and relaxation times of the carbonate system are considered in details. The book also provides a general introduction to stable isotope fractionation and describes the partitioning of carbon, oxygen, and boron isotopes between the species of the carbonate system. The appendix contains formulas for the equilibrium constants of the carbonate system, mathematical expressions to calculate carbonate system parameters, answers to exercises and more.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles in the Climate System

  • 1st Edition
  • July 12, 2001
  • Ernst-Detlef Schulze + 6 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 6 3 1 2 6 0 - 7
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 0 7 4 0 - 8
The interactions of biogeochemical cycles influence and maintain our climate system. Land use and fossil fuel emissions are currently impacting the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur on land, in the atmosphere, and in the oceans.This edited volume brings together 27 scholarly contributions on the state of our knowledge of earth system interactions among the oceans, land, and atmosphere. A unique feature of this treatment is the focus on the paleoclimatic and paleobiotic context for investigating these complex interrelationships.

Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology

  • 1st Edition
  • January 11, 1999
  • C. Kendall + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 0 1 5 5 - 4
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 2 9 1 5 - 6
This book represents a new "earth systems" approach to catchments that encompasses the physical and biogeochemical interactions that control the hydrology and biogeochemistry of the system. The text provides a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of catchment hydrology, principles of isotope geochemistry, and the isotope variability in the hydrologic cycle -- but the main focus of the book is on case studies in isotope hydrology and isotope geochemistry that explore the applications of isotope techniques for investigating modern environmental problems.Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology is the first synthesis of physical hydrology and isotope geochemistry with catchment focus, and is a valuable reference for professionals and students alike in the fields of hydrology, hydrochemistry, and environmental science. This important interdisciplinary text provides extensive guidelines for the application of isotope techniques for all investigatores facing the challenge of protecting precious water, soil, and ecological resources from the ever-increasing problems associated with population growth and environmental change, including those from urban development and agricultural land uses.