Chemistry, Manufacture and Applications of Natural Rubber, Second Edition presents the latest advances in the processing, properties and advanced applications of natural rubber (NR), drawing on state-of-the-art research in the field. Chapters cover manufacturing, processing and properties of natural rubber, describing biosynthesis, vulcanization for improved performance, strain-induced crystallization, self-reinforcement, rheology and mechanochemistry for processing, computer simulation of properties, scattering techniques and stabilizing agents. Applications covered include natural rubber, carbon allotropes, eco-friendly soft bio-composites using NR matrices and marine products, the use of NR for high functionality such as shape memory, NR for the tire industry, and natural rubber latex with advanced applications. This is an essential resource for academic researchers, scientists and (post)graduate students in rubber science, polymer science, materials science and engineering, and chemistry. In industry, this book enables professionals, R&D, and producers across the natural rubber, tire, rubber and elastomer industries, as well as across industries looking to use natural rubber products, to understand and utilize natural rubber for cutting-edge applications.
Databook of Flame Retardants contains information on commonly-used additives broken out into five sections, including General, Physical, Health and Safety, Ecological, and Use. Over one hundred types of data are included for over three hundred and fifty commercial-based products. All data fields are defined and include a broad range of information, such as calcium contents, molecular mass, brightness, freezing/melting points, viscosity, volatility, UN/NA class, autoignition temperature, partition coefficient, processing methods, concentrations used, and more. This book is best utilized in tandem with the Handbook of Flame Retardants.Each book complements the other without repeating information, with the other release explaining the role of these products, their selection, mechanism of action, use in different polymers and products, and health and commercial issues related to flame retardants.
Nonwood Plant Fibers for Pulp and Paper examines the use of nonwood plant fibers for pulp and paper, worldwide pulping capacity of nonwood fibers, categories of non-wood raw materials, problems associated with the utilization of non-wood fibers, pulping, bleaching, chemical recovery and papermaking of nonwood raw materials, the use of nonwood plant fibers in specific paper and paperboard grades, and the advantages and drawbacks of using nonwood fiber for papermaking and future prospects. This book gives professionals in the field the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on the state-of- the-art techniques and aspects involved in pulp and paper making from nonwood plant fibers.
Techniques for Corrosion Monitoring, Second Edition, reviews electrochemical techniques for corrosion monitoring, such as polarization techniques, potentiometric methods, electrochemical noise and harmonic analyses, galvanic sensors, differential flow through cells and multielectrode systems. Other sections analyze the physical or chemical methods of corrosion monitoring, including gravimetric, radioactive tracer, hydrogen permeation, electrical resistance and rotating cage techniques, and examine corrosion monitoring in special environments such as microbial systems, concrete and soil, and remote monitoring and model predictions. A final group of chapters case studies covering ways in which corrosion monitoring can be applied to engine exhaust systems, cooling water systems, and more. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, this book is a valuable reference guide for engineers and scientific and technical personnel who deal with corrosion in such areas as automotive engineering, power generation, water suppliers and the petrochemical industry.
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Guidelines: Technical Guide for Managing CUI, Third Edition, Volume 55 builds upon the success of the first two editions to provide a fully up-to-date, practical source of information on how to monitor and manage insulated systems. In the first edition of this book published in 2008, the EFC Working Parties WP13 and WP15 engaged together to provide guidelines on managing CUI with contributions from a number of European refining, petrochemical, and offshore companies. The guidelines were intended for use on all plants and installations that contain insulated vessels, piping, and equipment, and cover a risk-based inspection methodology for CUI, inspection techniques, and recommended best practices for mitigating CUI. The guidelines include design of plant and equipment, coatings and the use of thermal spray techniques, types of insulation, cladding/jacketing materials, and protection guards. Corrosion-under-insulation (CUI) refers to the external corrosion of piping and vessels that occurs underneath externally clad/jacketed insulation as a result of the penetration of water. By its very nature CUI tends to remain undetected until the insulation and cladding/jacketing is removed to allow inspection, or when leaks occur. CUI is a common problem shared by the refining, petrochemical, power, industrial, onshore and offshore industries.
Nano Plating (II): A Metallurgical Approach to Electrochemical Theory and Its Applications to Technology is the result of the author’s 50 years of research. The author reviews the vast experimental results of electrochemical phenomena in light of metallurgical knowledge and proposes theories that can give new insights in electrochemical thermodynamics and predict many phenomena in this field. The book complements Tohru Watanabe’s previous book on nano-plating published by Elsevier in 2004.
Nanoalloys, Second Edition, provides a self-contained reference on the physics and chemistry of nanoscale alloys, dealing with all important aspects that range from the theoretical concepts and the practical synthesis methods to the characterization tools. The book also covers modern applications of nanoalloys in materials science, catalysis or nanomedicine and discusses their possible toxicity.
Mechanics of Materials in Modern Manufacturing Methods and Processing Techniques provides a detailed overview of the latest developments in the mechanics of modern metal forming manufacturing. Focused on mechanics as opposed to process, it looks at the mechanical behavior of materials exposed to loading and environmental conditions related to modern manufacturing processes, covering deformation as well as damage and fracture processes. The book progresses from forming to machining and surface-treatment processes, and concludes with a series of chapters looking at recent and emerging technologies. Other topics covered include simulations in autofrettage processes, modeling strategies related to cutting simulations, residual stress caused by high thermomechanical gradients and pultrusion, as well as the mechanics of the curing process, forging, and cold spraying, among others. Some non-metallic materials, such as ceramics and composites, are covered as well.
Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling provides a complete overview of uncertainty quantification (UQ) in computational materials science. It provides practical tools and methods along with examples of their application to problems in materials modeling. UQ methods are applied to various multiscale models ranging from the nanoscale to macroscale. This book presents a thorough synthesis of the state-of-the-art in UQ methods for materials modeling, including Bayesian inference, surrogate modeling, random fields, interval analysis, and sensitivity analysis, providing insight into the unique characteristics of models framed at each scale, as well as common issues in modeling across scales.
Heterocyclic Organic Corrosion Inhibitors: Principles and Applications aims to comprehend the synthesis and application of organic heterocyclic compounds as corrosion inhibitors in various corrosive environments. Considering the high importance of corrosion inhibitor development for different industries, the book provides the fundamentals and most recent advancements in this field. The book is an indispensable reference tool for industrialists and academicians working in the field of corrosion protection.